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Blog Comments posted by CEDAvsFan


    16 hours ago, Jodi R. said:

    Thank you for posting this. I was starting to feel like I’m the only one going through something like this. 

    Commissioner Elvin Villalobos in Tamarac Florida has been abusing his position as a government official to silence anyone who criticizes his actions as a politician on NextDoor. Two women named Kate Johnson and Beth Starkweather are members of the Review Team and help Elvin to perpetuate this unfair treatment. Kate and Beth aren’t even using their real names but their accounts aren’t banned. They also allow many discriminatory posts to go unchecked but quickly flag posts simply because they don’t like the person who posts it. 

    I wish we could bring attention to this on a national level and force Nextdoor to change its policies. The community moderator system is flawed. 

    Next Door is so lax and hideously incompetent when it comes to their bigoted bully mods that it's given said mods such a superiority complex. The worst of the worst is Autumn Leigh Martin, who established her racism with her comments about a Latinx woman whose area was vandalized by a young White child. Even worse, she can't handle being called out or being exposed, because she'll go on racist tirades against those who do. I am a recent victim of Autumn's psychotic behavior. On TikTok, Autumn called me a thug on two occasions, she made a number of threats towards me, and she even went as far as falsely accusing me of sexually assaulting her! I have the receipts to prove it; here's my video on YouTube detailing my ordeal:

    A Racist Karen Harassed Me on TikTok!

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  2. Very well said!! Next Door is absolutely toxic, hypocritical, and horrendous. The way they condone their racist and bullying mods' behavior is just disgusting. Even worse, Next Door gets all snippy and b***hy when they get called out. They can't handle the truth! Good for you for standing up against Next Door's bullsh*t and nonsense! They are absolutely pathetic! They kiss up to their mods way too much! It's absolutely hideous!

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