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Everything posted by CEDAvsFan

  1. https://tvline.com/news/a-simple-favor-2-release-date-spoilers-sequel-cast-amazon-1235193022/ Whoohoo!!! I loved the 2018 film, and I am so excited for this sequel!!
  2. I want to say I heard about this. That woman should be arrested. Dishwashers are filthy as f**k; she's putting people in danger serving that sh*t.
  3. As the saying goes, "Karma's a b***h." Especially for a lying, racist c**t like Sherri Papini.
  4. I absolutely can't stand "billynomates.1988" and Derrick Bower, aka "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad." I really can't. Those two have been tuning up my mental health like a fiddle with the way they've been bullying me. It nearly put me in the same place that I was in a decade ago when I was relentlessly bullied, and later told, In so many words, to either deal with it or get off social media in response. The difference between ten years ago and now: I didn't have a support system back then. I do now. So speaking of "billynomates1988," he was going around on Sunday stating that he found out the truth about Bowzer being a toxic racist and misogynist and all else, and that he was cutting ties with them and ending his friendship with them. Yet...Billy's still repeating a lot of the same sh*t that Bowzer's been saying, and still trying to shame and insult myself and Miley. So Billy's still spouting that crap, word for word, and that and his past actions show that this whole "cutting ties" thing he's claiming, it's just a bunch of crap. And these receipts prove it: Those screenshots show Billy's continued bullying towards us, and his continued parroting of Bowzer's tone-deaf crap. And then there's this: That collage shows Billy's misogyny against cisgender women; basically labelling all of them as predators and groomers. It is wrong to label any and all women as predators and groomers, whether its transwomen or ciswomen. Billy's statements are absolutely wrong and hateful. As for Bowzer, well, this tweet from them shows that they've been stalking Miley, and stalking myself as well. My goodness. So yeah, Bowzer and Billy are full of sh*t. They're not the only ones. Sadly, someone on Tiktok has been speaking in favor of Bowzer: And as if that wasn't bad enough, here's this same person talking out of both sides of their mouth in this comment: Now, this baffles me. Is this person defending Bowzer or defending Miley. Defending Miley is the right route to take. Saying Bowzer wasn't wrong is absolutely dead wrong. Bowzer was wrong. They were condescending, they were bigoted, and they were purposely portraying themself as someone ""educating an extreme transphobe," when in actuality, Miley is a big time ally, and Bowzer was bullying Miley. So I went to that person and explained to them what was wrong with that part of the comment where they start off defending DH. This was the response I got: So according to that person, being a condescending, bigoted, and lying jerk is well and good if you're "gentle, kind, and honest." Oh boy SMH Everything is detailed in my Tiktoks below. These bullies are really working my last nerve. The person's comments slyway defending DH have caused Miley and myself to be harassed even more. This really needs to be stopped, and it really needs to be nipped in the bud, so we can all truly move on. My Tiktoks: https://www.tiktok.com/@clydeedawkins/video/7350100131213217070 https://www.tiktok.com/@clydeedawkins/video/7350201005386108203 For those of you on Tiktok, you might want to make use of the block button for 6 of Dhbowzer's accounts. https://www.tiktok.com/@dhbowzeryournonbinarydad https://www.tiktok.com/@dhbowzersh*tposting https://www.tiktok.com/@dhbowzer_retro_cafe1 https://www.tiktok.com/@dhbowzer_the_foodie https://www.tiktok.com/@dhbowzer_tabletop https://www.tiktok.com/@dhbowzer_video_gaming You also might want to block Billy Duffy's Tiktok accounts too. His ability the play the victim role knows no bounds, just like a rabid Oilers fan. https://www.tiktok.com/@billynomates.1988 https://www.tiktok.com/@billynomates1988
  5. A teenager (Scarlett Estevez) living with her father (Kevin Alejandro) and her stepmother (CJ Perry) receives an anonymous message regarding the mysterious death of Scarlett's mother (Camila Banus) five years prior. Upon learning about this, Kevin and CJ warn Scarlett about digging deeper into Camila's death, with CJ stating that a Camila's death was connected to a dangerous drug cartel. Scarlett later receives an online message from a masked villainess who introduced herself as "La Reina de la Muerte," and later on, Scarlett meets with the mysterious person who sent the message about Camila's death, revealed as a close friend of Camila's (Mair Mulroney) Mair revealed that Camila had received the same message from "La Reina de la Muerte," but later on, Mair suddenly disappears, with the event being told on the news. CJ does a press conference vowing to prosecute against whoever's behind the abduction, but it's followed by CJ driving to a secluded area and an abandoned house...which has Mair tied up to a chair. CJ turned heel afterwards and revealed herself as "La Reina de la Muerte," revealing that she had been running a side drug selling scheme and had murdered Camila by giving her the same pills she had been selling. In addition, the evil CJ revealed to Mair that Camila knew nothing about her business; she simply killed her because she wanted Kevin, and CJ's use of an accent and other attributes was racially motivated, leaving Scarlett on an additional quest to save Mair, as well as stop her evil stepmother. Additional cast includes Paola Nunez as Camila's sister and Scarlett's aunt, Matthew Pohlkamp and Elizabeth Berkley as competent detectives, and Sloan Mannino as Scarlett's best friend. Distributor: Reel One Entertainment EPs: Brittany Underwood and Lindsay Hartley Co-EP: CJ Perry Director: Roxanne Boisvert
  6. During ABC's coverage of the Panthers/Rangers game, it was announced that this year's Stanley Cup Playoffs will begin on April 20. I do love the Stanley Cup Playoffs; the NHL definitely has the best postseason out of all of the four main leagues. The Stanley Cup Playoffs serve as the best eight week stretch in sports; it's a period full of chaos, nail biting moments, and epic occurrences! Here's a brief history of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. In 1942, the NHL (which began play 25 years prior in 1917) was whittled down to just six teams after so many other franchises folded. Those six teams: the Boston Bruins, the Chicago Blackhawks, the Detroit Red Wings, the Montréal Canadiens, the New York Rangers, and the Toronto Maple Leafs. For the next quarter-century, those six teams served as the entire league, and the playoff format saw the top four teams qualify. A two-round playoffs took place: the Semifinals and the Final. When the league doubled in size from six teams to 12 in 1967, so did the playoff population--from four teams to eight, with the top four teams from each division (West and East) qualifying for a three round playoffs: Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Final. The 1974-75 season saw a division realignment as the teams kept adding up, with the league consisting of two conferences and four divisions (two divisions per conference). The playoff format saw the top 12 teams qualify based on record, with the four division winners getting byes to the Quarterfinals, while the other eight teams faced off in a best-of-3 preliminary round. It was five years later in the 1979-80 season that the league first started qualifying 16 teams for the Stanley Cup Playoffs, and it's been 16 teams ever since (with the exception of the COVID-affected 2020 playoffs, which saw 24 teams participate). For two seasons, it was the top 16 teams based on record, then beginning in the 1981-82 season, the top four teams in each division qualified, and the first two rounds were division based (Division Semifinals and Finals), which was followed by the Conference Finals and the Stanley Cup Final (this format would return in the shortened 2020-21 season). The 1993-94 season did away with the division based rounds and kept the first three rounds conference based, and in the 2013-14 season, the format changed to the current version which seems the top three teams in each division qualify, while each conference's last two spots are decided via a Wild Card format, regardless of division. 16 teams, four rounds, all in a best-of-seven format, and loaded with all of the chaos in the world. Of course, there's also overtime. God bless that overtime. In the regular season, we get a five-minute overtime played in a three-on-three format, followed by a shootout. In the playoffs, overtime is five-on-five, and it's 20 minutes--same as a regulation period. And if nothing's settled after overtime, they play another one, and another one if it's needed, and so on. Sudden death, play until someone scores. That results in some LOOOOOOOONG games. Remember the five-overtime game in the bubble in 2020? And last year gave us that four-OT game that almost needed a fifth overtime period! I am ready for the Stanley Cup Playoffs, especially as a Colorado Avalanche fan who definitely believes that another Cup is in the cards!
  7. A familiar feeling is close to coming back, and it's one I had attempted to bury for 10 years. A decade ago, I was relentlessly bullied on social media, and NGL, it really played a number on my mental health. The main reason was because I felt totally alone when I was hit with relentless racist bullying, along with some homophobe saying that I was gay solely because I was wearing a WWE t-shirt that showed my fandom of Natalya, a member of WWE's Women's Division. Straight males can be fans of female wrestlers, but that jackoff who attacked me like that clearly had no clue. SInce then, I do get the occasional racist harassment directed towards me, and when I stand up to them, I get told in so many words that it's "all in my head" and I get victim shamed and even accused of being "anti-White" ("anti-White" is not a thing BTW; that's a hyphenated buzzword spouted by racists and some RWNJs in an attempt to shame minorities). So what's bringing me to tell this? Well, the White-splainer "billynomates.1988" is attacking me again. So get this. Because I didn't put on my tap shoes and say "Yazzir boss" to him telling me in so many words to "stay in your place, boy," he's bringing out the slander and accusing me of being bigoted and being anti-LGBT. That is the last thing I am. I'm a big time LGBT-ally. Homophobia and transphobia make my stomach turn. And the fact that Billy is accusing me of this tells me that he's never seen my Tiktoks condemning homophobes and transphobes. I call it out and speak against such bigotry on so many platforms Billy and "dhbowseryournonbinarydad" damaged my mental health yesterday. Thankfully, it wasn't as damaged as it was 10 years ago, but I was mentally exhausted yesterday. Bullies like that have no remorse, no conscience, and no class. They really did a number on my mental well being, but I did rise above it by the late afternoon thanks to some awesome people and some great distractions. Here are my two past blogs addressing these bullies.
  8. Those two have no class. They are horrible bullies who resort to having others harass those who stand up to them. They are also tone-deaf and racist; the way they talked to me definitely gave off a "know your place, boy" vibe. They need to learn to be better people, but I doubt they will.
  9. I really looked forward to this day. It was going to be a day consisting of watching some March Madness, the L&O shows on Peacock, and some hockey and SmackDown. Sadly, that ended up hampered by a number of bullies on Tiktok. I did mention before that a Tiktoker simply known as "dhbowzeryourbinarydad" (real name Derrick Bower) was bullying @GMileyCollier78 and falsely accusing her of being transphobic when she clearly wasn't. Their attention turned to me later on, as I was told that "when a person from a marginalized community corrects you to do better, you should learn from that." They clearly saw that I'm a Black person, yet I got White-splained about marginalized communities, even though I'm a member of a marginalized community. I'm dead serious, when I saw those words, you know what phrase I really saw? One we've heard too many times: "Know your place, boy." That's basically what Derrick said to me in so many words. It became worse, as another Tiktoker, "billynomates1988," had the nerve to bully Miley and myself, as Billy constantly harassed Miley, while he also White-splained to me what an LGBT ally is, even though I've known and been one for over 20 years. Someone known as "angel" made about three accounts and used all of them to harass Miley and myself with many threatening replies to us. I found myself mentally exhausted over this, but I did recover. Sports related distractions (and a Saved by the Bell binge) helped. Thankfully, there is some light to the darkness, in the form of this: "Flossy Face," "Sephe," and "Squirrel Tata's" have all come through with revelations that Derrick is a known racist. Flossy Face revealed that Derrick is a misogynist and has participated in a group chat that engaged in anti-Blackness, and that they also helped harass a survivor of domestic violence. Squirrel Tata's is a victim of Derrick's racism and misogyny, and Sephe referred to them as "an embarrassment to the non-binary community." In other words, Derrick's a few steps away from being Ezra Miller. I'm grateful to those three for exposing Derrick Bower's hateful conduct. It made this day easier to stomach, and I enjoyed the rest of it as my nerves and anxieties were put to bed. Bullies like Derrick Bower, angel, and Billy are misusing social media by using it to spread fear, intimidation, and yes, hate. There's no place for such tactics in social media. Social media is a safe space, plain and simple
  10. You and Miley are both amazing and awesome women and awesome humans. Billy and Bowser are classless clowns who need help and need to get a life
  11. Adam Sandler is working on ‘Happy Gilmore 2,’ according to Christopher McDonald WHOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!! I've wanted a sequel to Happy Gilmore for years! I've always felt that a continuation could happen! Thank God this is happening! I would think that Dennis Dugan would be back at the director's helm, and of course it would be Sandler, Julie Bowen, and Christopher McDonald returning. I can also see Sandler paying tribute to the late, great Carl Weathers, who played Chubbs Peterson in the 1996 film, and reprised the role in 2000's Little Nicky in a cameo appearance, and there has to be a tribute to the late, great icon Bob Barker, who kicked Happy's a** in the original. I read that we'll have to wait just a bit longer for a release: the summer of 2026. It's because of Sandler's uber-busy movie schedule, but also, 2026 marks the original film's 30th anniversary.
  12. So this Patricia Silva saga has taken quite a crazy turn. So a Tiktoker simply known as "dhbowzeryourbinarydad" (real name Derrick Bower) went on a tangent and falsely accused Miley of being transphobic, and when a few good people stood up for Miley against them, they claimed that they were "teaching" her to "be better." Even more insulting, Derrick had the nerve to say that being an LGBT ally isn't "taken"--you can only be one when they deem you one. That's not how that works. Being an LGBT ally means doing right by the community, standing up against any and all wrongs against them, and supporting them when they needed. Miley is an ally. So am I. Yet I also became subjected to harassment from Derrick. The kicker came when Derrick had the nerve to say that "when a person from a marginalized community corrects you to do better, you should learn from that." Ummm...do they not know that I'm also from a marginalized community, too? Apparently not, because they saw my profile photo yet still tried to White-splain marginalized communities to me. Even crazier, Derrick's basically egging on their followers to harass Miley. Screenshots of Derrick's bullying comments are in the link below: https://imgur.com/a/9QDw98v I have a crazy theory. What if Derrick actually supports Patricia Silva's bullsh*t? The way they are acting against Miley and against myself tells that they may actually support Patricia's hideously bigoted bullsh*t. I wouldn't be surprised; after all, look at Caitlyn Jenner. She started off as a big time hero for trans representation when she transitioned, but in just a few short years, Caitlyn turned heel and exposed herself as a disgusting self-hating transphobe; hell, she's even spoken out against Lia Thomas. I seriously would not be shocked if Derrick Bower is on Patricia Silva's side; they're certainly acting like Patricia with their conduct.
  13. Another day, another batch of transphobic crap from Patricia Silva. The cockroach never dies. So Patricia Silva is still living in this fantasy world where a 12-y.o. naked child was in the women's locker room with a trans woman. And she's living in this fantasy world where she's right about everything. Seriously, Patricia's head should have a sign that says "This space for rent." She is disgustingly hideous--inside and out. She is dumb, bigoted, psychotic, unhinged, and a plague to society. And yet Newsmax wants her a** on TV Not surprised that Newsmax wants her. After all, that channel is a hotbed for RWNJs to drink in all of the racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, Putin a**-kissing bullsh*t. Patricia's rhetoric has no place on any forum, and yet, some TV platforms actually want to promote her bullsh*t and her hateful rhetoric. Patricia Silva is not only a hateful bigot and a liar, she's a big time fame wh**e. She's a lower life form. She's a cockroach. And as usual, I have receipts! Plenty of them! They're in this YouTube video below!
  14. Senators Warned of China Spying Efforts Through TikTok The way I see it, this is more of that anti-Asian racist crap. They say, "Well, China's a Communist country." It's not the only one. Why is no one speaking against Russia?
  15. https://tvline.com/news/nbc-renewed-shows-2024-chicago-fire-law-and-order-svu-1235191067/ Hmmm...this is a surprise, and not a good one. Glad the Chicago shows and the other L&Os are coming back, but I hope Organized Crime gets a fifth season.
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