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Blog Comments posted by CEDAvsFan

  1. Not only should Patricia Silva be sued, she should be arrested. Everything about her actions screams "Hate crime"! Plus she's clearly lying! She harps on about a naked 12 y.o. child, but when she mentioned it one time, the "child" isn't mentioned. Plus, she later refers to the child as a "young woman." Last time I checked, 12 is still a child. As I said before, the lie about the child means that Patricia's just a hateful bigot. But even so, if there was a child, Patricia still took pictures. So if she's telling the truth, she's a pervert. Patricia needs to be behind bars; she clearly broke laws in this case.

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  2. Toots.Goods is an absolute nutcase. She was tone deaf from the start, then she comes out with the excuses. As I told Toots.Goods, ignorance of the facts is no excuse, and then when she realized she was wrong, she attacks Miley and hurls slurs towards me. That mississippi kween clown was another insane psycho. Seriously, how do they let toxic pricks like that on social media? It's just hideous!

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  3. 14 hours ago, Angie said:

    How do the new playoff rules compare to the current regular game rules?

    In the regular season, overtime ends on a touchdown in the period's very first possession. If a field goal occurs on the period's first possession, then the other team gets the ball with a chance to tie it with a field goal or win it with a touchdown. If the opening possession is scoreless, then sudden death rules apply. Sudden death rules also apply if each team gets a field goal.

    In the playoffs, since the 2022 season, it is guaranteed that both teams will get the ball at least once, meaning that an opening drive touchdown will see the extra point attempted, and the opposition with the ball with a chance to get a TD of their own. 

    I knew the new playoff overtime would be good, what we saw in the Super Bowl on Sunday proved that. I say that even though I wasn't that crazy about the NFL changing the OT rules, because they had just changed them in 2010, and they only changed them for playoff games again in 2022 because Buffalo Bills fans were b***hing after the OT playoff loss to KC two seasons ago. However, the new OT did make the Super Bowl very very thrilling, and I can see the NFL putting this format into regular season games as soon as next season, but no later than the 2025 season.

  4. 7 hours ago, Billie Jean said:

    In a nutshell both teams can possess the ball. They play until an overtime period ends with one team having the highest score. Do I have it right?

    In playoff games, both teams are guaranteed to possess the ball in overtime. However, the overtime period is not played out in its entirety. For example, after San Francisco got their field goal, if Kansas City had been stopped on four straight plays right there, the game ends and the Niners would have won. 

    For regular season games, they still have the rule where an opening possession touchdown wins the game. In regular season games, the only way that both teams get the ball in overtime is if the first possession results in either a field goal or no points. And in the regular season, games can end in a tie.




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