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Blog Comments posted by CEDAvsFan

  1. I absolutely despise NextDoor! They preach about their rules, but they sure as hell don't follow them! All they do is kiss up to and pander to their toxic-a** mods, and they do absolutely nothing when their mods spew their hatred. Autumn Leigh Martin should be in a f**king prison and not serve as a moderator for anything! It sickens me how they operate!

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  2. 19 hours ago, PF Gym Rat said:

    I don't know why you don't hate The Oilers. After all they bred the toxic fanbase they have. They like toxic tweets by them attacking fans of rival teams. The players are a**h**es.


    McDavid has talent. But as a person, he is a f**king b*st**d. I believe him calling my trans friend a f**g*t qualifies for that judgement. He just wanted to know why he preferred the Oilers over others teams. Needless to say, we tore up our autographs. 

    And there's reason #39393939349494 why I'm glad I'm an Avalanche fan. Plus the Oilers have Corey Perry and Evander Kane. That doesn't help them either.

  3. 9 hours ago, Billie Jean said:

    Genxpuma is anything but inclusive. If she was as inclusive as she badly tries to be, she wouldn't have responded to that figure of speech "now kids don't fight" so harshly. She responded like the commenter was attacking her.

    She makes ACTUAL inclusive people look totally bad,

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  4. 6 hours ago, Cheerleader Vicky said:

    Are you saying she is racist? How can she be against black people since she is black?

    There are Black people who express anti-Black sentiment. Some examples:  Draymond Green, a notorious player for the Golden State Warriors who actually spoke out against Black History Month. Candace Owens is another one; she hates anything that stands for diversity and denies the existence of any and all racism against Black people. A pair of Black sports talking heads, Sage Steele and Jason Whitlock, speak out against pro-Black sentiments--in fact, Sage was against Colin Kaepernick. That's just a few examples out of many.

    As shocking as it is, some Black people are anti-Black. I truly think that Squirrel's one of them. The fact that she flat out accused me of misogyny shows it; society has been indoctrinated for so many decades with the racist falsehood that Black and Latinx men are misogynistic.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, Giddy Aunt said:

    Excellent blog 👏 

    It's very revealing to see how SpiritualSquirrelVox has set herself up as some sort of all seeing eye saviour.

    I find it chilling to see the way that she tried to tell you in DMs what to do and to try get you to do her bidding. She was indeed using your experience with Bowser to attempt back up her own (alleged experience) and when you dared challenge her- which you did respectfully yet assertively,  she lost her mind. 

    She saw you as someone she could use and when you didn't play to her rules she discarded you and has turned on you.

    I can confirm that the twitter account that is bullying you: Not your fem, IS Jade/SpiritualSquirrelVox (or whatever her @ is now)

    I recognise her house,  her dog and in some posts about a local Facebook group she is in you can clearly see her name. 

    She is a very toxic and manipulative bully. Even worse than I'd first thought!


    Seriously, Squirrel needs to be locked up for sure.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Red Kevin said:

    I could be off, but are you sure it was even dhbowzeryournonbinarydad that initiated the massive harassment against you and not Squirrel? It's convenient she shows up when it starts.

    Excellent point. Honestly, both of them are capable of anything. A thought I had is that those two are actually friends and they acted like enemies just to get attention for themselves.

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  7. SpiritualSquirrelVox is absolutely toxic. She lives in this delusion that she's speaking out for the right things, but she's really not. Real activists don't tear down others. Real activists don't resort to verbal attacks when they are questioned. The comments she hurled toward me perpetuated stereotypes against Black men, the main one being that Black men are misogynistic (a racist stereotype that has also been aimed at Latinx men). Squirrel is a manipulator, a liar, a stalker, and yes, she's a bit of a bigot herself.

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  8. 23 minutes ago, Norrie Calvert said:

    I guess you must have seen her latest post where she calls @GMileyCollier78 a c**t and says she won't leave her alone.

    Squirrel called me one as well. And Squirrel's false accusations against me perpetuate negative stereotypes against Black (and Latinx) men--mainly this false belief that we're all misogynists. Squirrel, to me, is anti-Black.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Giddy Aunt said:

    I made an account after following a tiktok link here,  just to say how relieved I am that people are catching onto her!


    She's a self important egotistical, aggressive bully. 

    I had a run in with her,  similar to Ambers,  where a completely innocent comment of mine was made into a scathing ego feeding video reply from her and then I was BLOCKED. 

    I am a mixed race, middle aged woman, inclusive of all minority communities, but she implied I was racist and my language was a microaggression.

    I don't want to reveal my tt handle because she is a bully and I don't need the hassle but I watched her (before me) go after so many people in her comments. 

    I think she does it to feed her ego and for clout. She loves the pile in that she causes. 

    One recent example- 

    The squirrel made a video addressing a tiktok lady who makes cleaning videos (Ann) Ann was referring to HER OWN HAIR as a mop. Squirrel made it into a racist issue, using her word salad she made a scathing implication that Ann was using racist language and told her to do better. Squirrel has NO business policing someone's language about their own body, especially if its unsolicited. 

    I was upset for Ann, who saw the video and has ignored it because she likely realised that Squirrel was rage baiting.  Squirrel will be very disappointed that she didn't get a reaction but Ann is a smart woman and knows a twit when she sees one. 

    Squirrel is troublesome,  she says she teaches diversity,  well,  God help her students is all I can say 😬😬


    Squirrel's certifiably insane. She's another Carlee Russell--minus the fake disappearance.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Amber Mera said:

    I believe that Spiritual Squirrel Vox could benefit from seeing a therapist. She needs to sort out what it is that makes her see those in disagreement with her as some threat to her. 


    I remember you telling me she begged a friend of yours to get you to unblock her. Does that sound like a stable person?

    I agree; she definitely needs all sorts of help. And yeah, stable people definitely do not beg others to be unblocked by someone else. Sounds like stalkerish behavior from Squirrel.

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  11. 33 minutes ago, Spirit Squad said:

    I see a lot wrong with this picture.


    1) Spiritualsquirrelvox gives the idea that her reason for defending Miley is that DHBowzer and his bunch are sexist. There's no mention of them trying to make her look like a transphobe. 


    2) Spiritualsquirrelvox accused one friend of yours of microaggressions that were non existent. But is guilty of microaggressions against another friend of yours.


    3) Why did Spiritualsquirrelvox suddenly delete the videos in which she supposedly defended Miley? One, she kind of did. The other, she degrades her in a few small ways with microaggressions 


    4) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox only pay attention to you or Miley when you are useful and don't ask questions?


    5) Why has Spiritualsquirrelvox shown no proof of her being a victim of DHBowzer?


    6) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox seem more interested in other peoples' experiences with regards to DHBowzer than her own?


    7) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox talk down to people until they see eye to eye?


    8) Why is it those that seem to disagree with Spiritualsquirrelvox are treated as if they are either ignorant or using harmful language?


    9) Do you think Spiritualsquirrelvox used you so she and her friends have more proof of the bully that DHBowzer is so their complaints are more heard?

    All great questions. I will address them one by one.

    1) Spiritualsquirrelvox gives the idea that her reason for defending Miley is that DHBowzer and his bunch are sexist. There's no mention of them trying to make her look like a transphobe. (Absolutely right. Squirrel never mentions that DHBowzer falsely accused Miley of being transphobic. That's very telling.)

    2) Spiritualsquirrelvox accused one friend of yours of microaggressions that were non existent. But is guilty of microaggressions against another friend of yours. (A classic case of deceitful hypocrisy on Squirrel's part. To me, it's Squirrel suggesting that she's always in the right but everyone else is in the wrong. Textbook narcissism from Squirrel)

    3) Why did Spiritualsquirrelvox suddenly delete the videos in which she supposedly defended Miley? One, she kind of did. The other, she degrades her in a few small ways with microaggressions (If I had to guess, it's part of Squirrel's attempt to vilify Miley, and also cover her own backside because she was degrading Miley in those same videos)

    4) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox only pay attention to you or Miley when you are useful and don't ask questions? (Because Squirrel's a clout scavenger who wanted us to blindly kiss her a**)

    5) Why has Spiritualsquirrelvox shown no proof of her being a victim of DHBowzer? (Simple answer:  Squirrel was never a victim. At least I'm starting to think she wasn't)

    6) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox seem more interested in other peoples' experiences with regards to DHBowzer than her own? (If you take the answers to Question 4 and Question 5, you have the answer to Question 6)

    7) Why does Spiritualsquirrelvox talk down to people until they see eye to eye? (Because if we see through her bullsh*t, it ruins Squirrel's twisted narrative that she's the moral authority)

    8) Why is it those that seem to disagree with Spiritualsquirrelvox are treated as if they are either ignorant or using harmful language? (Because if she realizes that the people speaking against her are right and justified, it ruins Squirrel's twisted narrative that she's the moral authority)

    9) Do you think Spiritualsquirrelvox used you so she and her friends have more proof of the bully that DHBowzer is so their complaints are more heard? (Yes I do, and I'll go one further. I think Squirrel saw that myself and Miley were both people from marginalized communities, and decided to use that fact to get clout for herself. It's the equivalent of how a politician caters to marginalized communities for the sole reason of getting their votes)

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  12. 5 hours ago, Princess Meghan said:

    Billynomates and Dhbowzer are bad apples. That, I don't doubt. But here's what doesn't sit well with me. Spiritualsquirrelvox stating why she defended you and Miley.


    The reason she gave for you matches. But the reason she gave for Miley, doesn't match! I thought she defended her because she was being falsely portrayed as a transphobe. 

    I know, right? Squirrel totally dismissed that, she completely ignored the fact that Miley was falsely accused of being a transphobe. Squirrel is shady as all hell.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Gwen said:

    I am a trans woman. I've medically transitioned already. @GMileyCollier78 is the most accepting person I know. She spoke with my parents when I tried to kill myself . I felt unloved and unwanted. She helped them to see the harm that they were doing to me.


    I am disgusted at this Billy and Bowser! I looked over everything. They never even tried to let her explain herself. I am not offended in the least that she referred to herself as "a natural born female". Those people harassing you both need to find a hobby. Better yet, a job.

    You and Miley are both amazing and awesome women and awesome humans. Billy and Bowser are classless clowns who need help and need to get a life

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