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Blog Entries posted by CEDAvsFan

  1. CEDAvsFan
    I want to explain something about myself as a hockey fan. I don't hate the Edmonton Oilers. I'm a fan of Connor McDavid. However, I absolutely despise Oilers fans.
    This has nothing to do with the fact that the Oilers trounced my Avalanche. This actually dates back a few years. So I'm quite vocal with how the Oilers are basically ruining McDavid's career. McDavid's one of the best players in the league, but he has never even been in the Cup Final because the Oilers f**k up when it counts. It wasn't until I joined Vocal that I really started mentioning, on a public forum, that the Oilers are ruining McDavid's career. I even said that McDavid needs to get out of Edmonton if he wants to win a Cup. I said this after the Oilers were swept out of the first round in 2021, and repeated in on Twitter on the following season, but I got some heat from Oilers fans for that. 
    Then a funny thing happened:  the Oilers reached the Western Conference Final in 2022. For McDavid, it was his first time in the Final Four, but the Avs swept them, and later won the Cup Final. I would hear Oilers fans b***h and moan that the refs were favoring the Avs, even though it was clearly the opposite. Even so, I softened my stance about the OIlers after 2022. Maybe they could do it. Maybe they could make another long run.
    Then the following season (last season) progressed. The Oilers looked off. Something told me this team would regress, but when I said so on Twitter, Oilers fans really came at me and acted like I didn't know what I was talking about. Then the playoffs began. The Avs were out in Round 1 while the Oilers advanced. However, the Oilers lost to the Vegas Golden Knights. Here's how much I hate Oilers fans. I actually rooted for Vegas in that series. No lie. I knew good and damn well that Vegas would beat them, yet even after the Oilers regressed (like I said they would), their fans still felt it necessary to make fun of me because we lost to Seattle. So yeah, both teams regressed. Here's the thing. The Avs had just won a Cup. We could afford to regress. The Oilers couldn't. They badly needed to at least copy 2022, and they didn't. But Oilers fans are so f**king arrogant and stupid that they couldn't understand that. They're still pretending that it's the latter half of the 1980s and the Oilers are a juggernaut that will win a bunch of Cups.
    Here's another thing Oilers fans do that bugs the sh*t out of me:  they take pleasure in mocking the Toronto Maple Leafs. They say that the Leafs "suck," and that they're "bums" and "choke artists," yet they have no problem watching their team take players from Toronto. Zach Hyman, who has 50+ goals this season? Ex-Leaf. Cody Ceci? Ex-Leaf. They also had Jack Campbell and Tyson Barrie--two more ex-Leafs. Oh, and last year was the year that the Leafs won a series for the first time in 19 years. Leafs lost Round 2 in five games. Oilers lost Round 2 in six games. So the Oilers finished one game better than the Leafs in last year's playoffs. Bravissimo...
    The bottom line is this:  Oilers fans are butthurt because the Avs whipped their a**es two years ago, and with a backup goalie, at that. They had to watch Nathan MacKinnon win a Cup, they fear that Auston Matthews may win a Cup in Toronto before Connor McDavid does in Edmonton, and it just p**ses them off. They cannot face facts. They would fall to pieces if they actually realized that their Oilers are the real f**k-ups. Oilers fans need to get off their own nuts and realize that their team is ruining the career of the best player they've had since that guy who wore #99 for them four decades ago. But who am I kidding? They won't learn. We'll see a Cup parade in San Jose before that happens.
  2. CEDAvsFan

    DhBowzer - BillyNoMates & CREW
    A familiar feeling is close to coming back, and it's one I had attempted to bury for 10 years.
    A decade ago, I was relentlessly bullied on social media, and NGL, it really played a number on my mental health. The main reason was because I felt totally alone when I was hit with relentless racist bullying, along with some homophobe saying that I was gay solely because I was wearing a WWE t-shirt that showed my fandom of Natalya, a member of WWE's Women's Division. Straight males can be fans of female wrestlers, but that jackoff who attacked me like that clearly had no clue. SInce then, I do get the occasional racist harassment directed towards me, and when I stand up to them, I get told in so many words that it's "all in my head" and I get victim shamed and even accused of being "anti-White" ("anti-White" is not a thing BTW; that's a hyphenated buzzword spouted by racists and some RWNJs in an attempt to shame minorities).
    So what's bringing me to tell this? Well, the White-splainer "billynomates.1988" is attacking me again. So get this. Because I didn't put on my tap shoes and say "Yazzir boss" to him telling me in so many words to "stay in your place, boy," he's bringing out the slander and accusing me of being bigoted and being anti-LGBT. That is the last thing I am. I'm a big time LGBT-ally. Homophobia and transphobia make my stomach turn. And the fact that Billy is accusing me of this tells me that he's never seen my Tiktoks condemning homophobes and transphobes. I call it out and speak against such bigotry on so many platforms
    Billy and "dhbowseryournonbinarydad" damaged my mental health yesterday. Thankfully, it wasn't as damaged as it was 10 years ago, but I was mentally exhausted yesterday. Bullies like that have no remorse, no conscience, and no class. They really did a number on my mental well being, but I did rise above it by the late afternoon thanks to some awesome people and some great distractions.
    Here are my two past blogs addressing these bullies.
  3. CEDAvsFan
    During ABC's coverage of the Panthers/Rangers game, it was announced that this year's Stanley Cup Playoffs will begin on April 20. I do love the Stanley Cup Playoffs; the NHL definitely has the best postseason out of all of the four main leagues. The Stanley Cup Playoffs serve as the best eight week stretch in sports; it's a period full of chaos, nail biting moments, and epic occurrences!
    Here's a brief history of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
    In 1942, the NHL (which began play 25 years prior in 1917) was whittled down to just six teams after so many other franchises folded. Those six teams:  the Boston Bruins, the Chicago Blackhawks, the Detroit Red Wings, the Montréal Canadiens, the New York Rangers, and the Toronto Maple Leafs. For the next quarter-century, those six teams served as the entire league, and the playoff format saw the top four teams qualify. A two-round playoffs took place:  the Semifinals and the Final. When the league doubled in size from six teams to 12 in 1967, so did the playoff population--from four teams to eight, with the top four teams from each division (West and East) qualifying for a three round playoffs:  Quarterfinals, Semifinals, and Final. The 1974-75 season saw a division realignment as the teams kept adding up, with the league consisting of two conferences and four divisions (two divisions per conference). The playoff format saw the top 12 teams qualify based on record, with the four division winners getting byes to the Quarterfinals, while the other eight teams faced off in a best-of-3 preliminary round.
    It was five years later in the 1979-80 season that the league first started qualifying 16 teams for the Stanley Cup Playoffs, and it's been 16 teams ever since (with the exception of the COVID-affected 2020 playoffs, which saw 24 teams participate). For two seasons, it was the top 16 teams based on record, then beginning in the 1981-82 season, the top four teams in each division qualified, and the first two rounds were division based (Division Semifinals and Finals), which was followed by the Conference Finals and the Stanley Cup Final (this format would return in the shortened 2020-21 season). The 1993-94 season did away with the division based rounds and kept the first three rounds conference based, and in the 2013-14 season, the format changed to the current version which seems the top three teams in each division qualify, while each conference's last two spots are decided via a Wild Card format, regardless of division. 
    16 teams, four rounds, all in a best-of-seven format, and loaded with all of the chaos in the world. Of course, there's also overtime. God bless that overtime. In the regular season, we get a five-minute overtime played in a three-on-three format, followed by a shootout. In the playoffs, overtime is five-on-five, and it's 20 minutes--same as a regulation period. And if nothing's settled after overtime, they play another one, and another one if it's needed, and so on. Sudden death, play until someone scores. That results in some LOOOOOOOONG games. Remember the five-overtime game in the bubble in 2020? And last year gave us that four-OT game that almost needed a fifth overtime period!
    I am ready for the Stanley Cup Playoffs, especially as a Colorado Avalanche fan who definitely believes that another Cup is in the cards!
  4. CEDAvsFan
    I really looked forward to this day. It was going to be a day consisting of watching some March Madness, the L&O shows on Peacock, and some hockey and SmackDown. Sadly, that ended up hampered by a number of bullies on Tiktok. I did mention before that a Tiktoker simply known as "dhbowzeryourbinarydad" (real name Derrick Bower) was bullying @GMileyCollier78 and falsely accusing her of being transphobic when she clearly wasn't. Their attention turned to me later on, as I was told that "when a person from a marginalized community corrects you to do better, you should learn from that." They clearly saw that I'm a Black person, yet I got White-splained about marginalized communities, even though I'm a member of a marginalized community. I'm dead serious, when I saw those words, you know what phrase I really saw? One we've heard too many times:  "Know your place, boy." That's basically what Derrick said to me in so many words.
    It became worse, as another Tiktoker, "billynomates1988," had the nerve to bully Miley and myself, as Billy constantly harassed Miley, while he also White-splained to me what an LGBT ally is, even though I've known and been one for over 20 years. Someone known as "angel" made about three accounts and used all of them to harass Miley and myself with many threatening replies to us. I found myself mentally exhausted over this, but I did recover. Sports related distractions (and a Saved by the Bell binge) helped.
    Thankfully, there is some light to the darkness, in the form of this:

    "Flossy Face," "Sephe," and "Squirrel Tata's" have all come through with revelations that Derrick is a known racist. Flossy Face revealed that Derrick is a misogynist and has participated in a group chat that engaged in anti-Blackness, and that they also helped harass a survivor of domestic violence. Squirrel Tata's is a victim of Derrick's racism and misogyny, and Sephe referred to them as "an embarrassment to the non-binary community." In other words, Derrick's a few steps away from being Ezra Miller. 
    I'm grateful to those three for exposing Derrick Bower's hateful conduct. It made this day easier to stomach, and I enjoyed the rest of it as my nerves and anxieties were put to bed. Bullies like Derrick Bower, angel, and Billy are misusing social media by using it to spread fear, intimidation, and yes, hate. There's no place for such tactics in social media. Social media is a safe space, plain and simple
  5. CEDAvsFan
    I absolutely can't stand "billynomates.1988" and Derrick Bower, aka "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad." I really can't. Those two have been tuning up my mental health like a fiddle with the way they've been bullying me. It nearly put me in the same place that I was in a decade ago when I was relentlessly bullied, and later told, In so many words, to either deal with it or get off social media in response. The difference between ten years ago and now:  I didn't have a support system back then. I do now. 
    So speaking of "billynomates1988," he was going around on Sunday stating that he found out the truth about Bowzer being a toxic racist and misogynist and all else, and that he was cutting ties with them and ending his friendship with them. Yet...Billy's still repeating a lot of the same sh*t that Bowzer's been saying, and still trying to shame and insult myself and Miley. So Billy's still spouting that crap, word for word, and that and his past actions show that this whole "cutting ties" thing he's claiming, it's just a bunch of crap. 
    And these receipts prove it:

    Those screenshots show Billy's continued bullying towards us, and his continued parroting of Bowzer's tone-deaf crap. And then there's this:

    That collage shows Billy's misogyny against cisgender women; basically labelling all of them as predators and groomers. It is wrong to label any and all women as predators and groomers, whether its transwomen or ciswomen. Billy's statements are absolutely wrong and hateful.
    As for Bowzer, well, this tweet from them shows that they've been stalking Miley, and stalking myself as well. My goodness.

    So yeah, Bowzer and Billy are full of sh*t. They're not the only ones. Sadly, someone on Tiktok has been speaking in favor of Bowzer:

    And as if that wasn't bad enough, here's this same person talking out of both sides of their mouth in this comment:

    Now, this baffles me. Is this person defending Bowzer or defending Miley. Defending Miley is the right route to take. Saying Bowzer wasn't wrong is absolutely dead wrong. Bowzer was wrong. They were condescending, they were bigoted, and they were purposely portraying themself as someone ""educating an extreme transphobe," when in actuality, Miley is a big time ally, and Bowzer was bullying Miley. So I went to that person and explained to them what was wrong with that part of the comment where they start off defending DH. This was the response I got:

    So according to that person, being a condescending, bigoted, and lying jerk is well and good if you're "gentle, kind, and honest." Oh boy SMH
    Everything is detailed in my Tiktoks below. These bullies are really working my last nerve. The person's comments slyway defending DH have caused Miley and myself to be harassed even more. This really needs to be stopped, and it really needs to be nipped in the bud, so we can all truly move on.
    My Tiktoks:
    For those of you on Tiktok, you might want to make use of the block button for 6 of Dhbowzer's accounts.
    You also might want to block Billy Duffy's Tiktok accounts too. His ability the play the victim role knows no bounds, just like a rabid Oilers fan.
  6. CEDAvsFan
    This is a special weekend for me:  it's my birthday weekend. My birthday is actually on Monday, March 18, and that's the main thing on my mind. However, my happy train of thought was interrupted by a psychotic bigot. Here's the story. Of course, you know about this witch known as Patricia Silva, who invasively took a picture of a trans woman at Planet Fitness and went into full Karen mode. She went to Facebook to play the victim and misgender the woman, and of course, the transphobes came out of the woodwork to kiss Patricia's a**. I wouldn't stand for it, so I called the b***h out. Of course, the bigots attempted to fire back, and one them, "Soleria UA," decided to turn to disgusting slander towards me. Take a look.

    Yeah. So because I'm not a depraved, transphobic psycho, "Soteria UA" decides to slander me and claim that I'm a sex offender and I support pedophilia. Yikes. And this a**h**e doubles down on it even after I reported and blocked him for his bullsh*t.

    "Soteria UA" is a demented f**king prick who needs to get a life and a f**king brain. This is harassment, plain and simple, and it's an attempt to intimidate and bully me into thinking like him. Not going to happen. I'm a decent human being, unlike Soteria UA. That prick can go cry in the car with his bullying and bigotry.
  7. CEDAvsFan
    So Patricia Silva's quest to rid herself of what little sanity she has remaining, is continuing, much to the expense of all of us.
    Patricia is tripling and quadrupling down on her transphobic LIE that she saw a 12-y.o. naked girl in a locker room with a trans woman. Even worse, Miss Transphobic b***h appears to have a supporter on Tiktok:

    So Patricia's posted this link to a Tiktok from some dunce named AJ, who is on Team Silva. Yikes. It's a short Tiktok full of transphobic statements, stereotypes, and outright hideous rhetoric against the trans community:
    Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting and hateful.
    However, in the words of Mighty Mouse, "Here I come to save the day!"
    I come bearing receipts. Many glorious receipts that expose Patricia Silva as the psychopathic lying transphobic c**t that she is!
    These YouTubes prove that Patricia Silva is not only a lying, transphobic c**t, she's also a f**king criminal. She broke laws. She should not only be sued, she should be behind bars.
  8. CEDAvsFan

    Patricia Silva Controversy
    Another day, another batch of transphobic crap from Patricia Silva. The cockroach never dies.
    So Patricia Silva is still living in this fantasy world where a 12-y.o. naked child was in the women's locker room with a trans woman. And she's living in this fantasy world where she's right about everything. Seriously, Patricia's head should have a sign that says "This space for rent." She is disgustingly hideous--inside and out. She is dumb, bigoted, psychotic, unhinged, and a plague to society. 
    And yet Newsmax wants her a** on TV

    Not surprised that Newsmax wants her. After all, that channel is a hotbed for RWNJs to drink in all of the racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, Putin a**-kissing bullsh*t. Patricia's rhetoric has no place on any forum, and yet, some TV platforms actually want to promote her bullsh*t and her hateful rhetoric. Patricia Silva is not only a hateful bigot and a liar, she's a big time fame wh**e. She's a lower life form. She's a cockroach. 
    And as usual, I have receipts! Plenty of them! They're in this YouTube video below!
  9. CEDAvsFan

    DhBowzer - BillyNoMates & CREW
    So this Patricia Silva saga has taken quite a crazy turn. So a Tiktoker simply known as "dhbowzeryourbinarydad" (real name Derrick Bower) went on a tangent and falsely accused Miley of being transphobic, and when a few good people stood up for Miley against them, they claimed that they were "teaching" her to "be better." Even more insulting, Derrick had the nerve to say that being an LGBT ally isn't "taken"--you can only be one when they deem you one. That's not how that works. Being an LGBT ally means doing right by the community, standing up against any and all wrongs against them, and supporting them when they needed. Miley is an ally. So am I. Yet I also became subjected to harassment from Derrick.
    The kicker came when Derrick had the nerve to say that "when a person from a marginalized community corrects you to do better, you should learn from that." Ummm...do they not know that I'm also from a marginalized community, too? Apparently not, because they saw my profile photo yet still tried to White-splain marginalized communities to me. Even crazier, Derrick's basically egging on their followers to harass Miley. Screenshots of Derrick's bullying comments are in the link below:
    I have a crazy theory. What if Derrick actually supports Patricia Silva's bullsh*t? The way they are acting against Miley and against myself tells that they may actually support Patricia's hideously bigoted bullsh*t. I wouldn't be surprised; after all, look at Caitlyn Jenner. She started off as a big time hero for trans representation when she transitioned, but in just a few short years, Caitlyn turned heel and exposed herself as a disgusting self-hating transphobe; hell, she's even spoken out against Lia Thomas. I seriously would not be shocked if Derrick Bower is on Patricia Silva's side; they're certainly acting like Patricia with their conduct.
  10. CEDAvsFan
    So the House has passed a bill that would basically ban TikTok here in the US unless the parent company in China sells it. I've had a TikTok account for just under a year now. I use it to share my stories on Vocal, talk about sports, and raise awareness. It's not just me. A lot of people rely on TikTok as a source of income. Now, it could be banned here in this country, unless the Chinese owners sell it to the US.
    I'm just going to say it:  this ban is the last act of anti-Asian hate that's been rampant for the last near four years.
    Ever since the pandemic hit us, I've heard a lot of stories about hate crimes against Asian-Americans increasing, mainly because it's been told over and over that the virus started in some lab in Wuhan. We don't really know how COVID started, I've heard some say that we, the US, caused it. The fact is that it's out there, and still out there, and sadly, it's caused so much racism against Asian-Americans. As usual, Trump added more to the fire during the pandemic, when he called COVID "Kung flu" and the "China virus." Toupee-wearing d**chebag.
    And of course, the RWNJs (Right Wing Nut Jobs) have taken to Fox News to bury China, and they use the same reason to justify it:  "China's a Communist country." That is true, they are a Communist country. You know who else is a Communist country? Russia! Russia's been Communist forever! Yet you never hear those RWNJs say sh*t about Russia. Hell, they were actually cheering for Russia bullying and bombing Ukraine! Also, those same people kissing Russia's a** seem to have conveniently forgotten that Russia and the US have been foes and bitter rivals in damn near everything since WWII ended. War, science, even sports! I mean, does the Miracle on Ice not mean anything to those RWNJs?!
    So yeah, plain and simple, the Chinese owners are basically being forced to sell TikTok. If not, then they'll ban TikTok here in the US. Do they not know how many Americans have TikTok and how many of them rely on it for financial reasons? A ban in this country would keep those Americans from making money on TikTok, and keep other Americans (including myself) from speaking out about what needs to be said. But America first, right? Yeah, right.
  11. CEDAvsFan
    In my post about the Blackhawks' playoff elimination, I asked, "How long until Connor Bedard demands a trade to a contender?" I asked that semi-jokingly, though with Bedard's mindset, he may want out after about four years. Jumping ship to a perceived contender may sound like a good idea, but as the saying goes, "The grass isn't always greener on the other side."
    Let me tell you a little story.
    Once upon a time, there was an NHL player named Matt Duchene. Duchene was drafted by the Colorado Avalanche in 2009 and played over eight seasons with the team, which included the horrendous 2016-17 season. After that year, Duchene wanted a trade--he wanted out. In fact, his exact words were, "I want to be on a playoff team." At that time, the Avs weren't a perennial playoff team. After being ousted by the Detroit Red Wings in the 2008 playoffs, the Avs only made the playoffs twice during Duchene's tenure:  the 2009-10 season and the 2013-14 season (the latter season being Nathan MacKinnon's rookie year).
    On November 5, 2017, Duchene was dealt to the Ottawa Senators as part of a three team arrangement with the Avalanche and the Nashville Predators. At the time, the Senators were coming off almost reaching the Stanley Cup Final in the previous year (2016-17). However, the Senators would regress badly. A seventh place finish that year, and on the following year (2018-19), the Sens finished with the worst record in the league. That year saw Duchene caught on tape complaining about the state of the team, and he ended up dealt to the Columbus Blue Jackets, where he was part of Columbus' surprise upset sweep victory over the 62-win Tampa Bay Lightning. Duchene would later be signed by the Nashville Predators, and he's currently with the Dallas Stars.
    As for the Avalanche, months after the trade, the team went on a winning tear that resulted in a surprise playoff appearance in 2018. It would be the first of six straight playoff appearances (with a seventh most likely happening this year), and would include a Stanley Cup Championship in 2022. So yeah, if after a few years, Bedard's thinking about wanting to jump ship and head to a contender, he will have to think very carefully. At times it does work out, but Matt Duchene is definitely a cautionary tale. 
    In November 2022, the five year anniversary of the trade, I wrote about the famous deal on Vocal:
  12. CEDAvsFan
    We are almost in the month of March, and I couldn't be more excited. Yes, March is my birth month, but it's way more than that. March is, IMO, the best month in the sports calendar. I consider September and October close behind, but I really love the month of March as a sports fan. Here's what I and other sports fans can look forward to in the third month of the year:
    NCAA March Madness - Of course, college basketball enters the process of crowning the annual National Champion, beginning with the conference tournaments and then, the big dance! 68 teams, 68 colleges competing to become the National Champion. What I love about the tournament is that the first round sees games on all day, and because I live in SoCal, that means college basketball as early as 9AM Pacific Standard Time. It's a really nice feeling to wake up to actual live sports on TV.
    Spring football - The new wrinkle added to the sports calendar is springtime football. We've been treated to some semblance of spring football since 2019, beginning with the now defunct Alliance of American Football, which didn't even last a full season. 2020 saw the return of the XFL, but that season ended up halted due to the incoming pandemic. In 2022, the USFL was resurrected and returned to play, and it was followed by the second return of the XFL a year later in 2023. This year, we have the United Football League, which is the new result of the XFL and USFL merging a few months prior. The UFL season starts on March 30.
    MLB begins - The Major League Baseball season opens at the near end of March, and spring training actually starts today. The opening of the MLB season has varied big time, even in recent years, seasons have started in early April, but we have seen the season start in the end of March, making this a 6 1/2 month long season.
    NBA and Stanley Cup Playoff Push - The centerpiece of the month of March is the chase for playoff spots in the NBA and the NHL. March is the final full month of both seasons, with April serving as that final sprint to the finish line. Every game played from March 1 on becomes highly important, and the promotions on TV are always amazing. As a hockey fan, I'm still grateful to NBC for their efforts to bring hockey back to prominence after the crippling lockout, and part of that was promoting the regular season's home stretch as the "Push for the Playoffs." Now, ESPN's heavily promoting that home stretch in the NHL, as well as the NBA, with TNT doing the same. 
    March is a very, very fun month for sports fans, and the month is almost here!
  13. CEDAvsFan

    Social Media
    This year's Elimination Chamber started at the oddest of hours for those of us in the States. It was primetime for in Australia, but in the United States, it was 4AM (including the pre-show) in the East Coast, but for those like me in the West Coast, the pre-show started at 1AM, while the main show started at 2AM. The pre-show featured a Women's Tag Team Championship contest between the Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) and the team of Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell. After this, the main show kicked off with the Women's Elimination Chamber match, which is nothing new; the Women's Chamber always kicks off the Elimination Chamber event. Regarding this year, the chamber match was for the right to challenge for the Women's World Championship, and the combatants were Tiffany Stratton, Liv Morgan, Bianca Belair, Becky Lynch, Raquel Rodriguez, and Naomi. 
    Becky and Naomi kicked off the match, while the other four were in chamber pods waiting to enter. Naomi was the first to be eliminated. This was good news to a lot of people, because Naomi's toxic behavior had been known to many, with one such person voicing elation over Naomi's early exit. However, a very crass Naomi fan decided to respond with this:
    Link:  https://twitter.com/Yagamihhhhh/status/1761341501034877062
    Screenshot:  https://imgur.com/8kEKJNm

    This was the start of a wave of harassing and bullying tweets from "Yagamihhhhh," with all of them being in response to people trying to explain facts to her. This includes myself, as I called her out for her hypocritical comment about "Black Girl Magic," in which I said that the real Black Girl Magic was Bianca Belair. Her response:
    So yeah, she preaches "Black Girl Magic," yet insults Bianca Belair. When I call her out on it, she tries to backtrack, claiming that she made a mistake--all while fat-shaming me and calling me a loser. She's so so butthurt. And it gets sicker. She later harassed Casey77215 and told her "tell your friend to go pick cotton." Prior to this, "Yagamihhhhh" was dared to show her face, and that led to the realization that this Naomi fan is actually a White woman who was attempting to portray herself as being Black. In other words, she's another Rachel Dolezal. Remember Rachel Dolezal? She's the woman who claimed to be Black, but was actually White and a cultural appropriator, or to put it bluntly, a "culture vulture." Part of her whole act is talking in the way she thinks Black people talk, yet she pretty much exposed herself with her racist DM about me. 
    Naomi fans wonder why Naomi is becoming hated? Fans like "Yagamihhhhh" are the reason why--plain and simple.
  14. CEDAvsFan
    You know, just when I couldn't hate Next Door any more than I already do, they couldn't even let me enjoy a Green Bay Packers playoff game. Dirty b*st**ds!
    So yesterday, as I was watching the Packers/Cowboys game, I learned that another Next Door mod is behaving like a deranged psychopath. This one is known as Cynthia B, and she posted comments advocating for animal cruelty, and later tried to dance her way out of it. The comment was right there:  "They come on my property, they will leave injured." Yet she later tried to say that she "doesn't have a problem with animals, but she will keep them off her property." What she really doesn't have a problem with is harming animals. She also doesn't have a problem with abusing her power, as she had a comment hidden in response to being rightfully called out. And Next Door also doesn't have a problem using a "parental finger wag" and telling people to follow their rules, even though Next Door knows good and damn well that their mods don't even come close to following the rules.
    Once I found out about this, I called out Next Door's behavior in this video:
    I wasn't alone in this; Miley called out the behavior as well. She had been harassed by Cynthia and another mod, Mendy S., over this whole thing.
    Drama Queening Mods on NextDoor
    Miley also went to YouTube regarding this ordeal as well
    Others have reported Cynthia's comments as well, and here's the evidence:  https://imgur.com/a/o65IOfu
    And if Cynthia did nothing wrong, as she continues to claim and even attacked people over it, her post would not have been removed for illegal activity. Advocating for animal cruelty is illegal. Next Door actually did something for a change, they removed the comments. If Cynthia did nothing wrong, then her comments would have been removed. But she was in the wrong. Big time:
  15. CEDAvsFan
    You know, I never thought this would happen to me in my life, but here it is. So yesterday, I found out that Autumn Leigh Martin, the psycho Next Door mod, is at it yet again. This time, she attacked me on Tiktok with false accusations of sexual assault and other horrific things, while again calling me a "thug" and urging others to harass me on my forms of social media. I managed to capture everything she had posted about me as evidence and revealed Autumn's horrible conduct on a YouTube video, doing so before Autumn deleted everything and changed her URL in a desperate attempt to play innocent. Again, I just can't believe that someone would do something like this. Here's my video:
    I'm not the only victim of Autumn's insanity, as she also targeted and slandered Miley as well, among many others. Miley also got evidence of everything before Autumn changed her URL and did some scrubbing, and here's her video revealing all:
    And here's Miley's blog calling out Autumn's disgusting conduct:  
    In closing, I want to say how scary it is that people like Autumn Leigh Martin are out there doing this. I've heard stories like this for so long, but never thought that I or anyone I know would be on the receiving end of this. Autumn Leigh Martin is a menace to society, and she needs to be locked up; what she's doing is flat out illegal!
  16. CEDAvsFan
    Sooooo...about last night...
    Last night's SmackDown ended with Cody Rhodes, the winner of the 2024 Men's Royal Rumble, confronting Roman Reigns. On Raw a few days earlier, Seth Rollins gave Cody something to think about regarding who to choose to face at WrestleMania, even saying that Cody should opt to face Seth at WM instead of a rematch against Roman. Cody said that he'd think about it, and the result at SD's end was Cody saying that he would finish the story...just not at WM. At that moment, The Rock appeared and engaged in a staredown with Roman, and well, that told us everything. 
    So Rock vs Roman is happening at WM, and it's for the title. Let me see if I have this right. Cody Rhodes leaves All Elite Wrestling, his baby, to go back to WWE. He literally puts his health on the line in Hell in a Cell against Seth Rollins. He comes back from that injury to enter the Royal Rumble, and wins it. He faces Roman and WM39, and loses, but this year, he wins the Rumble again, but oops, he's not facing Roman at WM?! So basically, all of that time was for nothing. Even crazier:  Rock's replacing Cody in that spot. A lot of people are upset at this, and rightfully so. It was bad enough that Cody didn't win last year. Now, he's not even going to face Roman at WM, it's the Rock, who is an even bigger part-timer than Roman.
    WWE says it's "good for business." No it's not. What's good for business is not p**sing off millions of fans who wanted to see Cody finish the story. Rock vs Roman doesn't need the title. Their story is much bigger than any title in WWE. Speaking of titles, Cody vs Seth for the WHC is definitely a go now, but get this. I just read that WWE is actually considering the following game plan:  we know Cody's beating Seth at WM, so they want Cody vs the winner of Roman/Rock at SummerSlam in a title unification match!
    The concept of the return of the World Heavyweight Championship was to give us an actual on-screen World Champion because Roman was appearing less and less on TV. Yet this plan pretty much proves that Roman's burial of the WHC on SmackDown was legit. What the f**k are they doing?! WWE knows that there's competition, right? They can't be making moves like this! Cody wins back-to-back Rumbles, yet bows out in Year Two? That's funny, I don't recall the Tampa Bay Lightning handing the Montréal Canadiens the Stanley Cup after winning Game 5 of the Final in 2021. And I definitely don't see Mahomes and Kelce announcing that Lamar Jackson and the Ravens will be heading to Vegas for the Super Bowl. WWE really needs to stop making these dumb moves like this. They are continuously shooting themselves in the foot.
  17. CEDAvsFan

    Social Media
    Some days ago, a mutual friend of myself and Caseyn77215 was concerned after seeing a post about the dune buggy, seeing that Miley posted it, because moderators are looking for reasons to target her. My friend checked, and the post was still there, which surprised me, because the mods have a habit of deleting Miley's posts. I noticed who liked it, and one of them was Roxana Sanchez, the woman who was racially profiled by Autumn Leigh Martin. I remembered it because Miley and I had done numerous videos about how she had been racially profiled, but her name wasn't mentioned. So my friend looked at her profile, and I was bugging him to show me what he had seen, because I was concerned for her--mainly because of how Autumn had targeted Miley lately, and I was hoping the same wouldn't happen to Roxana because she liked Miley's post.
    So I had my friend send me the screenshots of the post so I could see who responded, and when I received them, it was upsetting to me, because of what I saw. It looked like that Roxana is deflecting and trying to play victim, when she had no reason to. And it was strange that after Roxana's post went up, Miley's post disappeared. I recognized the name of someone who responded: Susan K.
    The link to Roxana's post:  https://imgur.com/lJ08KRf
    The link to Susan K's response:  https://imgur.com/MDwtY1G
    Susan K has a history of harassing Miley, because Susan K is one of the NextDoor mods who is an Autumn Martin a**-kisser. Susan K had been targeting Miley because she stood up against Autumn's bullsh*t and racism. Yet lo and behold, Susan K's responding in kind to Autumn's victim, Roxana Sanchez. Here's a link to a link that shows evidence of Susan K's harassment:
    I had a feeling that someone named Chris F had responded, and I was right, and Chris F's message to Miley was an attempt to be intimidating and condescending while responding to her. Here's the link to Chris F's reply to Roxana:
    And here's Chris F's message to Miley:  https://imgur.com/kzxuRml
    I'm very appalled by Roxana, especially considering what's happened to not only Miley, but myself as a result of how we stood up for her. We've been harassed, targeted, and slandered in response to us standing up for Roxana against Autumn's racist bullsh*t. However, I would still stand up for Roxana if she was being racially targeted again, because I was raised to stand up against any and all wrongdoings.
    Here's my video detailing everything:
  18. CEDAvsFan
    After the Buffalo Bills' overtime loss to the Kansas City Chiefs in the AFC Divisional Playoff two years ago, the NFL decided to (again) change the overtime rules, but for playoff games only. The new rules for overtime in playoff games now allows both teams to possess the ball, even after the period's very first possession ends with a touchdown.
    The Super Bowl ended the NFL's 50th season where overtime was a regular thing. From the league's inaugural year in 1920, until the end of the 1973 season, games had no overtime period. Only the postseason games had overtime, but that changed in the 1974 season, as overtime officially became part of all NFL games. Originally, overtime was sudden death, meaning that the first score of any kind won the game. This resulted in a lot of OT periods seeing one possession result in a field goal, and that would end it. Despite fans being disappointed that a one-possession field goal would end overtime, it took the NFL until the 2009 NFC Championship Game for them to finally change the rules. In that game between the New Orleans Saints and the Minnesota Vikings, the Saints won the toss, got into field goal range, and kicked the field goal that sent them to Super Bowl XLIV, which the Saints would go on to win.
    The change that the league made went as follows:  coin toss decides possession. If the first possession results in a touchdown, the game's over. If the first possession results in a field goal, then the other team will have a chance to either tie it with a field goal, or win it with a touchdown. If the first possession sees no scoring, then sudden death rules apply. Sudden death rules also apply if both teams get field goals in overtime. These rules were instilled into playoff games in 2010, and regular season games two years later in 2012. This format currently remains in regular season games, while the current aforementioned format for playoff games was instilled in 2022.
    Super Bowl LVIII marked the first game under this format, which guarantees that both teams will get the ball. As we saw, the 49ers had the ball first, but only got a field goal. Even if they had scored a touchdown, overtime would continue under this modified format, though the Chiefs would have needed a touchdown of their own to tie it up. As we saw, overtime lasted 14:57, as after SF's field goal, the Chiefs marched down the field and won it with a touchdown with three seconds left. 
    This first time seeing the new overtime in action was quite epic! It has this football fan wondering if we will see these overtime rules in regular season games as soon as next season. I hope we do see them in regular season games, and I hope we don't have to wait too long. Overtimes like this would definitely bring some good drama to all games played in the NFL season.
  19. CEDAvsFan
    This actually came out just hours after the Super Bowl ended; every sport does this. As soon as a champion's crowned, we get the way too early favorites list right after. I was, and still am, surprised that the 49ers emerged as the overall favorites to win Super Bowl LIX. It has nothing to do with what happened with the team in recent days; I was surprised when it first came out. Now I really think they should be knocked down a few pegs.
    As it stands now, the Niners are the overall favorites. The Chiefs are listed second, and the Ravens are third. As for my Packers, we're 10th, which is hella good considering the circumstances. In the near six-decade history of the Super Bowl, no team has ever won three in a row. The Chiefs are the first team to win back-to-back Super Bowls since the Patriots won Super Bowls XXXVIII and XXXIX almost 20 years ago. The Patriots are also the last team to play in three straight Super Bowls, appearing in Super Bowls LI (won), LII (lost), and LIII (won). The Chiefs have been in four of the last five Super Bowls, and if Patrick Mahomes hadn't thrown that interception in OT of the 2021 AFC Championship, we'd be talking about five straight Super Bowl appearances, which would have broken the record set by the Buffalo Bills, who famously reached four straight Super Bowls and lost all of them.
    So yeah, even when the odds were revealed, I didn't agree with the Niners being favored. Now, after everything that happened and come out, I know that oddsmakers are making a big mistake favoring the Niners to even get to Super Bowl LIX, let alone win it. Time will tell, though--almost a year away.
    Super Bowl LIX will take place in New Orleans on February 9, 2025, and will air on Fox.
  20. CEDAvsFan
    Ironically, I will use the immortal words of Richard Nixon:  "Let me make one thing perfectly clear."
    I HATE politics. I would rather relive all of the worst moments involving my favorite sports teams than get into ANY form of politics. I can't stand it. I'm not a Republican. I'm not a Democrat. I'm not red. I'm not blue. I'm not conservative. I'm not liberal. I am a Woke Centrist. I find both parties repugnant. Lewis Black said it right in a comedy special 20 years ago. The Democrats are the party of no ideas, and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. Really, really bad ideas. I think both parties aren't trustworthy, but I will say this:  the Dems are the lesser of two evils, because at least they appear to care more about the important civil rights issues:  race, LGBT rights, immigration, and a woman's right to choose.
    I am venting about this because, yes, it's an Election year. Great...
    I've spent years avoiding election talk every four years, and with who's involved this year, I am REALLY dodging it. Let's face it:  the election is Biden vs Trump--the rematch nobody wanted. Nikki Haley is nothing but background noise who thinks the half millennium of oppression that Black people have faced is all in our heads. Let's get one thing straight:  Biden is a better choice than Trump, but that is not f**king saying much. Being better than Trump is like being better than the Carolina Panthers this NFL season--who the f**k isn't? Biden only won in 2020 (and yes, he won; the MAGAts need to get the f**k over it) because he's not Trump. While it's good to be "not Trump," that's not enough.
    And no, I'm not that crazy about Biden either, but I'm not going to go into baseless attacks against him. The two main things that I don't like is when they call Biden "senile" and when they blame him for the current round of inflation. About the latter part, prices go up all the time. That's not caused by any sitting President, that's caused by the law of supply and demand. I guarantee you, had Trump won, the prices would still be skyrocketing. Prices have risen in everything bit by bit forever. And about the other thing, the same people who make the "Sleepy Joe" comments are the same ones who support a guy who actually thought Frederick Douglass was still alive, and thought Nikki Haley was Nancy Pelosi. Seriously, Trump makes Grampa Simpson look sharp as a tack!
    It's appalling that we went from a voting in a young Black President in 2008 to an election with two elderly White men who were both born during a period where Curly Howard was the third Stooge. One step forward, about 100 steps back. As for me, I'm going to do my best to block out the next nine months of Election talk with some sports, some TV programs, and LITERALLY anything else.
  21. CEDAvsFan
    Autumn Leigh Martin is at it again...and again...and again.
    As you know, Autumn started this whole mess a year ago when she racially profiled and shamed a Latinx woman whose house was vandalized. In the time that's passed, she's double down in defending her behavior, and she's harassed those who don't agree with her, big time. Part of Autumn's psychotic harassment actually included racist responses to my Tiktoks, and even Autumn releasing her own Tiktok where she falsely accused me of sexual assault. Yesterday, she took the cake when she, once again, bullied Miley by responding to her with a rant about Autumn's own actions from a year prior. She continued to defend her callous actions and harassed Miley for taking a stand, and Autumn's reply was basically her twisting everything around to vilify Miley and make herself look like a victim.
    Seriously, Autumn is so f**king pathetic and disgusting. She is lowdown, she is insane, she is delusional. She's a f**king monster. I'm not going to mince words with this, and what she's done to me is only part of the reason that I'm verbally going scorched Earth on her. Autumn is an absolute cancer. She continues to spew racist hate and deranged attacks towards others, and acts like she's in the right while everyone who stands up to her bullsh*t is wrong. Even worse, NextDoor continues to kiss her a** and look the other way. I'll bet money she's always had that belief that everything should be handed to her and that everyone should just kiss whatever proverbial ring she thinks she has on. My past blogs have had receipts of Autumn's insane behavior, and this one will be no different. Here's my video exposing Autumn's latest act of insanity:
  22. CEDAvsFan
    So I saw this pic on Instagram today, and thought, "I may as well talk about this." So here it is:

    NHL Europe's IG account posted this pic listing the first team(s) to clinch spots in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The list begins with the 2008-09 season and lists 14 occurrences (omitting the 2019-20 season because it was hampered by the pandemic), while asking who will have the honor of being the first to clinch a spot in this year's playoffs. As I looked at this list, it brought back memories of each year, especially with one attribute:  almost none of these teams went on to win the Stanley Cup in their respective seasons. Amazing, isn't it? The NHL has always been a free-for-all as far as long runs are concerned, and this proves it. Here's how each of these teams fared:
    2009:  Sharks (won Presidents' Trophy) lost in the first round; Red Wings lost Cup Final
    2010:  Capitals (won Presidents' Trophy) lost in the first round
    2011:  Canucks (won Presidents' Trophy) lost Game Seven of Cup Final
    2012:  Blues lost in the second round
    2013:  Penguins lost Eastern Conference Final; Blackhawks (won Presidents' Trophy) won Stanley Cup
    2014:  Bruins lost in the second round
    2015:  Rangers (won Presidents' Trophy) lost Eastern Conference Final
    2016:  Capitals (won Presidents' Trophy) lost in the second round
    2017:  Capitals (won Presidents' Trophy) lost in the second round
    2018:  Predators (won Presidents' Trophy) lost in the second round
    2019:  Lightning (won Presidents' Trophy) swept in first round
    2021:  Golden Knights lost Stanley Cup Semifinal
    2022:  Panthers (won Presidents' Trophy) swept in second round
    2023:  Bruins (won Presidents' Trophy) lost in first round
    Out of 14 instances, 2013 is the only time where the team (or in this case, one of the teams) who clinched the first spot in the playoffs went on to win the Cup. Coincidentally, it was also the last time at the team who won the Presidents' Trophy (for finishing with the NHL's best record) went on to win the Stanley Cup. It's absolutely amazing. In other leagues, the first team to clinch a playoff spot usually (at least) reaches the championship round. The San Francisco 49ers did just that this year; they were the first team to clinch a spot, and here they are in the Super Bowl. On this list, only one team won the whole thing, and out of the 13 who didn't, only two reached the Cup Final. Amazing how wide open the NHL is.
  23. CEDAvsFan
    So tonight, SNL decided it would be a brilliant idea to have Republican presidential nominee Nikki Haley on their show during the cold open...on the first Saturday of February...which is Black History Month. Great. 
    The cold open sketch decided to take more shots at Trump, because, well, he has it coming, but lo and behold, we see Nikki Haley on there. I had to do a double take when I saw her. After all, this was the same woman who said that America "has never been a racist country," and when she was asked about what caused the Civil War, she mentioned everything except the main cause and problem:  slavery. Of course, they made fun of that last part, but still. 
    Sadly, Nikki Haley's appearance came a week after SNL decided to allow Justin Timberlake to spend part of his attempted comeback/apology tour as a musical guest on the episode, which was hosted by Dakota Johnson. Not only did Timberlake perform, he even appeared in the monologue and a couple of sketches. Hell, the promo for the episode focused more on Timberlake than Dakota Johnson. Of course, Timberlake is the real live villain in the "Free Britney" saga, and in the infamous "Wardrobe Malfunction," which turned 20 on Thursday. We all remember this. During the halftime performance at Super Bowl XXXVIII, Timberlake exposed Janet Jackson's breast, yet Janet got all of the blame and shame for what happened, while Timberlake wasn't even mentioned, nor did that clown step up and take any responsibility. Also, it's been revealed that Timberlake mistreated Britney Spears during their relationship, and a recent story revealed that he's basically a cultural appropriater.
    Now tonight's episode had a much better musical guest in the form of Jennifer Lopez. I was really looking for JLo to appear in sketches; after all, she's an acclaimed actress as well as a singer. You know how many sketches JLo was in? Zero. Let me see if I have this right. You allow a toxic prick like Timberlake to appear in the monologue and some sketches, but all JLo does is perform and sing and has no sketches of her own?! And it's getting worse! It was announced that SNL's next new episode will air on February 24, and their host will be Shane Gillis, who was part of the show for a cup of coffee until he was fired for racist and homophobic comments in his "comedy." And of course, like a lot of racists, Gillis gave the whole "misquoted" and "blown out of context" excuse. But SNL's drinking it up!
    SNL, I beg you, stop enabling problematic people!!! This isn't new! Remember:  SNL has had Donald Trump and Elon Musk host before, so it's no shock that SNL would actually allow the most problematic and toxic people on their show. And to be honest, there's some racism in this as well. A long time ago, Martin Lawrence was banned from SNL for some inappropriate jokes centering on feminine hygiene. That was in 1994. 30 years have passed, and despite the fact that he's done a lot of big things since then, the ban hasn't been removed. Yet look at who SNL's allowing to appear on their show. Yet another thing that proves that "cancel culture" is fake, it's a myth, and it's an excuse to avoid accountability. I truly think Saturday Night Live needs to reconsider their plans to have Shane Gillis host on February 24. They have three weeks to do it. Sadly, they won't. The most problematic White people get so many chances, but if you're Black, it's one strike and you're out.
  24. CEDAvsFan
    On January 29, 2024, Amazon Prime no longer became ad-free. The move was announced several weeks ago that Amazon Prime would feature brief ads on any material on the streaming service, whether it's TV programs or movies. For ad-free service, subscribers now have to pay an extra $2.99 per month.
    So this was Day 1 of the now ad-filled Amazon Prime. I had been watching a lot of stuff on Prime before:  movies, games, and I've been binging Baywatch very recently. I had been binging the show right before the transition, and now I'm doing so in the first day. The ads are very, very short. They're usually about 15 or 30 seconds long, which is what I expected. I didn't expect it to be like Hulu, which has ads in bunches and they last at least one minute. Plus, you pretty much know when they'll appear. Now, it was inconsistent at first. Some episodes of Baywatch were ad-free, some weren't. I think this was Prime working the kinks out, but I have seen some consistency as the day progressed.
    Again, I do like that Prime has markers where the ads pop up. A lot of stream sites have that. Only Tubi is a problem. Tubi's ads are unpredictable and can pop up at any time, and there are no markers that tell you where the ads are. And again, Prime's ads are very short, usually 15-30 seconds long. Overall, the difference between this and ad-free is quite minimal.
  25. CEDAvsFan
    The main trope we usually see in Lifetime films is the incompetent cops. A vast majority of LT/LMN movies feature cops who either don't do their job, do a p**s poor job, or get so easily taken in by the baddie(s). And then, Lifetime gave us Girl in the Video. In this film, Krissy, after being told by her widowed mother, Mo, that she can't go to a party with her friends, sneaks out of the house to meet up with Toby, who she had been chatting with. However, Krissy ends up being abducted by "Toby," who is actually a man named Jack Sweeney.
    Now, this is where the game changes. When Mo goes to the police, something strange happens. The police...are actually helping. They're being helpful. They're competent. They actually care. They are going all out. And this is all for a missing Black girl at that. We all know the story when it comes to missing people of color. The families usually get the usual tone deaf responses from police, with the main go to being, "Wait and see what turns up." In addition, the missing POCs get labeled as runaways or "just acting out," or worse, they're vilified as possible criminals. We not only see that in movies, but in real life as well. Yet in this film, the police are actually going beyond the call of duty and working their a**es off to actually find Krissy.
    The film, overall, was a good one, as I expected it would be. But I just want to say how delighted and surprised I was to see this. Honestly, it gives me hope that we'll see actual diligence in real-life cases regarding missing people of color.
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