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Blog Entries posted by CEDAvsFan

  1. CEDAvsFan
    It's here folks! The month of September has arrived! The ninth month of the calendar year, and the first of the four months that end in "-ber," I do love the month of September, and not just as a sports fan. Here's what the month of September brings us:
    MLB - The MLB season will start the beginning of the end once the calendar turns to September. September is the last full month of the regular season, and that's when the games are at their most important. Postseason berths and division titles will be on the line during this month, with games featuring teams who are in the hunt receiving a massive spotlight. Regarding this year, the MLB regular season ends on September 29.
    NFL - While baseball does end, the NFL begins in September. I'm old enough to remember when the NFL season used to start on Labor Day Weekend, and I still remember the 1997 season actually starting on August 31--while the world was still reeling from the death of Princess Diana. The 2024 season starts on September 5 with the back-to-back defending Super Bowl Champions, the Kansas City Chiefs, hosting the Baltimore Ravens--a rematch of last year's AFC Championship contest.
    TV - As big as September is in the sports world, it's much bigger in the world of television. September marks the start of a new TV season. Well, it usually does. Most TV shows debut their new seasons (or just debut overall) in September, and in some cases, shows kick off their final seasons. The season or series premieres usually hit in mid-September, though some premieres hit in October (especially the horror-related shows). So yeah, a lot of people's DVRs will be set this month, as our favorite shows will return.
    September is quite an awesome month with a lot of good things to look forward to, and I'm here for it big time!
  2. CEDAvsFan
    Does Velner have nothing better to do than to spread insane slander on his way-too-long Twitch streams? We all know the answer is a big fat "no."
    So on 9/1/2024, Velner was at it yet again on Twitch, and so was one of his favorite mindless followers:  "snowbals," who chimed in with this comment featured in this screenshot:

    Archive link:  https://archive.is/fS6mu
    So yeah, along with "snowbals" making that comment, Velner delivered his latest blatant lie:  he falsely accused Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl of posting a bunch of blogs about Spicyryan. We later hear Velner moan and groan about how he "should have listened to Spicyryan." He needs to shut up. This is the latest bit of evidence proving that Velner isn't the least bit apologetic over all of the bullsh*t he's pulled. Velner is a drama queen. He lives for drama. He loves creating drama. He loves it when others bring drama so he can add on to it. Velner's other obsession is slandering HM from Quetz with every lie he can think of, including his "same person" lie, and the false accusations of insulting Velner's cat Danders--who Velner basically neglects on his streams. It's all Velner has. Velner has nothing going for him other than obsessing over HM from Quetz, his live streams, and gaslighting his gullible, dumb f**k followers. He's a pathetic man-child with a sociopathic streak. Velner has trashed HM from Quetz so much that all he has to do is be vague on details and his b***hes know who he is talking about.
    Here's my video calling out Velner's latest act of nonsense. I have to make a slight correction. I do mention Velner falsely accusing HM from Quetz of posting "a bunch of blogs" about Spicyryan, and I said in the video that she never posted one. I did recall that HM from Quetz did have ONE blog out calling out Velner and Spicyryan's bullsh*t, but that's it. Last time I checked, ONE is not the same as "a bunch." Here's the video:
    Here are some past blogs on the subject:
  3. CEDAvsFan
    For the first time in this whole ordeal, I was happy to actually see something from Velner. While I was enjoying some good stuff on Netflix, I saw that Velner responded to my video calling his a** out. Here's the response:

    Archive link:  https://archive.is/eyOGM
    You know why I was so happy to see that reply? Because Velner blew up his big lie with that reply! The lie that he's told over and over about Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl and Hannahmontana from Asura (prior to 8/28/2024) being the same person. The lie about anyone coming to HM from Quetz's defense being the same person as HM from Quetz. The lie about HM from Quetz and myself being the same person. All blown up. Velner now sees that I am not HM from Quetz. Velner now sees that HM from Quetz and I are two different people. She's a White woman and I'm a Black man. This realzation has blown Velner's mind and he can't handle the fact that he was dead wrong about his big lie. So what does he do? He deflects and unleashes his massive victim complex.
    Velner accuses HM from Quetz of having multiple accounts in his discord. She doesn't. He claimed that HM from Quetz has multiple characters on Fenrir to keep tabs on him. She doesn't. HM from Quetz has never given any thought to Velner at all. Not one bit. She is enjoying her life and all of the good things that come with it. Velner later follows this with saying, "I want you guys to GO AWAY." Let's look at that sentence. "You guys." That's an acknowledgment that he's wrong about the "same person" BS. But again, the statement shows Velner playing victim, and then he says "It was funny at first but now I'm legitimately creeped out." Velner has no right to say that. Velner's the one creeping HM from Quetz out. Velner's the one nauseating me with his bullsh*t. And now, his big lie has been totally blown up with his comment to my video.
    Oh, and by the way, people tend to use that "same person" lie to discredit their victims and to make their victim number look smaller so they'll be believed by the public and their buddies. All of the people that Velner's accusing of being HM from Quetz? They are all different and individual people, but he wants to say they're all the same so he'll be believed and he can lower his victim count. In addition, Velner's using that same lie to try to turn HM from Quetz's friends against her. He is trying to isolate HM from Quetz; it's a tactic that's been used many times by many bullies--they lie, gaslight, and manipulate people into turning against their main target. That's what this is, pure gaslighting and manipulation from Velner.
    Here's my video exposing Velner as a bold-faced liar, as well as exposing his victim complex:
    So on Velner's 8/29/2024 live stream on Twitch, Velner appeared to be apologetic regarding his actions against HM from Quetz. He appeared to admit his wrongdoings against HM from Quetz, including that his "same person" lie was just that:  a lie. Yeah, so's the apology. Velner is not sorry one bit. Not one bit. For one, if Velner was really sorry, why not apologize directly to Hannahmontana from Quetz and reach out to her? He never did that. Why did Velner only "apologize" in front of his followers and to his followers? This was done to make himself look good in the eyes of his followers, so they can use his bullsh*t "apology" to defend Velner even more than they already do. Velner also never apologized for attacking Hannahmontana from Quetz and bullying her on a video she had up of being wrongly accused of kicking people from a linkshell, nor has he apologized to my friend Sara, whom tried to play as Taylorswift on Fenrir, for all of the horrible things he's done to her.
    Velner has also yet to apologize for falsely accusing HM of Quetz of having characters on Fenrir and kicking everyone from a linkshell known as "GoatsInTrees," and he also hasn't apologized for gaslighting his followers to the point that they felt that they need to harass HM of Quetz's social media by mass downvoting her Reddit posts and her Youtube videos. He also never asked his followers to apologize to HM of Quetz for the immense harassment, nor has he ever told them to stop doing it. Velner also never reached out to AmberMera007 to apologize to her for falsely labelling her as HM of Quetz, and come to think of it, Velner's never apologized to me for making that same accusation towards me.  Velner's never admitted to believing the wrong people and choosing to roll with any and all slander against HM of Quetz, nor has he admitted to bullying HM from Quetz and others based on lies he told and told by others. Velner's never admitted to recent bullying, and he's never told his followers that HM from Quetz wasn't behind any kickings on Quetz, was never on Fenrir, and whenever admitted to any of his wrongdoings. And if Velner was really sorry for anything, he wouldn't have left the comment that he did, on my video prior to this one, after having watched my videos put out pointing out so much about Velner.
    Let's talk about the other offenders, shall we? Shadowdragon, now known as Serpentdragon. He was the one behind the bad comments about Danders, and he was once more popular than Velner--but not anymore, not after his BS was exposed. Same goes for Spicyryan, after his d**k behavior was exposed, he was on a downward path as well. Not by his choosing. Velner isn't as popular as either of them, yet he's pulling the same sh*t. And there's two more I have to mention:  Ben From Alaksa (on YouTube, same name on Twitch) and Ninja Named Jesus (Twitch), two of Velner's followers who have BOLDLY admitted to repeatedly downvoting HM of Quetz's posts on YouTube and on Reddit, and you know what happens when a person's stuff gets mass downvoted? That person gets shadowbanned. It's still happening to HM of Quetz right now. And another deranged offender is Autkast (on Twitch), who believed Velner's despicable lie so much that he resorted to making doxxing threats towards HM of Quetz. Absolutely hideous.
    Part of me can't help but wonder if Velner's targeting HM from Quetz because she's autistic. For that matter, I have a feeling Velner picks on me because I'm Black. Can you say "HATE CRIME"?! Especially considering the level of harassment. So no, Velner isn't sorry. Velner isn't remorseful. Velner's not contrite. If Velner is all of those things, then I'm Nathan MacKinnon, and there's no Hart Trophy in my place.
    Check out my video where I call out Velner's fake apology:
    If Velner was truly sorry, he would tell his watchers on his stream that he was wrong and he would have them spread the word that he was wrong and he bullied HM from Quetz based on bad information, wrong information, and lies, and he would tell them to stop harassing HM of Quetz and to give her a fair chance--as well as to stop the mass downvoting. Velner needs to do the same on Fenrir and on Discord, and he needs to tag everyone on Discord and post a long, long apology admitting to his bullying and slander, basically admit to everything that I just called him out on. When it comes to Velner's live streams on Twitch, the attendance varies. The same people who show up one night, don't appear on the same night. Velner needs to admit he was wrong in front of everyone on the stream and in his linkshells on Fenrir, and he also needs to make that same admission to those who didn't attend any previous streams, especially since they were responsible for the harassment as well. It's not hard to do the right thing.
    Here's my first blog detailing Velner's hideous history of stalking and bullying, among other things:
    And here's my second blog calling out Velner's continued acts of harassment:
    And here's what HM from Quetz had to say about Velner and his BS:
    And here's HM from Quetz's blog saying that if she's going to be accused of being HM for Asura, she may as well do it:
  4. CEDAvsFan
    I despise bullies with a passion, but this one...oooh boy.
    So recently, I was at my friend Sara's place looking to watch sports because my cable was on the fritz. After the game ended, I watched a few movies, and then at a point, I saw Sara was trying to play FFXI and create a character on Fenrir. I warned Sara against it, but I wasn't one to push, so I spoke my piece and that's it. I went home, then I woke up to the news that my friend got kicked out of this linkshell she joined called GoatsInTrees, and I was livid when I learned that Velner was in it.
    I received a number of screenshots from my friend Sara, and here's the first screenshot showing Velner's bullsh*t (more on a theory I have later):  

    And here's the archive:  https://archive.is/t5vPZ
    What follows is more of Velner's bullsh*t, which also includes some gaslighting and playing innocent as well. Seriously, this guy is such a clown. The purple chat color is tells, which are private in game whispers in Final Fantasy XI. When there is ">>" in front of a name, that means it is something being said to that person. With nothing in front of it, it means it is that person speaking. Here's the evidence:

    And here are the archives:
    And look at this! Velner's continuing his sh*t on Discord, and his fellow bully cohorts are joining in on the harassment as well. Here are the shots:

    And it's not just on Discord. Thanks to Velner's delusions and flat out slander, the bullying and harassment from his like-minded cohorts actually struck Reddit as well: Here's the screenshot, from a conversation on Reddit:

    And here's the archive:  https://archive.is/whybU
    This whole thing goes back a good bit to a character known as Shadowdragon, who bullied a user known as Hannahmontana in Quetzalcoatl server on Final Fantasy XI, whom is a friend of mine. The bullying was because Shadowdragon was a p**sy because she wouldn't delete her character so a friend of his could have that name. He bullied her off and on for many years, which is why she would delete and recreate alot. He gaslighted a lot of people against her with so many lies and rumors. All of this started back in 2006. More than a decade after the bullying started, Shadowdragon went to the Asura server and changed his name to Serpentdragon, and saw a different Hannahmontana featured and decided to bully that person, who was actually a 15-year-old girl. Spicyryan also joined in, and as for Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl, she was falsely accused of kicking people out of a linkshell, even though that account was dormant for a long time, but other people believed the claims. Also despite she only ever having a linkshell pearl to that linkshell and never a pearl sack, which gives the power to kick.
    In actuality, it was discovered that the person doing the kicking that Hannah from Quetz was falsely accused of committing was, in fact, Shadowdragon (aka Serpentdragon). He had created a new character on that server, and gained enough trust to do that. Now that I think about it, I recall hearing about some kickings from an LS from Asura, but it was a few years ago back when Shadowdragon first got there. I think he got on the Fenrir server and pulled this same crap. Or it could have been Velner capitalizing on a situation that Shadowdragon put HM from Quetz in, and Velner's doing the kickings and setting her up.
    Speaking of Velner, he joined in on the bullying because he's friends with Spicyryan. And here's the thing:  Velner never reached out to either of the Hannahmontanas at all. He just took the bullying slander as gospel, and even continues to slander Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl over and over again on his Twitch live streams. He makes all sorts of wild claims against HM from Quetz with absolutely NOTHING TO BACK IT UP!! The most disturbing lie that Velner told was that HM from Quetz said that Velner's cat should be skinned. THAT'S A f**kING LIE!!! HM from Quetz loves cats, she has cats of her own that she treasures so much. I know it because I've seen it for myself on a daily basis. One cat she cared for was named Tiger; a beautiful cat she took in and took great care of for so long, up until the day that Tiger left this world. Tiger passed away due to nasal cancer. And again, HM from Quetz would NEVER make that horrible comment about ANY CAT, especially one that looks like her precious Tiger! HM from Quetz loves her cats. The same can't be said for Velner. The only time Velner features his cat is for attention. If they can't get him clout, he doesn't bother. Also, it often appear that is more annoyed with Velner than actually likes him. It's often said that cats can sense evil presences, you know; I think that cat knows Velner's a prick.
    Velner also calls himself a lawyer, yet he has a tendency to spend at least one-third of his day on Twitch live-streaming. Also, the so-called "lawyer" doesn't know that his actions--catfishing, cyberbullying, and stalking--are against the law! If Velner's a lawyer, then I'm Jordan Love. He has a sick obsession with Hannahmontana, and he believes that everyone who uses that name or comes to the defense of HM from Quetz is that same person. Velner also thinks anyone who uses a notable name is Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl. When I first watched Velner, he was harassing someone named AmberMera007 and was accusing her of being Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl, and he was using AmberMera007 defending herself to make those false claims, all so he wouldn't appear to be wrong...even though he's clearly wrong. Mind you, no proof of his crap his shown. Why? Because it's clear that Velner's lying through his teeth, and he's using his status to get HM from Quetz harassed. People use notable names so much, but by his logic, if a person uses say, Johnny Depp, Taylor Swift, or even Joe Biden, it's that same person. So by his logic, I clearly have to be a White woman, instead of what I actually am, a Black man. After all, his implied logic suggests anyone defending Hannahmontana of Quetz are the same person on top of anyone that uses a notable name.
    Velner has also claimed that HM from Quetz has kicked people from a linkshell on Fenrir. That's impossible. She doesn't even have a character on Fenrir. On a recent live stream (evening of 8/25/2024) sees him start up drama and obsess over HM from Quetz, literally voicing his hope that she's watching. Even worse, Velner's verbal garbage is believed by his viewers and followers, who drink the proverbial Kool-Aid and even resort to their own sick and twisted comments against HM from Quetz. Here's a small sample. Case in point:

    And here's proof that Velner is highly likely not a lawyer. Look at this streaming schedule. Hours upon hours upon hours of live streaming. Being a lawyer is not a normal 9-to-5 job. You're basically working every second you're awake. 9:30PM to 3AM Eastern Time (6:30PM to Midnight Pacific Time) is five and a half hours! Five and a half hours of live streaming, and he tends to go over that amount. The average human supposedly spends eight hours sleeping, eight hours working, and the remaining eight hours for whatever. So really, we're supposed to be awake for 16 hours per day. As I stated, a lawyer is not a normal eight-hour job. Out of those 16 hours spent awake, I would think that a lawyer spends at least 12 of them working their profession, which only leaves four hours for whatever. Velner streams for at least five and a half hours, if not six, seven, or even eight! And he says he's a lawyer?! Child, please! Again, here's the proof that there's highly likely no way that Velner's a lawyer:

    Between 8/25/2024 stream and the Discord crap, Velner's gaslighting of his listeners has them drinking the koolaid on such a level that they are talking about coordinated attacks of downvotes and dislikes. While it is okay to have an opinion and dislike/downvote something, it is not okay to coordinate dislikes and downvotes just because. Massive disliking and downvoting ruins the stock of the user and damages their reputation on a massive level. It will give people the wrong idea about a person and subject them to being ostracized and bullied. And speaking of that stream, as you see, there's threats of doxxing in those comments. That's absolutely frightening.
    Velner has a depraved obsession with Hannahmontana and can't, to borrow from Will Smith, "keep her name out of his f**king mouth." The man is a depraved liar, gaslighter, and sociopath who has no business on any social media platform. Velner wants to portray HM from Quetz as being obsessed, but he's the one who is obsessed. HM from Quetz is enjoying her life with her cats and her friends, and hasn't given Velner a single thought at all, and honestly, I think Velner is butthurt and jealous of HM from Quetz's strength. He craves drama and loves starting sh*t because it's literally all he has in the massive void he calls his life. HM from Quetz moves on when she stands up to bullies like him, and it bruises his fragile little ego at an exponential rate, to the point where he has to make up every horrible lie in the book to say about her. That's why Velner does this sh*t:  he's a small and petty man.
    There are so many ways that HM from Quetz is better than Velner. HM from Quetz cares for her cats and cares about others. Velner...not so much, unless he can benefit from it. HM from Quetz doesn't pretend to be something she isn't. Velner lies to others and himself on a public live forum. One lie he tells himself and others is that he thinks HM from Quetz is in love with him. If he believes that, then I have a bridge in Anaheim I can sell him cheap. Also, HM from Quetz doesn't slander people and take slander as gospel. Velner's been doing it for too long. Again, he's never once spoken to either of the Hannahmontanas at all; he's too busy obsessing and gaslighting instead of exploring the fact that he believed the wrong people and chose to judge based on heresay, lies. He's never tried to de-escalate. HM from Asura will be hard to find, but there is my friend from Quetz. If he was anything even remotely close to being a  real man, he'd reach out to HM from Quetz and properly apologize to her for the sh*t he's pulled and done. 
    As I said before, HM from Quetz is living her best life and enjoying things, and this blog below is all she has left to say about it. Knowing her like I do, when she speaks her piece about something, that's it, she moves on. And she doesn't go back to is unless it's absolutely necessary. Here is her blog below:
    So on the evening of 8/26/2024, Velner returned to Twitch for another live stream. The subject did turn to HM from Quetz's video calling his stupid a** out, because he can't go two seconds without mentioning her--it's the only thing that keeps him relevant. The following screenshots (and the archive links) show just a sliver of Velner's hideous harassment.
    First off, Velner doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on his lie about HM from Quetz; the aforementioned false accusation that she insulted his cat and said that his cat should be skinned. HM from Quetz NEVER SAID THAT, and the screenshot actually shows that it was Serpentdragon (formerly known as Shadowdragon) who made the horrible comments. He either transferred to Fenrir or created a version of himself there. It's right there--Serpentdragon, not HM from Quetz. However, what does Velner say about that? He said that it was HM from Quetz, even with that evidence countering his lie staring him right in the face. Besides HM from Quetz doesn't even talk like that. In Velner's mind, Shadowdragon aka Serpentdragon doesn't exist, and it's been HM from Quetz all this time. Even worse, his dickless followers buy that sh*t too. Here's the screenshot:

    Archive link:  https://archive.is/qI2Pi
    And in this screenshot, one of Velner's lemming followers is accusing HM of Quetz of having "multiple personalities," a version of the whole "same person" bullsh*t lie that Velner himself spews, and continued to spew in that stream. f**king ridiculous that people would be so damn gullible and stupid. Even the boyfriends/husbands in Lifetime movies aren't this idiotic! Here's the screenshot:

    Archive link:  https://archive.is/RyVYd
    In this screenshot, the sick defense of Velner continues. It was a wave of this--followers blindly eating up Velner's lies and bullsh*t in the same way that a rat eats cheese. One such follower, "snowbals" attacked HM from Quetz's video by using the "r" word. It's absolutely hideous conduct! Here's the screenshot:

    Archive link:  https://archive.is/ZzJwj
    In this shot, a pair of bullying comments stand out. First, this dummy known as BigBuffaloChip is claiming that HM from Quetz has a crush on Velner, which is the same delusional claim that Velner made on 8/25/2024 (he would say it again in this stream as well). Second, "HandBananaBusta" saying "let me at her," which is an indication that the sicko wants to harm HM from Quetz. Here's the screenshot:

    Archive link:  https://archive.is/q4BJ8
    In these next two screenshots, these same pricks have blatantly admitted that they were stalking HM from Quetz's Twitter, and we see some victim-shaming and victim-blaming as well. "BigBuffaloChip" definitely goes into victim-blaming mode with the comment saying that HM from Quetz is to blame for not letting Shadowdragon's friend have the name. Funny how the only time they do acknowledge Shadowdragon's existence is use it to bully and shame HM from Quetz. And there's also the comment from this idiot called "Autkast" mockingly talking about being blocked from Twitter. Here are the screenshots:

    Archive links:  
    These next three screenshots show some very disgusting comments. One comment from "treacle_snow" makes the whole "same person" accusation, but what really burns me up is this dickless f**ker known as "chizel_whizel," who makes not one, but TWO comments mocking Tiger's death from Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (nasal cancer)! Seriously, there's a special place in hell reserved for people who laugh at the death of pets and for those who mock and make fun of cancer. Here are the screenshots:

    Archive links:
    As I said, these screenshots are just part of harassment. All of this is Velner's handiwork. He's letting his followers use his cat and cat's name to mock and make fun of Tiger's death from Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (nasal cancer). They are lumping together anyone who defends HM from Quetz as the same person, just like Velner does. Velner actually told HM from Quetz, via his stream because he thought she was watching, that she shouldn't exist. So he was saying that she should be DEAD! And his sick, sychophantic f**khead followers are voicing that same sh*t! Velner's spent HOURS UPON HOURS UPON HOURS gaslighting his f**king sheep and slandering HM from Quetz, and his dumb f**k followers are DRINKING IT ALL UP because they are motherf**king MORONS!!!! Seriously, Velner and his bunch are nothing but a f**king cult; much worse than the ones from Lifetime movies, and worse than the real life ones! I wouldn't put it past Velner to clip out parts of some of his streams to play innocent. Velner's sick and twisted bullsh*t needs to stop. He not only needs to be held accountable for his horrendous bullying, he needs to be criminally charged for it!
    I did create a video calling out Velner's horrible nonsense, and it includes stuff that needed to be said regarding that massive, egregious tool! The video is on Tiktok and on YouTube, and here are the links. Check them out!
  5. CEDAvsFan
    So of course, Velner blew up his big "same person" lie very recently, and here's my blog about that:
    Velner continued his disgusting conduct in his latest stream (8/30/2024), which saw him continue to do nothing when one of his followers, known as "snowbals," claimed that someone coming to Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl's defense was HM from Quetz. So that proves that Velner's not the least bit remorseful as he claimed, and he still believes that lie. Here's my video calling him out for that:
    In addition, Velner actually banned AmberMera007 simply for asking a question. AmberMera007 wanted to know why Velner was laughing when someone called someone the N word in a chat. So I was right. Velner is a racist. That explains why he targets me so much. Here's the tweet:
    Archive link:  https://archive.is/Q3Maq
    Velner also fat shamed his own cat, Danders, saying, "I have one cat, but he's really, really big," and even saying that Danders is actually TWO cats. That's basically the same as calling Danders fat. That shows that he doesn't care about Danders, because if you care about and love your pet, you don't make fun of your pet's weight. HM from Quetz would never do that. If HM from Quetz had a cat like Danders, she would never call him fat. She would say that a cat like Danders has a weight issue, but would make such loving and wonderful comments about a cat like Danders. HM from Quetz loves her cats. Velner doesn't seem to care about Danders unless he can use him to get attention from his viewers during his streams. And again, Velner's definitely not sorry one bit. Velner is classless, remorseless, and sociopathic. 
    Here are some past blogs on the subject:
  6. CEDAvsFan
    Throughout history, there have been some horrible and fiendish cults; groups such as the Peoples Temple, NXIVM, and worst of all, the Minnesota Vikings fanbase. In recent days, a new hideous cult has reared it's ugly head, and it's led by a nutcase named Velner. Velner spends every one of his many, many hours on Twitch as he slanders "Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl"; telling so many lies that his followers drink it up like cheap beer. Lies such as saying that HM from Quetz and "Hannahmontana from Asura" are one in the same, lying about HM from Quetz and I being the same person, a vicious and disgusting lie that HM from Quetz insulted Velner's cat, Danders, and said that the cat should be skinned. All lies from Velner, and they should not be believed, but his idiot sheep followers take them as gospel.
    Check out this blog where HM from Quetz decides to finally play as HM from Asura. After all, if she's going to be accused of being HM from Asura, she may as well do it:
    So Velner gets rightfully called out by HM from Quetz, and by myself as well. And what's the fallout? Harassment from Velner's followers on all sorts of platforms. Here's a look.
    First off, this screenshot from Reddit featuring a reply from a clown named "Feisty_Mulberry1873" saying, "Nice sock account reply." I had never heard of that phrase, so I did some digging. A sock account, also known as a sock puppet or research account, is a fake online identity that someone creates to hide their true identity. So Mr. Mulberry Bush is saying that the account they replied to is HM from Quetz. It's not. It's mine. CEDJunior is me. So Mr. Mulberry Bush was responding to me and assuming that I'm HM from Quetz. So to him, I must be a White woman. Seriously, if they can't tell the difference between a Black man and a White woman, then they are really beyond any form of saving. Here's the screenshot:

    Archive:  https://archive.is/4ENKz
    Next up, this idiot named "Poofenplotz" decided to bully HM from Quetz with their dumb f**k reply. I'll have to divide it into segments. First off, the moron says, "You and both your alts need to be banned for bullying." Listen, Poof the Magic Dragon, standing up to bullying is not bullying. I recognize sh*t comments like this because I've been on the receiving end of them; I call out racism, yet I get accused of being "anti-White" when I do it. f**king clowns. Also, he's saying I'm an "alt." I'm no alt. I'm a completely different person who is not HM from Quetz. Poof also says that "your name doesn't cross Velner's mind until you do weird sh*t like this." That's a lie. All Velner does is mention HM from Quetz. It's his life's blood. He has to do it to remain relevant. Here's the screenshot:

    Archive:  https://archive.is/xolIU
    Finally, we have this bit from Velner's stream, and it features two of his followers showing that they still believe that lie Velner told about HM from Quetz insulting his cat. "BenInAlaska" saying "I would never hurt a cat" was that idiot mocking HM from Quetz calling out that lie against her. Another clown, "Vaeyaden" had the gall to say, "When people make up things to garner sympathy, it flippin' sucks." Ummm, Vaeyaden? You're describing Velner. Velner's the one making sh*t up to sympathy. Plain and sympathy. Here's the screenshot:

    Archive:  https://archive.is/MF0SL
    Other than being a deranged gaslighter, Velner is not a good pet owner. That's another thing HM from Quetz does much better than Velner. Velner pays very little attention to Danders, and only does so when Danders walks up to him. Even then, Velner shows off his cat just enough to satisfy his followers. In short, he uses Danders for clout. HM from Quetz gives her cats full attention while she plays, because she actually cares about her cats. The same can't be said about Velner regarding Danders. And speaking of his gaslighting, I recently watched an episode of My Crazy Ex, titled "Exposed, De-clothed & Seriously Hosed," which was the fourth episode of the show's second season. The first segment featured a woman, Valerie, who made her ex-boyfriend's life hell by slandering him to her group of followers for clout. In fact, Valerie used her boyfriend for clout throughout their relationship, and when she was dumped, she gaslit her followers into believing that he was mistreating her. Gee, that sounds familiar! Where have I seen gaslighting like this before? Oh yeah! From Velner. He's just like that nutty woman featured in that episode. Two peas in a deranged pod.
    Check out my video where I call out Velner and his cult:
  7. CEDAvsFan
    So the news hit yesterday that Jarren Duran, an outfielder for the Red Sox who is also this year's All-Star Game MVP, hurled a homophobic slur at a fan who was heckling him. The news has increased today, and it's being met with Red Sox fans defending Duran and making him out to be a victim of a "bullying" fan. Oh boy. Some have actually applauded Duran and one clown said that Duran was a "bad-a**." So what were the "mean" and "horrible" words uttered by this "big, bad bully" of a fan? Here they are:
    "Tennis racket, tennis racket, you need a tennis racket."
    Basically what that fan was simply saying was that Duran can't hit. That's all. And that's what somehow triggered Duran to hurl that slur at him, because "only big fat meanies would say that you can't hit." Oh boy.
    It shouldn't surprise anyone that Red Sox fans are defending this. After all, Red Sox and bigotry go together like the Yankees and winning championships...or like Donald Trump and a bad hairpiece. That same fanbase hurled racial slurs towards players such as Adam Jones (then with the Baltimore Orioles) and CC Sabathia (then with the then-named Cleveland Indians), and here's a trivial note:  the Boston Red Sox didn't integrate until 1959--twelve years after Jackie Robinson broke MLB's color barrier. They were the last of the 16 teams who existed at that time to actually integrate. So yeah, Red Sox fans defending Duran's use of a homophobic slur doesn't surprise me one bit.
    And for the people who are actually vilifying the fan, let's get one thing straight:  heckling has been part of sports for God-knows how long. As long as the fan didn't resort to personal cheap shots (talking about a player's wife and family), make any violent threats, or say anything bigoted, it's all good. The fan's comments didn't qualify under any of those negative qualities. And if Duran had simply either ignored the fan or responded with a non-bigoted shot of his own, that would have been fine. Hell, calling the fan a "dumb motherf**ker" would have been fine. Instead, he went the bigoted route, and based on how casual he said it, methinks this isn't his first time saying this. That shows me that a) he's always been bigoted, and b) he's immensely thin-skinned to resort to anything like that. Black and Latinx players have received much worse than Duran, but you don't see them going off the handle like that, mainly because if players of color actually did call out racist fans, it would be the players of color being called "soft" and "snowflakes" while the racist fan's "free speech" would be defended.
    As I said, heckling is part of sports. Bigotry isn't, or at least, it shouldn't be. And now it's out that Duran will be suspended just two games starting immediately. This was an in-house punishment, because the Red Sox said that they would handle it themselves. Even so, this is a slap on the wrist. Had MLB handled it, it would have been much more. Jarren Duran was completely wrong for what he said. He didn't have to resort to hurling a bigoted slur. He chose to do that. And the Red Sox chose to give him a soft punishment, because that team has condoned bigotry for decades.
    Thank God I'm a Yankees fan.
  8. CEDAvsFan
    It's a wonderful August day. The NFL season is a month away. A MONTH! I'm still planning my next few Fantasy Football drafts. The sun is shining, all is well...
    ...until MyCrownIsHeavy had to spread all over like the fungus he is.
    This whole thing started with a simple discussion about a Lifetime movie. The exact movie was "The Killer With No Name," which aired very recently on Lifetime Movie Network. One person, Casey, watched it and wasn't a fan of the film, and she stated that Lifetime movies that feature podcasts aren't good. I chimed in with polite disagreement; I mentioned The Podcast Murders, which came out in 2022, and added that I loved that movie because it cheered me up after having to watch the Yankees get eliminated by the--ugh--Asstros. Casey said she wasn't a fan of that movie either. This was a nice and good convo between Casey and myself, and then MyCrownIsHeavy had to ruin it by mocking Casey with that "Are you OK?" bullsh*t.
    The "Are you OK?" bullsh*t is a bullying tactic; MCIH sent that exact reply to Casey because he wanted to mock her for her stance on the Lifetime movie. People who use "Are you OK?" want to portray someone as having something wrong with them mentally just because they have a difference of opinion. That's what MCIH was doing to Casey; he was trying to claim that something was wrong with Casey, when all Casey did was say that she didn't like "The Killer With No Name." I know this tactic very well, I've had it done to me a lot of times by other bullies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Casey. All she did was say that she wasn't thrilled with that movie. That's it. 
    I called all of the bullsh*t involving MyCrownIsHeavy and "Sista_Loc" out on Tiktok:  
    Of course, MCIH and Sista_loc have been pitching their hissy fit over being called out. This link has the screenshots of their disturbing tweets:  https://imgur.com/a/5MxB7Cg
    And here are the archives:
    Casey called out their nonsense on her own blog after I posted my Tiktok:  
    So what's MCIH doing now? Well, he's doing a lot of lying and deflecting, and I mean a lot of it. So MCIH had the gall to send Cosmic Dimensions a series of DMs demanding that the blog and the tweet with the blog be taken down. He later turned the subject to Casey. MCIH said that Casey accused him of being a groomer. She never made that accusation. MCIH said that Casey inferred that he might have children tied up in his basement. She never, ever inferred that. Casey simply said that a former friend of hers was like MCIH; meaning that they would both uses their LGBT orientation to get away with their stuff. it was Casey's former friend who had the children tied up in his basement; she never said it was MCIH who did that. All Casey did was call MCIH out for sending a d**k pic to Casey's 14-y.o. neighbor. MCIH said that Casey's comments had been removed because he reported them to TikTok and Twitter. That's another lie. When the same tweet is over reported, it becomes hidden to the person reporting it, which prevents said person from reporting the tweet over and over. That's the case. MCIH has been abusing that "report tweet" option. Gee, I wonder what that means. I think it means that Twitter knows full well that MCIH is the real problem and that he's repeatedly b***hing because he's butthurt over being rightfully called out. Hmmm. 
    Also, MCIH is claiming to have proof of all of this, yet he's not showing it and not explaining why he's not showing it. So he's clearly lying about this "proof," because when someone says they have proof and they don't show it on the spot, and they give zero explanation as to why, they're clearly lying and trying to buy time to "create" some "proof." About MCIH's LGBT orientation, he's been conveniently revealing it after he's been called out for the stuff he's doing. MCIH never mentioned his orientation until that moment. It's only when he can benefit from it and try to get away with sending the lewd pic that he's a proud member of the community all of a sudden. Other than that, MyCrownIsHeavy doesn't care about the LGBT community.
    I had asked Cosmic Dimensions if they got anything or if they were harassed for linking the blog publicly. They told me they had received a DM from MCIH, and I asked if I could see the DMs that they were sent.  After I was shown the DMs, I received permission to use the screenshots of MCIH's DMs for this blog. They are all featured in this link:  https://imgur.com/a/9pR4rsj
    And here are the archive links. The first two archive links feature the DMs from MCIH. The third link features Casey's tweet, which explains that it was a former friend of hers who had kids locked in the basement. She never said it was MCIH who did that:
    The bottom line:  MyCrownIsHeavy needs to get a life, and get a clue, and stop lying. He went from bullying to flat out slander, and he's immensely threatened by proven facts. He needs to get the hell over it. Period.
  9. CEDAvsFan
    Some time ago, I read a story on TVLine about the details of the final season of Superman and Lois. I posted said details on this board, and then it hit me:  Superman and Lois is the last remaining Arrowverse show left, and when that ends, so too does the Arrowverse.
    I'm not gonna lie, I am saddened that the Arrowverse is ending, and even more saddened that it's ending on a whimper. This whole thing started all the way back in 2012 with the show that it's named after:  Arrow. Now, I didn't watch Arrow when it began, but I do remember playing catch up and watching in time for a season premiere. Two years after Arrow premiered, The Flash began, and for a brief while, it was just those two, and they would crossover at times. Those two shows aired on CW, but CBS would give us Supergirl, and that ended up being part of the universe. Supergirl premiered in early 2016, and it was a few months after that when Legends of Tomorrow began. For a while, those four shows served as what I like to call, the core of the Arrowverse.
    Let me put it this way.  If the Arrowverse had phases, those first four shows would be Phase 1. Phase 2 would be Batwoman, Black Lightning, Stargirl, Naomi, and Superman and Lois. I watched Batwoman religiously, until I fell behind a few times, but I did catch up. I tried to watch Black Lightning, but couldn't; I found myself losing interest after a few episodes. Stargirl  I watched religiously, but at some point during Season 3, I phased out. I tried my damnedest to watch Naomi--couldn't. I did watch Superman and Lois, but I have yet to watch Season 3. 
    I have an emotional connection to the Arrowverse, especially the mega crossovers. The first one was the Invasion one, and I remember that fondly because the first episode of that crossover aired on the same day that the Green Bay Packers defeated the Philadelphia Eagles on Monday Night Football, which began the Packers' "run the table" winning streak in 2016. Arrow's end with Oliver Queen's funeral got to me, and of course, I enjoyed watching what would be Batwoman's final season in 2021-22, where I would write reviews on the Poison Ivy angle, I got some of my tweets liked by Nicole Kang, who played Mary Hamilton on the show, and I would enjoy the first year of  the NHL on TNT, which ended up being the year that the Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup.
    To me, the Arrowverse pretty much made The CW, and without it, it's going to be such a different animal. As I said before, it's going down, for the most part, without a fight. The Arrowverse deserves a much better overall fate than this.
  10. CEDAvsFan
    You know, the year's already chaotic enough as it is. Too much is going on in the country, let alone the world. Far too many beloved celebrities have left this world, and we are all still feeling the wounds. Yet a lot of us are finding some positives out there. For me, it's waiting oh so patiently for the start of the NFL season, as well as joining some Fantasy Football leagues and hoping to win one again. Even as things are running wild, I--like many other people--am finding some enjoyment in something good and positive.
    And then Blabette's no-good and ugly head just had to pop up again. Oh dear, oh dear...
    For those who remember, Blabette is a nut job who has been defending Jonathan Majors WAAAAAAY better than Connor Hellebuyck defended the net against the Colorado Avalanche in the playoffs. She lives in this Bizarro World where Jonathan Majors is an innocent man instead of what he really is:  a disgusting abuser. Even worse, Blabette will pick on and target anyone and everyone who lets the truth get in the way of her insane narrative. And worse than that, she has a posse of pro-Majors sycophants who help her do her dirty work. This past blog calls out all of Blabette's bullsh*t from December of 2023, and I remember it very well. Part of her bullsh*t had Blabette delusionally claiming that myself and Miley were the same person. Yeah, so according to Blabette, I'm a White woman and Miley's a Black man. Riiiight... If she believed that, I have a bridge in Orange, California that I could sell her cheap. And Blabette also dug up some slanderous blogs and passed them off as truth, and she did it because Miley doesn't support Majors, and she's friends with someone Blabette chooses to hate. Blabette has also teamed up with pro-Depp people to attack those who don't support Majors, yet she claims to be pro-Amber Heard. Yeah, Blabette's full of sh*t. Here's the blog:
    So what are Blabette and her dumb f**k posse up to now? The same thing they do every night, Pinky:  try to bully people into believing that Jonathan Majors isn't an abuser, when he actually is! Blabette's bullsh*t was also called out by Casey:

    And here's an archive of the exact screenshot:  https://archive.is/DYLmm
    Blabette has targeted Miley before, and she's targeted myself as well--she's even gone as far as saying that Miley and I are the same person. Even crazier, Blabette's b***hES have been doing her dirty work as well. First off, an archive link of one such dumbass targeting Miley (on behalf of Blabette):  https://archive.is/mmcLh
    And here's another b***h of Blabette's spouting the pro-Majors propaganda:  https://archive.is/jP29A
    Blabette's slander against Casey--very hideous stuff:  https://archive.is/X6pbK
    But look at this! Blabette seems to be backtracking on Majors. Seems to be easing off on her stance. What the f**k is she trying to pull here? Plausible deniability? Or does she have a split personality? You be the judge:  https://archive.is/DSozG
    Thanks to Casey, who collected the evidence--that which she found by looking at "AmberMera007," who happens to be someone I was tweeting with about Majors. The link:  https://archive.is/uIdGm
    And the evidence came from these tweets from "AmberMera007":
    And here are the hidden replies that further prove the connection:  https://archive.is/hs2Hp
    Regarding the hidden replies, here's where they came from:  https://x.com/AmberMera007/status/1815241826695307648
    As I was putting the finishing touches on this blog, something clicked on my mind. The same people who were bothering myself and Miley were also starting to bother "AmberMera007." All that proves that Blabette is a habitual offender and an attention wh**e. Also, another thing:  from what I've seen, "AmberMera007" hasn't said one nasty thing to Blabette, but yet Blabette has had her posse target her a bit lately. That should tell you all you need to know about the type of human being Blabette is, and in Blabette's case, I use the phrase "human being" very, very loosely. If I was "AmberMera007," I'd do the smart thing and block that picky b***h. But I'm not one to say who should follow or block who.
    Seriously, Blabette needs to stop being a thing. She needs to get a life and stop obsessively defending abusers. She also needs to stop f**king with people who tell it like it is and state facts. Blabette is delusional, crazy, and flat out stupid for defending Jonathan Majors. And she's a horrible human being for trying to bully people in to defending that abuser. Blabette needs to GET A LIFE!
  11. CEDAvsFan
    NextDoor's standards were already lower than Connor McDavid's chances of ever returning to the Stanley Cup Final as an Oiler. And now, they've sunk to even new lows with this:  they are now condoning images of animal cruelty. Yikes.
    So here's how this started. Recently, while I was surfing the net, I stumbled upon a NextDoor post from a woman named Bridget Fagan. In it, she posted a photo of an injured cat and goes on and on claiming to be sympathetic to the poor animal. The fact that this was posted is egregious; the animal is in pain and injured, yet Bridget posts the photo after her son snaps it. And it was done all for praise and attention and all else, and even worse, there's a lot of comments actually congratulating her. Blech. Even worse:  not one person questioned the validity of Bridget's story about the cat being hit by a car. They simply saw an injured cat at an animal clinic, and just started praising Bridget without any doubts SMH.
    Here's the link to the images of Bridget's post:  https://imgur.com/a/Bo6wzRf
    And the images are all archived, and here's the link:  https://archive.is/RrQ3T
    One of the people delivering the saccharin comments is Karen Fredenhagen, who happens to own Kingsley Animal Hospital on Kingsley Ave in Orange Park, Florida. She's hurling so much praise to Bridget and her fellow attention wh**e son without asking ANY QUESTIONS. Bridget's claim was that the cat was struck by a car. Yeah, sure...
    Here's the link to Karen's comments:  https://imgur.com/a/xDT1JFV
    And that's archived as well, here's the link:  https://archive.is/VKYUi
    It's painfully clear that Bridget Fagan's doing this for clout and attention. The sad part:  she's getting it--a lot of praise. Even worse, the comments that call her out are erased by NextDoor, who also claimed that Bridget's actions didn't violate community guidelines. Great:

    Bridget's story about a car striking that cat is very suspect. The cat looks too clean. If that cat was hit by a car, that poor cat would look much worse. The image would be more graphic. Why was there no blood other than that one speck by the cat's foot? If the cat was moved from the original spot, why does it look so clean around the cat at that point? Wouldn't there be more blood coming out of the cat? Wouldn't the cat be more distorted than it is? My theory:  Bridget's son probably abused that cat and Mommy Dearest is covering for him. He also moved that cat for the sole purpose of taking that picture, and in that time, the cat could have already been in transit to an animal clinic and most likely saved. But he just had to get that picture! I wouldn't put anything past those two. Bridget's son should be ashamed of himself for taking a photo of the injured cat, Bridget should be ashamed for posting it, and NextDoor should be deeply ashamed for condoning this sh*t. Shame, shame, shame.
    Here's my video calling out this latest incident:  
    And sadly, this is NOT the only example of someone posting a picture of a cat that is injured or worse on NextDoor. There is a disturbing trend of people on NextDoor posting pictures of injured or deceased animals. Another such incident was called out in a blog, and here's the link:  
    This also isn't Bridget's first time posting grotesques photos of injured cats. Here are archive links to more pictures of injured cats posted by Bridget. WARNING:  These photos are graphic in nature; please view at your own risk.
    What I've shown is just a small portion of the posts of similar nature that I've seen on Next Door, not just in Jacksonville, FL--as I have pointed out here--but elsewhere as well. What's pathetic is the common thread in all of them:  the annoying over-anointing of the people taking such photos, dubbing them heroes and saviors without any question!
  12. CEDAvsFan
    When the Professional Women's Hockey League started play, I saw this as a beacon of opportunity, equality, and compassion. That all changed in the last few days.
    PWHL's Minnesota team, the team who just won the championship, drafted this player named Britta Curl, and I learned that she's a transphobic and homophobic bigot. I learned this yesterday, and today, I see THREE players defending her, including the Lamoureux Twins (Jocelyne and Monique) telling Britta to "ignore the noise" and later bully a reporter for calling out her sh*t. Even worse, Ken Klee, the Minnesota head coach, was asked if he discussed Curl with any LGBT members of the team. He danced around the question and mentioned his one LGBT friend, which to me is the same as saying, "Some of my best friends are (insert marginalized community here).
    So yeah, I'm done watching that league, because who knows how many of the league's players are fine with Britta's bullsh*t. I originally said that I'm glad that I'm a fan of PWHL Toronto, but who knows how many players from any of the teams are turning a blind eye to Curl's bigotry. Even worse, PWHL kept preaching about equality, yet they have the Riley Gaines of hockey in their league. Speaking Riley, of course that c**t's on Britta's side.
    As a hockey fan, as a human being, and as an LGBT ally, this p**ses me the f**k off. And this is on PRIDE MONTH, too. On a month where the LGBT community should be praised, respected, and honored, we see a BIGOT get praised, respected, and honored. Yikes. So I voiced my statements on Twitter, and here's the tweet
    Of course, the tone deaf pricks came at me, because they have nothing better to do. One of them called me a "creep who watches wrestling." To the surprise of absolutely no one, the clown's an Oilers fan. They're bigots, too. I still remember three years ago when Oilers fans hurled racist comments towards Ethan Bear (who was with the team at the time) after they were swept out of the playoffs. Yeah, because he was to blame, right? It wasn't McDavid and Draisaitl disappearing in that playoff series, right. So I set that fool straight.
    You know, if Britta Curl actually showed some, oh IDK, actual remorse for her bigoted stance, that would change things. She hasn't. And if other players actually, oh IDK, called her out for her stupidity and let her know that her mindset is absolutely backwards, that would change things. They haven't. And surprise, surprise, no one's telling those bigoted c**ts to "shut up and shoot the puck." Why? Simple. They're White. We all know the rules. White athletes can say any horrible thing they want, but Black athletes saying the words "Black," "Lives," and "Matter," that's the real crime. So is a Black QB peacefully protesting against racially charged shootings by police, it's just sooooo wrong. That's so sad. We have really gone backwards as a country. We are condoning bigotry instead of condemning it, and we are condemning those who stand up against bigotry. Just a sad state of affairs
  13. CEDAvsFan
    So on January 30, 2024, I tore up my Naomi fan card, which I actually had for about 15 years. It all started with this:

    Here's the thing. Cosmic Dimensions merely quoted something from a reply post on the forum website. It was not an expression of what Cosmic Dimensions thought, it was only a quote from a reply post. Yet Naomi made it look like Cosmic Dimensions was directly attacking her and slandering her. That's not what happened. The words "says one person hearing of Naomi's treatment of a fan" are the only words actually from Cosmic Dimensions. The quote above those words is from the reply post. So Naomi's full of sh*t. A couple of posts exposed her terrible behavior towards some fans, yet when she was rightfully called out on Twitter, Naomi had the temerity to tweet what was shown in the screenshot. That last part stands out, "I've been through that enough." Has she really? I know the story's out that she was really messed with in WWE. But was she really? Was she really messed with, or did she act up, get clapped back, and she couldn't take it? So here was my response:
    I meant every word I said, because Naomi's dead wrong for what she's doing, which includes inciting her fans to harass and bully Cosmic Dimensions. Also, I've seen nasty tweets by Naomi fans by non-fans that were immensely over the top, and over the slightest things, such as simply not liking Naomi's entrance music, for example. Naomi has even liked some of those tweets that I've seen. The basic fanbase of Naomi hasn't changed. Any slight critique of Naomi in the slightest way, or any calling out of her nonsense, and her fans go absolutely nuclear. Case in point:
    Two links full of cruel insults, tone-deaf barbs, and even death threats. Yeah, death threats were actually tweeted out. Example:

    Imagine actually resorting to threatening someone's life simply for stating that their favorite wrestler has done awful things.

    Even more infuriating, this tweet is calling Cosmic Dimensions "racist clowns" who "did the same BS to Sasha." First off, Sasha was never mentioned. Secondly, calling out a bad experience with Naomi is not racist. Nothing racist was said, and no slurs were said. And again, nothing was ever said by Cosmic Dimensions about Sasha. Perhaps this "kNattieP" person thinks she's doing Naomi a favor; Naomi's claiming that Cosmic Dimensions "made everything up," so "kNattieP" thinks she'll do Naomi a favor by slandering Naomi's victim and getting them harassed.
    Naomi and Sasha are not in the same boat. I do remember that Naomi and Sasha Banks left WWE because creative wasn't using them right. However, I honestly think that Naomi wrecked Sasha's WWE career with that. Sasha actually has been treated so wrongly by WWE, and Sasha and Bianca Belair have been on the receiving end of racism. However, neither Sasha nor Bianca have conducted themselves in the poor and tacky manner that Naomi has. Plus, Naomi returned to WWE at the first chance. That has me thinking. When she went to TNA (then known as Impact Wrestling), I assumed that she would be there for the long run, and either retire there, or go back to WWE after about three years there. She wasn't in TNA for a year before she jumped right back to WWE. I wouldn't be surprised if Naomi played this card for her own benefit, so she could swoop back in to WWE and kiss up to them now that, in Naomi's mind, there's one less Black girl "in her way" (Sasha).
    Also, one of the tweets said Naomi has a lawsuit. She doesn't. If anything, Cosmic Dimensions does, and that's because Naomi slandered and defamed them with her false accusations of being verbally attacked by them. If anything actually happens to Cosmic Dimensions, Naomi will definitely be at fault. Oh, and remember that tweet of hers she posted in response to Cosmic Dimensions? The same tweet I quote tweeted? Gone. She deleted the tweet right after I called her out. Naomi was covering her a** after seeing that I had called her out for her nonsense. As for myself, I'm upset. I am usually careful (or I try to be) regarding who I should and shouldn't support. I'm upset at Naomi for pulling this nonsense like this. And it's all for clout, after all, she returned at the Rumble. I should have known something was up when she basically defended her husband, Jimmy Uso, for his DUI. She's an absolute nutcase.
  14. CEDAvsFan
    As Major League Baseball's 2024 season begins, a new plague hits Tiktok, though it's one I kinda had a feeling about. So in the drama involving "billynomates.1988" and "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad", there was an apparent ally in the form of "spiritualsquirrelvox". Emphasis on apparent. Something about Squirrel wasn't kosher. Something didn't quite pass the smell test. Was she really on the right side, or was she out for herself? Some certain posts and DMs led me to believe that latter was the more realistic possibility.
    Evidence of this comes in the form of these screenshots from Monday, March 25, in this link in how she treated my friend Miley.
    Our friend @Angie sent these to me:  https://imgur.com/a/GEFowjj
    Out of that group of shots in that link, the one that stands out the most, is this one:
    Why even mention that? "I have a bigger account with notable mutuals with even bigger accounts than my own"? That to me, sounds like Squirrel had been using her so-called stance against Billy and Bowzer for clout. And this message, which was sent to me on Sunday, March 24, actually proves my point:

    I've watched enough Lifetime movies to recognize this. I was at my most vulnerable at that point, yet she says that I "managed to stumble into our friend circle." You know what that says? Basically, Squirrel's telling me, "You were nothing when you came to me, and I saved you." Again, watch every Lifetime thriller made in the last 20 years. You'll hear that same rhetoric from every villain in those films.
    The other screenshots in that IMGUR link also tell the story right there. There was really nothing genuine about her defense against those two bullies. All of this shows that Squirrel had been using us, or trying to use us, from the very beginning. All of that portrayed kindness, the act like she's on our side--it was all for show to get us to believe that she was really our ally, when she was actually out for her own interests.
    It continued to be proven with Squirrel making false accusations of micro aggression against another friend of mine; "AmberMera007". She claimed that "AmberMera007" was being micro aggressive, when in actuality, "AmberMera007" was simply explaining something to Squirrel that was based on Amber's own personal experience, as well as my own.
    Yet Squirrel resorted to micro aggression in one of her Tiktoks, shown below:
    Squirrel's Act of Microaggression against Miley (Which has since been deleted because "spiritualsquirrelvox" is covering her a**.)
    I confronted Squirrel with this, and these were her responses:

    Notice the "Account not found" up top. I stepped away a bit while I was talking to Squirrel, and I asked Miley to check Squirrel's account, because I saw that "Account not found" up here. Miley found the same thing. Apparently, Squirrel couldn't handle the truth, so she blocked me. Holy moley. And see that? I'm "ungrateful"? Again, textbook Lifetime villain 101. I confronted Squirrel, I reminded her of her misdeeds, and she lashes out at me. Also, "I defended you against 2 racists and I defended Miley as well because they're sexist." What about when Miley was falsely accused of being a transphobe and they were heavily implying it? Where was that, Squirrel?
    And this isn't the first time we've dealt with someone playing both sides. I wrote a blog that included something about another backstabber close to the end. The name is censored out but it is "flossyface" of Tiktok:
    And here's more evidence of "flossyface's" double dealing on Tiktok:
    Double Dealing (Poor attempt at playing on the side of "dhbowzeryournonbinarydad")
    So Miley and I just encountered an issue. Suddenly, oddly enough, both of our Facebook accounts were locked due to "unusual activity". We both checked; no unusual activity on either side. Funny how this happens not too long after I called out Squirrel's bullsh*t regarding two of my friends. Kinda makes ya think.
  15. CEDAvsFan
    The NHL's Western Conference Final got underway, and this year, it's the Dallas Stars against the Edmonton Oilers. The Oilers' road to this point saw them defeat the Los Angeles Kings in Round 1, and the Vancouver Canucks in Round 2. As for the Stars, they defeated the Vegas Golden Knights in Round 1, and the Colorado Avalanche in Round 2. As an Avs fan, I was disappointed over the ousting, but when this Conference Final was made official, it wasn't hard for me to decide who I would pull for to win this series:  Dallas.
    Just by saying that, I am fully aware that I'm violating all sorts of codes here--the main one being that we are not supposed to root for our division rivals to do anything other than get a kick in the a**. Another code is that fans of teams who get eliminated do not pull for the teams who eliminated them, but with me, that depends on who it is. Division rivalries are intense in every sport, especially hockey. Nearly every fan is pretty much brought up to hate division rivals. The picture above features the logo of all eight teams in the NHL's Central Division, including the team I'm a fan of, the Colorado Avalanche. However, my stances on our seven rivals are quite interesting. Here are my true honest feelings about our seven division rivals:
    Dallas Stars:  Never hated them, even in spite of them beating us in the Conference Final in 1999 and 2000. They did give me a few reasons this year, but there are still some teams who deserve more hate than the Stars.
    Utah (the former Arizona Coyotes):  I feel sorry for that team, especially with the relocation bullsh*t going on with them. They've been trying to keep things afloat in recent years, but now the team's moving from Arizona to Utah. Plus, the team's only been our division rivals for three years, and nothing's really developed. So yeah, definitely no reason to hate the former Coyotes.
    Chicago Blackhawks:  Used to respect that team until the story involving poor Kyle Beach came out. Since then it's been sh*tshow after sh*tshow with them. Can't stand them, but at the current moment, I don't have to worry about them.
    Minnesota Wild:  HATE THEM. They are our longest tenured division rivals. Avs and Wild were in the old Northwest Division together from 2000-2013, and have been in the Central Division together since the 2013-14 season. Even in the COVID-affected 2020-21 season, the Avs and Wild were in the localized West Division together. We can't get away from the Wild LOL! At the moment, we never have to worry about the Wild, because they have sucked in the last few years, but even so, can't stand them. I respect them, but can't stand them.
    Nashville Predators:  Used to hate them, but that's decreased a bit. They've become quite fun to watch, and I was happy for them for making the playoffs with a new coach this year
    St. Louis Blues:  DESPISE THEM since the 2022 playoffs. I used to like that team and feel for them because they couldn't win. I was happy for them when they did win in 2019. Ever since their fans sent racist death threats to Nazem Kadri, all of my respect for them went out the window. Even NOW, Blues fans still believe that Kadri intentionally injured their goalie, Jordan Binnington, when it was actually Binnington's teammate who shoved Kadri into Binnington, and some of them even believe that they were "falsely" accused of being racist. Oh, and Binnington has a racist history, too. Oh boy. Yeah, f**k the Blues.
    Winnipeg Jets:  I have a soft spot for Canada, so that keeps me from actually hating the Jets. They did frustrate us this season, but that never caused me to hate them.
    Back to the West Final. There are some teams who deserve more hate than even division rivals. The Golden Knights are definitely one team, and the Oilers are another. Here's the thing, though. It's only because the Oilers fan base consists of delusional and arrogant asshats that I'm actually pulling for Dallas in this series. That's all. I've never had Stars fans come at me and pound their chests when they shouldn't. Oilers fans trashed me because I told them that they're ruining Connor McDavid's career. All I did was tell the truth, and they couldn't handle it. So yeah, I hope Oilers fans end up crying in the car after this year's West Final.
  16. CEDAvsFan
    Donald Trump:  "I'm very very rich"
    Also Trump:  "I need your money to save my a**"
    Donald Trump:  "Migrants commit crimes and leech off us"
    Also Trump:  "I need your money to help me avoid jail for the crimes I committed"
    And yet people blindly support this guy, KNOWING what he's about.
    I already said my thoughts about this year's election. It's the rematch nobody wanted. Neither choice is that good, but I also said that Joe Biden is clearly the lesser of the two evils. This sh*t further proves me right. Trump's f**ked beyond recognition, yet he and his family are literally begging for us, the citizens of America, to foot the bill for his legal sh*t. He can't be f**king serious. Now, the last thing I am is political, but I severely doubt that any other presidential candidate literally beg for handouts like Trump's doing. He's supposed to be "very very rich," right? Pay for it yourself and stop trying to take money from citizens. Seriously, the Trumps are who racists falsely believe the migrants are. You NEVER see migrants beg for handouts. Hell, the homeless don't beg half as much as the Trumps are doing.
    This is the same man who, in his 2016 campaign, denigrated immigrants and accused them of being criminals and leeches. Maybe he should look in the mirror. Trump's doing the exact same thing he accused immigrants of doing. Yet I'll bet money that some of his supporters will be stupid enough to donate to him, because as the late, great P.T. Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute." 
  17. CEDAvsFan
    When the second round matchups were set in stone, one of them was a pivotal one for an entire nation. No, not this one. The one sitting above us. The series in the Pacific Division pitted the Vancouver Canucks and the Edmonton Oilers, meaning that it's a guarantee that a Canadian team will be part of the NHL's Final Four this year. The series has reached seven games, and the role of "Last Canadian Team Standing" will be decided in that game.
    So, why is this vital? It's simple. The last time a Canadian franchise won the Stanley Cup, you have to go all the way back to 1993. That year, the Montréal Canadiens won their 24th Stanley Cup in franchise history. Since then, Canadian teams haven't had any luck in the playoffs. In fact, there have only been six instances where a Canadian franchise reached the Stanley Cup FInal:  1994 (Canucks--lost in seven), 2004 (Flames--lost in seven), 2006 (Oilers--lost in seven), 2007 (Senators--lost in five), 2011 (Canucks--lost in seven), and 2021 (Canadiens--lost in five). Fans of Canadian clubs have long believed that the commissioner, Gary Bettman, has a bias against Canadian teams, but that's really not the case. These teams just haven't been good or fortunate enough to win the whole thing. 
    As I stated before, a Canadian team will be in the Final Four this year. It will be the third time in four years, and overall, it will be the fifth time in the last eight years that a Canadian club will be four wins away from reaching the Final. In a crazy twist of irony, the stretch began after a 2015-16 season that saw none of the NHL's seven Canadian franchises qualify for the playoffs--the first time that happened since the 1969-70 season, though back then, only the Maple Leafs and Canadiens represented Canada in the NHL--which had 12 teams at that time.
    In 2017, the Ottawa Senators reached the Eastern Conference Final, and came within a hair of advancing, being ousted in double overtime of Game Seven by the Pittsburgh Penguins. In 2018, it was the Winnipeg Jets reaching the Western Conference Final, only to run into the Vegas Golden Knights during that team's debut season. 2021 was the second of the two COVID-affected seasons that saw localized divisions, with one of them consisting of all seven Canadian teams. As a result, the first two rounds of that year's playoffs were purely division based, guaranteeing that a Canadian team would reach the third round. That year, it was the Canadiens, who actually ended up advancing to the Stanley Cup Final. In 2022, the Edmonton Oilers reached the Western Conference Final, only to be swept by the Colorado Avalanche.
    Now, for those of you who'd like to believe that the last Canadian team left would have support from the entire nation of fans...kill that belief right now. Canadian pride in hockey only exists in the Olympics and other forms of international play. When it comes to the Stanley Cup, it's every team and fanbase for themselves. Do Canadian fans want the Cup drought over? Yes. But they want their favorite team to do it. Leafs fans will not root for either Vancouver or Edmonton to win the whole thing. Neither will Senators and Canadiens fans. Flames fans would rather eat dirt than ever root for the Canucks and especially the Oilers. I've said many times that it's always fun when Canadian teams face each other in the playoffs. One reason is because of the heated pressure and rivalry between the teams and the fans. So yeah, the entire nation of Canada won't band together for the one team left in the playoffs. That's just not a thing. 
    Either the Canucks or the Oilers will be the last Canadian team standing, and it'll be interesting to see if that attribute leads to the end of a 31 year drought.
  18. CEDAvsFan
    Here's my God's honest take on Lucy Chen, Tim Bradford, and Chenford. Once upon a time, I was not a fan of Tim. I didn't hate him. I saved that hatred for Talia Bishop, because--to me--she was straight up bullying John Nolan. Anyone who's mean to a nice guy like that is damn near dead to me. My problem with Tim was that he was a prick who thought he knew, well, everything. I especially didn't like how harsh he was to Lucy. The easy excuse is, "Well, he's a TO." Yeah, with the exception of Talia (who was worse IMO), none of the other TOs on that show were as prickish as Tim. Angela Lopez (during the early seasons) gave more of a "tough love" approach, Nyla Harper may have been an intense bad-a**, but she still treated John way better than Talia did, and of course, when John became one, he was definitely in the "stern but fair" category. 
    Now, I was starting not to like Lucy after the way she broke it off with Nolan, but it wasn't at a high level...yet. I would see Lucy pretty much hope Tim would be less harsh to her, and at that time, I was pulling for that too. Of course, a lot of fans expected "Chenford" to happen, because it's TV, and it's a matter of time. It did take a while, but Tim's harshness decreased, and by Season Five, Chenford became a thing. However, by that time, my respect for Lucy's actress, Melissa O'Neil, decreased vastly, and fittingly, Lucy took a turn for the worse, and it would be worse during this season.
    So during this season, Tim was involved in an investigation involving his military past. That sh*t is immensely confidential. He could not tell ANYONE...yet Lucy expected Tim to tell her what was going on, and shamed him when he didn't. They would break up, and Lucy's spent the many episodes following the breakup playing the "poor me" card. Even so, weeks before this, I finally realized why Lucy wanted Tim to be nicer to her. It's because she wanted to push him around. It's because she wanted to basically scold Tim for anything and everything. And look at Tim now. He actually spent time actually blaming himself for the breakup. He's basically a shell of what he was in seasons past. Now, granted, I do like that Tim's not much of an a**h**e like he was in early years, but the fact that he's basically walking around depressed and blaming himself over a breakup that was Lucy's fault is just appalling. 
    Lucy is wrecking Tim's mental health. I'll go one further. I actually now think that Isobel (Tim's drug-addicted ex-wife), was better for Tim than Lucy was. Isobel was riddled with problems but she never pretended otherwise. She was never angry at Tim for how their marriage ended, she never held a grudge, and she never pointed fingers. Lucy is the exact opposite. She's become what Tim used to be in the early seasons. If you ask Lucy, nothing is her fault. It's always someone else. It's either Tim, or her Catch U Next Tuesday mom (and she is one, that's for sure), or literally anyone other than her. And what gets me is this:  I saw the promo for next week's episode. They're teasing Chenford getting back together. Honestly, that better not happen. For the sake of fans of the show and for the sake of Tim's mental health, Chenford better not be a thing again. The only way I'll put up with it is if Lucy completely does a 180 and changes her selfish attitude. From the way she's been acting, we'll see a Stanley Cup parade for the Minnesota Wild before that happens.
    Wanna know why I'm not a fan of Melissa O'Neil anymore? Read my story below:
  19. CEDAvsFan
    So a few days ago, we were hit with the shocking news that NCIS:  Hawai'i, the fourth installment in the NCIS franchise, would be canceled after three seasons. The series starred Vanessa Lachey as Jane Tennant, the leader of the NCIS crew in the country's 50th state. We've seen this installment crossover with the original series, and it was near the tail end of Season 2 that LL Cool J began his reprising his NCIS:  LA role of Sam Hanna. So regarding the cancellation, why did this happen? Here's what CBS Entertainment president Amy Reisenbach had to say to Variety magazine:
    "Keep the schedule fresh"? Soooo...the first NCIS series to have a female lead and have an out LGBT couple isn't "fresh" in your mind, Ms. Reisenbach?! The more I think about those attributes, the more I see this as a classic case of making the "old White men" happy. I've seen a lot of episodes of the NCIS franchise, and while the shows are good, the casts aren't that diverse. The OG series and the New Orleans incarnation both had White male leads, and LL Cool J was a co-lead on LA with Chris O'Donnell. "But what about NCIS:  Sydney?" you ask. "That has a female lead." That's right, Sydney does have a female lead. Here's the thing, though. Even now, in 2024, where diversity and representation are both big musts, the Highlander rule does apply when it comes to those things. What's the rule in Highlander? There can only be one. 
    Sadly, that rule has applied with diversity in a lot of forums. Hawai'i had a female lead and so did Sydney, and once Sydney got the renewal, that sealed Hawai'i's fate. Marginalized groups will get an inch, but when we start to get more inches, we get cut down to size. I do not buy this bullsh*t excuse about "keeping the schedule fresh" and "keeping momentum going." You want to keep a schedule fresh? Move shows! It happens all the time! Shows always get moved to different time slots to test the waters. They didn't even try to do that. NCIS:  Hawai'i had a lot of momentum. It was the first in the franchise to be led by a female, and it had some good representation. And I think that's the true reason why they axed the show, because two NCIS shows with female leads would be seen as "catering" to the so-called "woke mob." This was CBS' way of appeasing the "good ol' boys." Shame on them for this decision.
  20. CEDAvsFan
    Let's talk about the two most dangerous words in the English language to any fan of the Stanley Cup Playoffs:  Game Seven.
    Really, Game Seven is nerve-wracking in all three sports that uses a playoff series format--NBA, MLB, and NHL. In the NBA and NHL, all playoff rounds are best-of-seven. Since 2022, MLB has a best-of-three Wild Card Series and a best-of-five Division Series, and it's the League Championship Series and the World Series that are best-of-seven. Of course, Game Seven only comes when both teams have won three games out of six, and a final seventh game is needed to determine who advances, or in the case of the final round, who becomes champion. 
    The main subject in this blog is Game Sevens in the Stanley Cup Playoffs, because while all Game Sevens are nerve-wracking, the ones that will most likely raise your heart rate are in the NHL. Baseball's slow-paced, it doesn't pick up until a bases loaded situation. Basketball's faster, but it's a controlled frenzy. Hockey can go a million ways, especially the way the puck bounces. That's why Game Sevens in the Stanley Cup Playoffs, while they are exciting, can be nerve-wracking for overall fans, and frightening for fans of teams playing in one. And if Game Seven goes to overtime...oh boy.
    So we actually have a Game Seven in this year's opening round, and honestly, I didn't think we'd see one. The first round has been less climactic than usual. We have one sweep, and four series ended in five games. The only exciting five game series was the Avalanche/Jets series, and that's because there were so many goals scored. The remaining three that are ongoing now have reached Game Six, and the series that reached Game Seven is the one between the Boston Bruins and the Toronto Maple Leafs, because of course it is. This was another series that was 3-1 after four games, and it was Boston with the 3-1 lead. However, back-to-back 2-1 wins by Toronto have resulted in a Game Seven needed.
    Game Seven hasn't really been kind to both teams. We all know Toronto's history, they haven't won a Game Seven in 20 years, and they have lost their last five Game Sevens--with three of them coming against Boston. And unlike the rest of the hockey world, I see both sides to this. Boston has had recent problems closing out series. The losses in Games Five and Six this year served as their fifth and sixth straight losses in series clinching games dating back to 2022. This includes last year, where a 65-win Bruins team blew a 3-1 series lead to the upstart Florida Panthers in Round 1. Speaking of that series last year, no NHL team has ever blown 3-1 series leads in back-to-back year. That's what the Bruins face on Saturday.
    Saturday's winner will face off against the Florida Panthers in Round 2. As for the remaining series, the Nashville Predators and the Vegas Golden Knights each have the chance to force Game Sevens of their own. If they do, those Game Sevens will take place on Sunday.
  21. CEDAvsFan
    I can't believe that my fellow Avalanche fans entered this year's Stanley Cup Playoffs scared and worried. Yes, I was a bit demoralized when the Winnipeg Jets, a team we would play in the playoffs, thrashed us 7-0 on our own ice, but I wasn't negative about it. I stood by what I said to a fellow Avs fan on Twitter:  "I don't give a f**k who we play, we'll f**k 'em up." 
    The Jets swept the season series against the Avs:  "I don't give a f**k who we play, we'll f**k 'em up."
    Our goalie, Alexandar Georgiev, was having problems in net:  "I don't give a f**k who we play, we'll f**k 'em up."
    Avs entered the playoffs on a bit of a skid:  "I don't give a f**k who we play, we'll f**k 'em up."
    Even when Georgiev was a mess in Game One, I said that we're going to enter Game 2 p**sed off.
    Boy did we.
    The Avalanche won four straight and all in dominant fashion! We scored 28 goals in the five game series! That's an average of 5.6 goals per game. Mind you, this was against a Jets team who had Connor Hellebuyck as their goalie. Hellebuyck won the William M. Jennings Trophy this year--that trophy goes to the goalie(s) who gave up the fewest goals in the NHL season. He is also a finalist for the Vezina trophy this year. Hellebuyck gave up 24 of the Avs' 28 goals, finishing the playoffs with a Goals Against Average over five! Even in the Avs' Game One loss, we scored six goals!
    Here's the scary part:  most of the offense did NOT come from the Avalanche's big three (Nathan MacKinnon, Cale Makar, Mikko Rantanen). MacKinnon only had two goals, Makar had two goals, and Mikko didn't score a goal until Game Five--where he scored twice. So they only accounted for 6 goals, meaning the other 22 came from the rest of the group. SEVEN of them were scored by Valeri Nichushkin, and Artturi Lehkonen had five of them. That still leaves TEN goals from unexpected sources. Zach Parise, who's 39 and retiring after this season, scored twice. Holy moley!
    And boy were Jets fans full of themselves during Game One. After the Jets scored their seventh of the game, their fans chanted "Pull your goalie!" They should have been told that a series doesn't end after one game. Oh, and the goalie that got pulled during a game was Hellebuyck, who was pulled after two periods in Game Four. Georgiev got his sh*t together. Same could not be said for Hellebuyck. Buyck should enjoy that Vezina he's going to win. That and a few bucks will get him a cup of coffee. Though, Hellebuyck wasn't the only one to blame, he definitely deserves at least 75% of it. And how did the Jets react to the fact that they would receive yet another playoff disappointment? They got dirty. Gabriel Vilardi, who was traded from LA to Winnipeg, delivered a dirty headshot to Makar. Yet he was never penalized. Refs still have some sort of vendetta against the Avs, I see. 
    The Avalanche are off to Round 2 in dominant fashion a year after our attempt to repeat as Stanley Cup Champions saw us ousted in Round 1 by, of all teams, the Seattle Kraken. We will face off against either the Dallas Stars or the Vegas Golden Knights, and if we face Vegas, then the Avs will actually have home-ice advantage In Round 2. With that said, however, I hope Dallas crushes Vegas. I don't care if it costs us home ice in Round 2, I don't want Vegas to win sh*t but a kick in the a**. Speaking of a kick in the a**, that's what the Winnipeg Jets got, and then some, from the Avalanche. Another playoff disappointment from the Jets, who have still only won one playoff series since that magical run to the Western Conference Final in 2018.
    Since 2021, I have written stories about eliminations from the Stanley Cup Playoffs, simply titled, "What Went Wrong." I write 14 of them every year:  8 for the first round, four for the 2nd round, and two for the Conference Finals. Here's my story on Vocal about the Jets' elimination:
    And here's my YouTube video where I talked about the Avs' series win, and the rest of the action:
  22. CEDAvsFan
    God, I love the National Hockey League, and sh*t like this is why:

    Now, this picture doesn't tell the whole story, it only focuses on the second Wild Card spot in the East. In actuality, there are five teams competing for the remaining two playoff spots in the East. Here's the format for those new to the sport. Since the 2013-14 season, the league places the top three teams in each of the four divisions into the playoffs, so that takes up six of the eight playoff spots per conference. The remaining two spots per conference are determined via a Wild Card format regardless of division. Starting today, there were four days left in the regular season, which ends this Thursday. In the Western Conference, all eight playoff spots are clinched, and the Central Division title was awarded to the Dallas Stars, resulting in one playoff series locked in. The East has two spots left, and again, the pic doesn't tell the whole story, as the fifth team involved in this mayhem is the New York Islanders.
    The Islanders are in a distant third place in the Metropolitan Division, behind the New York Rangers and the Carolina Hurricanes, who are still jockeying for the division title. The Islanders can get into the playoffs if they defeat the Devils tonight, but there's still the matter of that second Wild Card spot. The Washington Capitals, the Detroit Red Wings, the Philadelphia Flyers, and the Pittsburgh Penguins are all jockeying for that last spot, and it's been close and crazy for the last few weeks. 
    The Flyers were actually in the Metro Division's top three, but they lost seven straight and fell out until they beat the Rangers recently. The Capitals have been on a hot stretch and are looking to return to the playoffs after missing out last year--ending an eight year streak. The Penguins' regulation loss to the Bruins on Saturday snapped a 10-game points streak (7-0-3), but they still have a good outside shot of reaching the playoffs for the 17th time in 18 seasons. As for the Red Wings, it's been seven seasons since they last reached the playoffs, and this is after the team made 25 straight playoff appearances. Many have said that this year could be the year that drought ends, but it's been up and down for Detroit this season.
    Entering the final four days, Washington holds that playoff position. They, Detroit, and Philadelphia are all tied at 87 points, but Washington holds the first tiebreaker Detroit:  regulation wins. Washington has 30 regulation wins while Detroit has 27. Regarding Philly, both Washington and Detroit have a game in hand over the Flyers. The Caps and Wings have two games left, while Philly only has one. The Penguins are one point behind, but one more point would place them ahead of all three teams, as they have 31 regulation wins--more than all three teams. Pittsburgh and Detroit can be eliminated tonight, if they lose their games in regulation, it's curtains for them. Washington faces the Bruins tonight, but they and the Flyers will face each other on Wednesday in a possible elimination game for the clubs. The entire Eastern Conference will see their regular season end on Wednesday, as all of the games on finale night Thursday involve Western Conference teams. 
    Here's my Youtube video about the race in the East:
  23. CEDAvsFan
    It amazes me how some people have nothing better to do than to harass, bully, and bother others with their tone-deaf and delusional nonsense. "SpiritualSquirrelVox" and her inability to read the room are just absolutely grating. Even worse, it looks like there's a group of people who kiss up to Squirrel and are too blind to see how much of a toxic Karen she is. That same group of wannabe Karens felt that they had some sort of right (they didn't) to bombard Miley's TIktok post with unnecessary comments that had nothing to do with the subject, and they invaded my Tiktok by posting replies that do nothing but kiss up to Squirrel. 
    It's all in this link:  https://imgur.com/a/9GpPPtq
    In addition, a Twitter account known as "boredatworkfem" started harassing myself and Miley on Twitter, hurling baseless accusations towards us. We were falsely accused of "bullying a Black woman," which perpetuates a horrible racist stereotype that Black men face. For decades, Black and Latinx men have been falsely depicted as being misogynistic. We've heard it all:  use women, abuse women, sleep around with various women, hit it and quit it, and of course, there's the lie about rap lyrics. Every time "boredatworkfem" hurls accusations of misogyny towards me, it's because she sees I'm Black. She would never call a White man that. In her mind, because I'm Black, I'm "bullying a Black woman." I'm standing up against a bully. That's what I'm doing. In addition, she's hurled horrific insults towards myself and towards Miley, which included hurling the offensive C-word at us. You know, the one that rhymes with "bunt." She referred to me as "dusty" and "unwashed," which is also anti-Black, because some racists think that Black people "aren't clean."
    Here's a link showing the tweets, which have spanned several days:  https://imgur.com/a/aTNJVaQ
    And here's the thing. This whole thing has quite a development featured in this blog below:
    According to the comments, "boredatworkfem" is actually Squirrel, and yeah, this whole thing is basically Squirrel and her cronies using myself and Miley to further a case against Bowzer. Don't get me wrong, Bowzer is a piece of garbage, yes, but Squirrel has been using us to go after Bowzer for stuff they haven't done. Squirrel is an absolute hypocrite. She falsely accuses someone of microaggressions, yet uses them herself, and they she makes me out to be anti-Black, when she uses anti-Black tropes against me.
    And now we have people like "GenXPuma2.0" doing the same thing, hurling microaggressions, using us to go at Bowzer. The screenshot below is part of a video that GenXPuma2.0 posted:

    That whole video is nothing but double dealing nonsense. GenXPuma2.0 both speaks in agreement with Bowzer's bullying of Miley, yet acts like she's defending Miley. It's a classic thing clout-chasers do; play both sides just to get more appeal. And that's what GenXPuma2.0 is:  a clout chaser. It's why I'm only sharing the screenshot and not the entire video, because sharing the whole video would give GenXPuma2.0 the clout she wants. Part of GenXPuma2.0's clout chasing is her stating that we should say "female" instead of "woman"; even though nobody really harps on that.  And then there's GenXVamp's comment. That's a pretty deep and serious claim to make. Why would they even go that route and accuse Bowzer of something like that with no evidence? And here's the thing:  GenXPuma2.0 didn't mention anything about Bowzer's husband having cancer. Not at all. GenXVamp is going completely off topic, and it's all a plot to get Bowzer attacked. 
    And more on GenXPuma2.0's statement saying that we should say "female" instead of "woman." I'm all for promoting inclusivity, there is a lot that people can do to continue to be inclusive. However, there's inclusive and there's what GenXPuma2.0's pulling. GenXPuma2.0 is not promoting inclusivity, and what she's doing is an insult to those who are. What she's doing is basically looking to make up reasons to make others look like they are not for the LGBT community. She's trying to make it look like Miley isn't inclusive, yet also speaking positively about Miley. Absolute double dealing right there.
    This includes GenXPuma2.0 hurling microaggressions towards Miley in her so called "lesson." She harped on one small thing and used it to make it look like Miley isn't inclusive and isn't trying, when in actuality, Miley is big time inclusive. GenXPuma2.0 also kept saying that Bowzer was right. Bowzer wasn't right. Bowzer was condescending, they falsely accused Miley of being a transphobe, and they were racist towards me and basically said, in so many words, that Black people can't be LGBT allies. Yet despite this, GenXPuma repeatedly insulted Miley with microaggressions, with one of them being GenXPuma2.0 accusing Miley of "having a little bit of difficulty navigating inclusive language." Seriously, GenXPuma2.0?
    And it doesn't end there with the microaggressions. GenXPuma2.0 actually hurled microaggressions towards someone for using the following comment:  "Now kids, don't fight." She did this in a video response to that comment, which saw GenXPuma2.0 act so picky about that harmless comment, and basically talk down to that person for saying it.

    GenXPuma2.0 goes on all sorts of tangents and overexplains constantly in a pathetic attempt to make that one joking comment look like some sort of attack against her when it's not an attack at all. Part of her rant included accusing the person who wrote the reply of being "old" and "behind the times." That's basically her MO:  she talks down horribly to people who disagree with her.
    While Bowzer is hideously problematic, it does look like the real Big Bad in this whole thing is Squirrel. It does seem like that anyone who is close to Squirrel starts to act like her:  using microaggressions and manipulative tactics to make the person they're talking about look bad, while trying to put forth the image that they are "teaching" and "being helpful. We're seeing that in GenXPuma2.0 for sure, she is definitely acting just like Squirrel, Let me put it like this. If this were the Hunger Games, Bowzer would be President Snow, while Squirrel and GenXPuma2.0 would share the "honor" of being Alma Coin. Those of you who get it and know who the worse of the two is, awesome.
  24. CEDAvsFan
    You know, I've been sitting on this for about two years. I've said it privately for that long, and it's about time I spread the word about this. This whole National Anthem in sports controversy shouldn't be one. It all started when a group of people who wanted to join the k** so badly got so p**sy, prissy, and b***hy over something as simple and small as Colin Kaepernick taking a knee. These same people ignored the message he was spreading, which was awareness of the immense amount of racially charged shootings by police, and made him out to be "anti-American" and accused him of "disrespecting the flag." Ever since then, literally every RWNJ in existence has forced us to worship the anthem like it's the Bible; we can't even blink while it's playing or we'll be branded as being "disrespectful." The whole thing with the anthem in sports is absolutely out of control, and I have the perfect way to solve this. Certain people don't want to hear it, but it has to be said, and here it is:
    We should not play the anthem so much during sporting events.
    Here's my idea, and I've had this thought for a few years now. The anthem should only be played during the most important sporting events. World Series, Stanley Cup, NBA Finals, and the Super Bowl, of course. All-Star Games, Opening Days, and certain holidays. That's it. Honestly, the Star-Spangled Banner should only be played on those dates anyway. We do not need to hear the anthem during, say Week 3 of the NFL season. I'm as patriotic as the next person, but when I watch a random regular season NHL game, I don't give a flying f**k about the anthem(s). Just drop the damn puck!
    And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks this. We do not need to hear the anthem on literally every sports day of the calendar. On those important events I mentioned, yeah. And honestly, a side reason for my proposal is because on those important sports dates, they get real singers to actually sing the anthem. On other days, we see team employees and other randos try to sing it, and nine times out of ten, they butcher it. Now that is un-American. It's amazing. Freedom of expression is part of the U.S. Constitution. Kaepernick's peaceful protest was 100% constitutional. The b***hing against it isn't. Yet ironically, the racist f**ks who ranted against Kaepernick and tried to force him to "comply" and stand for the anthem are doing the very thing they're falsely accusing him of doing:  disrespecting America. You want this whole anthem controversy to end? How about scaling back on the anthem just a tad?
  25. CEDAvsFan
    So NextDoor decided to be a thing again. Remember that two-months where NextDoor wasn't a problem? I miss those times. But yeah, NextDoor has become a huge thing again because just recently, they are targeting Miley and they suspended her--simply for telling the truth about their toxic practices. It's been a year of this, a year of NextDoor mods bullying Miley and getting away with it because NextDoor coddles their toxic moderators. They're full of yes people who tow their disgusting line and shame victims, yes people like this Mae Ann person, who had the nerve to send this line of bullsh*t to Miley.

    BULL. And may I add...sh*t
    Not one word of that garbage from Mae Ann is true. NextDoor's mods have engaged in the most hideous conduct! They are as follows:
    Autumn Leigh Martin:  Racially profiled a Latina woman, then led a crusade to bully Miley for standing up against her bullsh*t. Autumn even resorted to targeting me with various racial slurs, and even falsely accused me of sexual assault!
    Hannah Taylor:  Pretty much Autumn's henchwoman in the bullying; she's toxic as well
    Melissa McGonagle:  Same thing, another Autumn a**-kisser
    Candace Stidham:  Another deranged bully
    Cynthia B.:  A bullying Karen who encouraged and promoted animal cruelty
    Susan K.:  Bullying sh*t starter for sure
    Bambi L.:  Another bullying sh*t starter who recently liked comments from two Karens who falsely accused Miley of bigotry
    Nancy Roberts:  Yet another bullying Karen
    Tom O'Meara:  A victim-shamer who also promotes animal cruelty
    Here's the thing:  that's just some of them. This is the tip iceberg. There are plenty of toxic and bigoted mods on NextDoor. These are just the ones that Miley and I have called out in various blogs, shown below:
    Oh, and one more thing. NextDoor's been resorting to making threats to Miley, which they disguise as a "deal." They actually had the nerve to "offer" her a removal of the suspension on the condition that she remove any and all blogs, videos, and social media posts exposing their bullsh*t. Unfortunately, the evidence is not shown because it was sent via the Meta program, and sadly, there's a little thing called an "unsend" button, and of course, they pressed it. NextDoor can, in the immortal words of D-Generation X, "SUCK IT!"
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