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CEDAvsFan last won the day on September 14

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About CEDAvsFan

  • Birthday 03/18/1985

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  1. Welp, looks like I am never watching the PWHL ever again

    1. Albedo



    2. CEDAvsFan


      PWHL's Minnesota team, the team who just won the championship, drafted this player named Britta Curl, and I learned that she's a transphobic and homophobic bigot. I learned this yesterday, and today, I see THREE players defending her, including the Lamoureux Twins (Jocelyne and Monique) telling Britta to "ignore the noise" and later bully a reporter for calling out her sh*t. So yeah, I'm done watching that league, because who knows how many of the league's players are fine with Britta's bullsh*t. Even worse, PWHL kept preaching about equality, yet they have the Riley Gaines of hockey in their league. Speaking Riley, of course that c**t's on Britta's side.

      I'm just p**sed and angry about this. I tweeted about it and of course, the tone deaf jackoffs came at me. One of them was an Edmonton Oilers fan (surprise, surprise) who called me a "creep who watches wrestling." Here's my response on Twitter to that dumb f**k:

      So yeah, I'm done with the PWHL. Can't believe they let this sh*t happen and aren't saying boo about it


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