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Tamara last won the day on April 14

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About Tamara

  • Birthday 08/29/2000

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  1. I checked out Velner's stream from last night. It took me less than a minute to see how phony that apology was. Come to think of it, All Velner apologized for was assuming you, @Amber Mera, and your friend Sara were Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl. That's it. I'm sure he'd like his followers to think that was good for all he has done. It isn't. He needs to apologize for all he has done; bullying, stalking, harassment, etc.
  2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/smile-2-runtime-horror-movie-sequel-is-longer-than-original/ar-AA1pFcUf The longer, the better. Horror deserves the time.
  3. https://comicbookmovie.com/horror/terrifier-3-art-the-clown-decks-the-halls-with-bloody-bodies-in-gruesome-full-trailer-a212873#gs.ecr9s5
  4. He has viewers and listeners. He uses them for popularity and vendettas. So yeah, I doubt he has much going for him.
  5. Velner doesn't have much going for himself. Work, streaming, basic hygiene, and a cat he doesn't pay much attention to. That's it. Yea, I've seen his streams.
  6. Good to speak up. Keeping quiet would be making you a coward and enabling Velner.
  7. You must be a classic guy. Love only for the originals.
  8. I'm sorry I ever thought Mykayla Skinner was a problem. The problem is Simone Biles. 

    1. Goldenforce772


      Skinner was telling the truth. And she was right to block Biles. 

    2. Angie


      Now that I can relax for the evening, my first act will the to block Simone Biles.

  9. Simone Biles is mean girl and nasty. Mykayla Skinner blocked Simone Biles for a reason. A blog I just read proves it. Simone Biles is a self absorbed person.
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