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Cosmic Dimensions


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Everything posted by Keri

  1. What a time for the heat in my home to stop working.

    1. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      That sounds bad. Will you buy another one?

    2. Norrie Calvert

      Norrie Calvert

      Put on a few layers of clothing to help if you can't stay with a friend.

  2. Why do I get the feeling we might be seeing online video of her berating customers?
  3. Personally I favor Tory. She works for what she has. Sam has everything handed to her and she acts entitled.
  4. I remember there was talk of up to season 6. What upsets me is how CBS is passing this off as part of the network going in a different direction.
  5. I didn't think about it until now. I don't like it.
  6. until

    I liked the movie at first. But after about a half hour, I got bored.
    Perfect revenge movie! I got in the mood when I was watching the season 5 ending for The Rookie.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. :thanksgiving2:

  8. I'm still having issues. So, I'll stop playing for awhile.
  9. Watch Karate Kid 1m2m and 3. Then watch Cobra Kai from the beginning for the full experience.
  10. That's what I hope for too. We need more about the man behind what taught Terry SIlver and Kreese.
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