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Keri last won the day on December 29 2023

Keri had the most liked content!


About Keri

  • Birthday 02/28/1996

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  1. Lily Allen ridiculed for returning dog to animal shelter because 'she ate my passport' https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/lily-allen-ridiculed-returning-dog-animal-shelter-because-she-ate-my-passport I spit on Lily Allen! She is lying! If the dog was as badly behaved as she says, why keep it for a few years?
  2. He's got a lot of money. He's notable. I wouldn't put it past him to make those reviews disappear.
  3. For a plastic surgeon with notability, Dr Ralph is awfully stupid for associating with Joey Camp. Does he not realize that he can get him in so much legal trouble?
  4. So many reasons pop up each day showing why being a fan of Simone Biles is a bad idea.
  5. I know Owens was a Packers player, but he plays for the Chicago Bears now. He needs to respect the team he is on as does his wife. But, Simone Biles disrespected her husband's current team.
  6. Now Biden is labeling our own military and all religious people as terrorist threats? Is Biden even mentally fit to be president?
  7. Fauci and his crazy recommendations is how I ended up with a mask crazy roommate that expected me to wear a mask 24/7 inside. Even while sleeping! Luckily the lease agreement signed allowed me to kick her out right away.
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