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Everything posted by Angie

  1. I'll be honest. Usually each election year, a new disease pop-up. I guess COVID19 being pushed is because no one can thing of anything new.
  2. She doesn't. It shows in how violent and vicious she behaved towards many notable Amber Heard supporters that didn't support Jonathan Majors. She was particularly vicious with Twitter user "LeaveHeardAlone". You likely might not find it. Blabette_ loves to "clean up".
  3. I know that for a fact. She viciously attacked me online when I refused to back down and listen to her defense of Jonathan Majors.
  4. You know, I do wonder that. Especially since she teamed up with "Depp Chelsea" and other Depp supporters early this year to attack Amber Heard supporters that didn't support Jonathan Majors.
  5. If you're on Twitter, I strongly advise you to block "Blabette_".

    1. Teen Wolf Senior

      Teen Wolf Senior

      I've had her blocked.

    2. CEDAvsFan


      Did that months ago. Blabette is a psychotic pain.

  6. Blabette_ is just an angry troll that can't handle when things don't go her way. She doesn't Iike it when she tries to get others on her side and they don't budge. Blabette_ tends to label anyone crazy or insane if they talk about who and what she really is. The way she feels the need to hurt people, she ought to consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Blabette_ has atleast 3 accounts that I know of. She's harassed people from all of them, but it wouldn't surprise me if she cleaned up a little to hide some things. "Blabette_" on Twitter (aka X) "Blabette__" on Twitter (aka X) "Toward_Forward" on Twitter (aka X) "Audio_Visualz_" on Twitter (aka X)
  7. I thought Bob Odenkirk died of a heart attack.
  8. Devon Lee is worse than everyone on the show. Atleast Kreese has some kind of loyalty.
  9. I have an idea. I think Devon Lee should be banned from all karate competitions for life.
  10. Kenny should be at Sekai Taikai.
  11. until

    The title doesn't fit the movie. 70% of the actors were awful.
  12. Angie

    The Miyagi-Do Six

    Robby Keene Samantha Larusso Miguel Diaz Demetri Alexopoulos Devon Lee Hawk (Eli Moskowitz) I figured these would be the main 6.
  13. That move makes Devon Lee a real underhanded scuzzy b***h! Kenny was humiliated infront of everyone when he sh*t his pants! She lead Kenny to believe it was Anthony Larusso!
  14. It's very disturbing that Meagan chooses to be with a proven, and convicted, abuser.
  15. If she becomes his wife, she can't be forced to testify against him if other victims come forward.
  16. That's an interesting take on her being with him. I hope you're wrong.
  17. I looked and checked. The Facebook page for the Orange Park Hooters is gone. I bet psycho Skip Pray is happy about that for his Grace.
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