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Blog Comments posted by Angie

  1. On 3/20/2024 at 3:16 PM, T Swift said:

    Why did Patricia Silva engage with the trans person instead of getting help right away? 


    Why did Patricia take photos so close to a naked kid?


    Why didn't Patricia bring up the child at the front desk?


    Why did Patricia wait until her video to say something about the child?


    Why hasn't the child or her parents come forward? 


    Why didn't the child get help or tell a staff member when the trans person left?

    Those are all good questions.

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  2. 13 hours ago, PF Gym Rat said:

    I was there that day that Patricia Silva was. She created a scene at the front desk over what she says was a man in the women's locker room. She never said anything about a nude child with towel. I find this to be strange since she's publicly spoken of a nude child in the locker room on social media. But then again she can be a bit dramatic when she wants to be heard. I've seen her at the gym a few times before this incident. She is not someone I would want to regularly interact with. I always preferred to avoid her.

    I take it she's an all around not pleasant person?

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  3. 6 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

    Not only should Patricia Silva be sued, she should be arrested. Everything about her actions screams "Hate crime"! Plus she's clearly lying! She harps on about a naked 12 y.o. child, but when she mentioned it one time, the "child" isn't mentioned. Plus, she later refers to the child as a "young woman." Last time I checked, 12 is still a child. As I said before, the lie about the child means that Patricia's just a hateful bigot. But even so, if there was a child, Patricia still took pictures. So if she's telling the truth, she's a pervert. Patricia needs to be behind bars; she clearly broke laws in this case.

    Patricia Silva has made lots of little mistakes. Both of which you and @GMileyCollier78 have pointed out. Ones that are hard to ignore, but get ignored mostly by those full of extreme transphobic hate. 

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Zenon said:

    I have serious doubts that Blabette_ being an Amber Heard supporter. She has attacked and bullied LeaveHeardAlone and multiple others as she closely associates with a few vile Depp supporters. She's teamed with Depp supporters to bully you viciously just because she doesn't agree that Jonathan Majors is an abuser and because she doesn't like @Angie (CaseyN77215). That makes Blabette_ very suspect to say the least.



    I was hoping she would stay gone after what she did.

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  5. I thought I commented already. But when again, when I did, there was a power outage. 


    Blabette_ is an awful person; a bully. The way she attacked you along with the others is sick.


    As of now, the "Blabette_" profile is deactivated on Twitter. When you go to what the url is, you get an "account does not exist" error. When her tagged name I hovered over in threads, you get an error.


    But her "Toward_Forward" profile is on Twitter still and private. Shes using that one.


    I think Blabette_ deactivated and is sticking to "Toward_Forward" because of the bad name she earned herself and those she targeted with it abusively.

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  6. I saw the worst of comments by Toots.Goods to your TikTok. She called @CEDAvsFan the racist word for blacks, but used 3 letters (ngr) to do it. She also left threats for you. She made it obvious she doesn't like you speaking out about abuse by NextDoor moderators. 


    You are right. Word is getting around about you speaking about abuse of power by NextDoor mods. Here's what I think. Toots.Goods sees you as a threat. People like you can be encouraging for others to speak up, be bold. Mods that abuse their position and power hate that.

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  7. On 2/9/2024 at 2:58 AM, ND Refugee said:

    I would say I'm shocked, but I'm not. Many of NextDoor's mods get this obsessive.

    That's why a friend of mine and @CEDAvsFan went above the local mods and reported Autumn. This blog was pointed out. He made alot of points that it's a very bad look that NextDoor allows this to happen. 


    I think a tion was taken against Autumn Leigh Martin because her profile shows no posts.


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  8. UPDATE!

    A mutual friend of myself and @CEDAvsFan went above the local mods to report Cynthia B. She was reported via the website and this blog was linked. He made alot of good points. Apparently there was a decent person on the other end because I think Cynthia B was suspended. 


    When you look at a profile and it shows "no posts" when you know the person has made posts, that's a sign that action was taken on that account.

    These are the screenshots mine and @CEDAvsFan's friend sent. 




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