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Everything posted by Angie

  1. Velner keeps lying and slandering. He was recently caught in a huge lie. He handles being caught with a pathetic pity party.
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/chicago-sky-player-fouls-caitlin-clark-ground-posts-hate-comments-she-got-online I saw the video. DeShields was losing her footing. She even tried to help Caitlin Clark up. DeShields is being treated like she did this on purpose to try to hurt her. Why is it when it comes to a black player crossing paths with Caitlin Clark that they are treated Iike they are lur to kill her?
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/tennessee-parent-tiktok-calls-herself-venmo-mom-wont-volunteer-kids-classrooms I'm with Venmo Mom here. I also have something to say as well. A parent's job is to care for and raise their child. That's all it takes to be a good parent. Being a parent doesn't give others a right to force, or guilt, that parent to "volunteer" for school or neighborhood functions. Those that try to shame, or go as far as bullying, a parent I to volunteering should be ashamed of themselves. Not all parents have time to volunteer. Many work and long hours. More so since inflation is out of hand.
  4. Some people taking it too far is why so many are rebelling against being more woke; inclusive. These people act like those saying son or daughter is not being inclusive. It can earn them a false label of anti LGBT. If some people didn't go too far, we wouldn't have so many people complaining that things are too WOKE. Too much going overboard is a huge reason there is much unjust LGBT hate.
  5. I don't think you read the article. Only the response you replied to. I am all for being inclusive. But to shame people for saying son or daughter is not right and will only create more anti-LGBT hate. It will create more Riley Gaines people out there. It's also going to cause many good people to be wrongly labeled as granspbobes, homophobes, anti-LGBT, and "othering". I know you've said son or daughter before. I know you. According to this you're not inclusive and you hate LGBT community. While it doesn't say it outright, it's very much implied. While I'm all for being inclusive, I am against making people feel like they've committed some terrible sin (shaming) for saying something that's as old as time. This will also cause alot of grief. More grief than relief. Some people may get harassed for saying something as simple as "My son bought his sister a jacket today" and be labeled anti-LGBT. This is why alot of people are raging about "woke". It's because some people take being woke too far to the point it creates more hate and a rebellion against being woke.
  6. I knew that apology was just for show. I tried to speak up during his live stream Friday night. I asked if he meant that apology. He could have said yes or no or that he didn't want to talk about it. But he banned me from his channel. That doesn't sound like someone thats sorry. Even if he said he wanted to be left alone, I'd understand. But saying nothing and banning says alot.
  7. I didn't think about that until now. Looking back at that part of the stream, I noticed he never apologized for all the hate and bullying.
  8. Where's Velner's apology to me! He accused me of being Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl alot when he began bullying her. I got harassed and threatened alot because of him. Velner owes it to you, Hannahmontana of Quetz, and all others he accused of being her............an apology and to straighten bullsh*t out. He needs to confess specifically he bullied us, harassed us, and gaslighted people against us. He needs to apologize for wrongly accusing Hannahmontana of Quetz of doing those linkshell kickings.
  9. Of course she is! Haven't you noticed she's keeping quiet and letting the bullsh*t happen? $500 says she is a closet racist.
  10. Why is it when Caitlin Clark runs into, or has a beef with, a black player that player is the only one fouled?
  11. They need to move on and leave @GMC78sGaming alone. By these jackals continuously harassing her and ranting about her, they only prove what awful people they are.
  12. They do that to make their victim look unstable. The worse the victim looks, the better the bully looks.
  13. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Velner has a problem with stirring trouble. He makes it obvious he's behind alot of trouble being stirred for you. I'm sure his followers see it. But they're all cowards. They go along with it for attention during his streams. They go along with it to be part of the in crowd.
  14. He spent a majority of his near 6 hour stream, last night, doing just that.
  15. I applaud you for speaking up. I saw his live stream last night. He spent like 90% of the 6 hours live just gaslighting his Jerry Springer guest mentality followers.
  16. He was my favorite wrestler in that Ready to Rumble movie.
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