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Cosmic Dimensions


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Everything posted by Angie

  1. That man is an icon. We should honor him.
  2. Chunk. He's funny. Data. He's smart.
  3. Is it me, or has Lucy been acting like some pitiful damsel in distress?
  4. No one polices my speech! If I want to say "I am a woman" I will!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      My natural response to anyone using the term "cis" (which is a slur against straight people) is for them to go swallow battery acid. 

    3. RE Alice

      RE Alice

      @Goldenforce772 That is why I refer to a person either as male, female, or just a person. It is quite hard to use anything else. To many, "cis", as part of cisgender, is a slur. To some people not using cisgender is hateful. It is getting hard to even speak.

    4. Goldenforce772


      Personally, I would never let anyone police my speech.

  5. The person whose comments you showed, but censored the name. Why do they sound like a double agent?
  6. The parents of the girl who hurt Kaylee shouldn't be parents. They should be holding their daughter accountable.
  7. It is disrespectful and so cruel for the one who beat Kaylee to act as if she is the victim when she is not!
  8. I saw all that. They treated you like you were beneath them.
  9. billynomates.1988 did another Tiktok about you. It's no surprise he's trying to make you appear transphobic. You blocking him and speaking about what he and DB put you through doesn't make you transphobic. It makes you brave for standing up to bullies.
  10. Joey Camp is pathetic. The way he feels the need to keep attacking you say alot about his character. Which means he has none. He has a wife, I think. Right? How can she tolerate him acting this way unless she's as bad as him.
  11. You've encountered a Patricia Silva superfan that's very transphobic. I see alot of them doing the same to others that don't fall in line with their transphobic hate.
  12. Patricia Silva's response to Caroline is very damning on her (Patricia). The cagey reply only make her look more like the liar she is for lying about a child being in that locker room.
  13. As time goes on and we hear nothing from the parents, it will only prove Patricia to be a liar.
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