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Everything posted by Angie

  1. I've seen some of the media on her Twitter page. One piece in particular gives her away as SpiritualSquirrelVox (now spiritualtatas) on Tiktok. Oh and she says she is about educating on harmful language, but she calls @CEDAvsFan and @GMileyCollier78 both "c**ts".
  2. That would explain FlossyFace's extra friendliness towards both sides.
  3. How many microaggressions do you count in the entire DM chat between Squirrel and Miley?
  4. I can see multiple microaggressions towards you in the DMs alone. Add in the ones in her videos where she treats you like you're a helpless idiot without her. What makes me sick is how she acts like you have to be grateful for her. Why should you be grateful for someone that used you so their complaints about the same person get revitalized interest.
  5. That "someone who stuck up for you" is SpiritualSquirrelVox. Apparently degrading Miley in videos and implying she's so stupid, she would be worse off without her, is sticking up for her.
  6. What she is teaching is it is okay to claim racism over disagreements and petty bullsh*t.
  7. Here's food for thought. SpiritualSquirrelVox is playing her victim role. But she is attacking Miley while being ignored. All because she posted one video showing someone else is having strange issues on TikTok. That makes SpiritualSquirrelVox look terrible right now.
  8. That would have been my guess. Right now SpiritualSquirrelVox is acting like the boy who cried wolf. By her trying to make this about race, when it's not, it will o ly hurt her should she experience real racism. She might get herself to the point that no one wil believe her. Also, ice archived her harassment of Miley and @CEDAvsFan. Oh and I heard back from Miley. She is working on 2 blogs. One related to this. One unrelated.
  9. Exactly. Also,, right now a Boredatworkfem on Twitter is harassing @GMileyCollier78 and @CEDAvsFan. She is making a huge deal about a recent Tiktok video Miley did while tagging a bournemouthmetal on there. If you watch it, Miley is making a point about Tiktok issues. Very weird ones. Apparently that's bullying a black woman. It seems anything SpiritualSquirrelVox, or her gaggle of friends, doesn't like is labeled "bullying a black woman". These people are trying to make this about race when there is nothing said by Miley or @CEDAvsFan that makes it about race. People that do that are disgraceful and being disrespectful to all racism victims.
  10. My personal theory is Bowzer is crooked, but likely SpiritualSquirrelVox and her gaggle of friends started whatever beef is between them. I've encouraged @GMileyCollier78 to blog about her experience regarding SpiritualSquirrelVox.
  11. Don't tell anyone, but China is plotting to capitalize on the cute puppy videos.
  12. Her gaggle of friends are shady too. This explains it. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTm5Dsr/ To emphasize, I now wonder if anything she said was true. If so then, how much.
  13. You may not know this but SpiritualSquirrelVox had another video up of Miley where she made her seem like she was out to hurt the trans community. Where is it now? Did it go away because she though she would be useful?
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