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Cosmic Dimensions


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Everything posted by Angie

  1. What will Lexi, Jake, and Devin do now that they're dolls.
  2. If I could have kids, I wouldn't raise them to be hatemongers hanging on every word said by Riley Gaines.
  3. This is very enlightening. I think it's very possible that Joey Camp will use his helping Jaylon Jones to keep his family under his thumb. Also in the news report, why was only Joey Camp allowed to mostly speak?
  4. Do you think it's possible the one that reported the car stolen and said he was armed and dangerous might be racist?
  5. until

    One of many bad movies from Lifetime recently. Was this one done close to the strikes?
  6. until

    As entertaining as watching someone pick their nose and eat that nose gold.
  7. I have been looking forward to this for awhile now. Seeing that Dule Hill will be in it makes me look forward to it even more.
  8. Joey Camp doesn't deserve a pardon. He deserves prison for all the crimes he's ever committed.
  9. The car dealership handled this poorly. It was not necessary to lie and say that the person who had the car was armed and dangerous when there was no cause for such a claim! The police behaved poorly as well. So many armed officers pointing weapons at an unarmed Blackman. Was that really necessary?
  10. There's alot of people that make a living using TikTok. I hope the government doesn't mind an influx of SNAP and MEDICAID applications.
  11. until

    Dull, boring, cheesy, stupid, poor, stank, stunk, nauseating, shifty, dumb, cringe, horrible, terrible, idiotic, idiocy, stinks, and yuck. I'm being kind.
  12. https://www.foxweather.com/lifestyle/bear-cubs-selfies-north-carolina The stupidity of some people!
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