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Cosmic Dimensions


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Blog Entries posted by Angie

  1. Angie
    Yesterday I expressed my dislike, in a post on Twitter, for a movie on LMN on Thursday 7/25/2024 called "The Killer With No Name". This MyCrownIsHeavy decides to act like the typical troll trying to pick a fight. All because I did not like that movie.
    He sent me a very unsavory DM. Reported. Blocked. A few friends of mine told me I needed to block him and forget him. One had to endure racist comments via DM. The other dealt with being encouraged to kill themselves! I obviously can't show the DMs.
    1. When you report a Twitter DM, it disappears like 99% of the time. I rarely report, so I forgot.
    2. Many image uploading sites have rules against extreme language and threats.
    Those 2 replies of mine above wasn't all I said about MyCrownIsHeavy and his drama!
    MyCrownIsHeavy decided to cry innocent like a typical internet troll.
    I replied to CreatorLuther69. I kept it simple because I prefer to say what I have to say and move on.
    Apparently MyCrownIsHeavy and sista_loc are stirring up drama in typical internet troll fashion.
    Someone (MsFitGirl33) is mad I refuse to delete the truth I've spoken about MyCrownIsHeavy and sista_loc.
    Oh! MyCrownIsHeavy isn't just a sicko creep. He's also a little bit racist. Those that have experience with racism will know exactly how.
    One specific thing I need to highlight is what I said below. No need for me to re-explain. It's explanation enough.
    A friend of mine, who witnessed everything, made a Tiktok with his own take.
    MyCrownIsHeavy is nothing more than a drama junkie and garden variety internet troll. His best defense was the ever so common,
    1. She's lying!
    2. She's mentally unwell!
    That style of harassment is so old!
    My 14 year old neighbor (she asked I not mention her name) texted me and asked me why this gay guy sent her a d**k pic over her asking him a simple question "Do u rly have a husband? So cool. I have 2 dads". She thinks it might have been an accidental send. Personally, I don't think so.
    What's laughable is how MyCrownIsHeavy replied to CreatorLuther69. Talk about a toddler tantrum!
    Thank you to:
    @CEDAvsFan: For getting the screenshots I used in this blog.
    @Elektra: For suggesting I put long series of links, photos, and tweets in those quote boxes so this blog looks more organized and doesn't look like an eye sore.
  2. Angie

    Our Solar System
    On August 24, 2006, Pluto was downgraded from being a planet to "dwarf planet" by the IAU. The reason Pluto is now a "dwarf planet" is because it has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. Personally I think that isn't a good enough reason to take away Pluto's planetary status. 
    I think that in the case of Pluto, an exception should be made. Also for other planets like it too. Especially if they have moons.
    What many do not know is that is the day Pluto lost its planetary status, less than 5% of the world's astronomers were able to vote.
    I think that what the IAU needs to do is to come together to redefine what it means for a planet to be a planet. 
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