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Blog Comments posted by Angie

  1. Tami Gonyea and Matthew Sattler are a piece of work. 


    I know for a fact that your groceries being stolen happened because you butt dialed me. So, Matthew can shove it!


    As for Tami Gonyea, she sounds like an older version of Mean Girls' Regina George. I bet she hopes people won't try to search for the comments that would prove how she is twisting things in true mean girl fashion. Doing this to someone she doesn't know says alot about what kind of person she is. Which is mean spirited and spiteful.

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  2. I knew that apology was just for show. I tried to speak up during his live stream Friday night. I asked if he meant that apology. He could have said yes or no or that he didn't want to talk about it. But he banned me from his channel. That doesn't sound like someone thats sorry. 


    Even if he said he wanted to be left alone, I'd understand. But saying nothing and banning says alot.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Tamara said:

    I checked out Velner's stream from last night. It took me less than a minute to see how phony that apology was.


    Come to think of it, All Velner apologized for was assuming you, @Amber Mera, and your friend Sara were Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl. That's it. I'm sure he'd like his followers to think that was good for all he has done. It isn't. He needs to apologize for all he has done; bullying, stalking, harassment, etc.

    I didn't think about that until now. Looking back at that part of the stream, I noticed he never apologized for all the hate and bullying.

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  4. Where's Velner's apology to me! He accused me of being Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl alot when he began bullying her. I got harassed and threatened alot because of him. 


    Velner owes it to you, Hannahmontana of Quetz, and all others he accused of being her............an apology and to straighten bullsh*t out. He needs to confess specifically he bullied us, harassed us, and gaslighted people against us. He needs to apologize for wrongly accusing Hannahmontana of Quetz of doing those linkshell kickings.

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  5. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Velner has a problem with stirring trouble. He makes it obvious he's behind alot of trouble being stirred for you. I'm sure his followers see it. But they're all cowards. They go along with it for attention during his streams. They go along with it to be part of the in crowd.

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  6. 13 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

    I am so glad that you are standing up to such an odious weasel like Velner. Velner is the ultimate gaslighter and bully; he coerces people to pick on others just for the hell of it. He's another Samaire Armstrong, an actress who urged others to bully me just because I'm for the COVID protocols and I wear a mask. Velner should not be allowed on any form of social media at all.

    He spent a majority of his near 6 hour stream, last night, doing just that.

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  7. MyCrownIsHeavy has the nerve to lie and say I'm sick and to twist my words! He is a special kind of twisted.


    He is the one that tried to antagonize me. He is the one that kept lying about me in public. He is the one that has harassed me.

    He is the one whining and b***hing to the Cosmcdimensions Twitter page in hopes the admins will be stupid enough to listen to his terrible victim act. Fat chance since I've more than proven myself and he has only proven what a drama king he is.

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  8. On 7/28/2024 at 1:32 AM, Mandy Baby said:

    MyCrownIsHeavy is a bit of a drama king. Sista_loc too. They come off like a mean girl high school clique.

    They are both unhinged. Sista_Loc is flinging around the word psycho over her bad behavior being called out.


    Oh! Look how she judges the entire Twitter page for this forum! The Twitter page for this forum tweets links to threads and blogs all the time. If she had taken 1 minute to look at the account, she would see that. But being her usual over dramatic self, she chooses to call the account psycho all because it tweeted a link to my blog. It tweets links to various threads and blogs. It doesn't mean that account is attacking her.

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  9. Blabette_ has been targeting me for awhile. There's blogs by 2 friends of mine detailing it.


    She went after an autistic friend of mine just because she knew me. She got very vicious with her torment when she wouldn't abandon me as a friend.


    Blabette_ has even been as crazy as trying to label. Her and a black friend of ours as the same person. That didn't last because he is white and she is black. 


    It gets worse. Read the blogs.

    She is a vicious, horrible, and spiteful person.

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  10. On 7/26/2024 at 1:44 AM, Zenon said:

    Blabette_ should seriously consider seeking help by means of a regular therapist and anger management. She should sort out her life issues so she can figure out why she has the compulsive need to act the way she does and treat others the way she does.

    I think Blabette_ is beyond help. She lives Iike she thinks the way she treats others is okay. 

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  11. On 7/26/2024 at 1:48 AM, Zenon said:

    I think Blabette_'s support of Amber Heard is merely a performance so she can gain social media fame for supporting a victim of violence and defending those getting harassed for support of the victim. I firmly believe that Blabette_ doesn't support Amber Heard at all.

    I think you're right. Look and think about how she's targetedmany Amber supporters just because they wouldn't support Jonathan Majors. 

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  12. 20 hours ago, Yas said:

    Blabette_ is so sketch! I know so much about her from those at my school. One of my friends almost killed herself because of that  beast! Blabette was awful to her because she wouldn't support Jonathan "d**che canoe" Majors. She and Depp Chelsea got a bunch of their Deppie fans to attack her. One tried to dox her!

    Whoa! Blabette_ and crew tried to dox a child!!!!!!!!

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  13. 2 hours ago, Mandy Baby said:

    Blabette_ is one of the worst people on X Twitter! She and alot of diehard Depp fans targeted many Amber Heard supporters this year that dared to not support Jonathan Majors. Some might argue we can't judge who a person supports by who their friends support. In this case, it's different. She chooses to get overly friendly with Depp supporters to get them to help her attack Amber Heard supporters that won't support Jonathan Majors.

    Does that sound like:

    1) someone that supports Amber Heard.


    2) someone that is using that community (Amber Heard) when it suits her.


    3) someone that's a Depp supporter with a few fake Amber Heard support profiles.


    4) #2 and #3.

    You hit the nail on the head with #4, which includes #2 and #3.

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