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Posts posted by Zenon

  1. 20 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

    Blaming social media is this generation's equivalent of how parents, around 30 years ago, blamed TV or certain music (usually rap, that's how racist those parents are, but that's another story). Either way, it's a copout. It's on the parents to do their jobs, which is to teach kids what to do and what not to do on social media.

    Parents need to start being more involved parents. They need to see what their kids are doing online and teach them what's safe and what isn't. Alot of these complaining parents haven't done that.

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  2. For the first few games, I was enamored by Connor Bedard. The skill and talent fo this man impressed me, but what didn't was the obsession many sports officials showed regarding him. Some of them have treated him as if he is the only one with talent. Some have ignored others to favor him. This will end up causing people to hate/detest Bedard.

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