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Cosmic Dimensions

Mandy Baby

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Everything posted by Mandy Baby

  1. Who has ideas for a Sharknado 7?
  2. Vacation over. Back to work today after I wake up. Good night!

    1. Amber Mera

      Amber Mera

      Did you enjoy your vacation?

    2. Princess Meghan

      Princess Meghan

      What did you do on your vacation?

  3. The Wheelers? Tell me more about who they were.
  4. I'm so excited to be going to the SuperBowl tonight! 

    1. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      OMG! You're going to the Superbowl? The actual SuperBowl?

    2. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      I am so jealous! :smile1:

  5. NextDoor is definitely retaliating against you for reporting one of their mods.
  6. So many people misunderstand Gina Carano's quote. So much media will post only the first part of it, tell their own twisted tale, and portray her as an anti-Semite.
  7. As a taxpayer, I am offended that my tax dollars are being used for this! What about feeding our homeless? What about feeding our hungry?
  8. With people now complaining for $20 an hour, I doubt there will be much that's affordable.
  9. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/florida-gov-ron-desantis-to-send-hundreds-of-national-guard-troops-to-assist-gov-abbott-at-southern-border This is one issue I am with Ron DeSantis on. We need to protect our borders and stop this influx of illegals and migrants. We need to come together to protect our nation. This influx of migrants is hurting all of us. Kids are being cost their school experience and a big part of their education. People are losing public facilities their taxes pay for. I don't like DeSantis, but he is right. The Biden administration needs to go!
  10. Scott called Maya out on lying. Suddenly she's whining to the group about him being taken. Does she kill him?
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