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Cosmic Dimensions

Mandy Baby

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Everything posted by Mandy Baby

  1. If it was Trump in the White House, he'd still be alive.
  2. Atleast your reason is because the show doesn't interest you.
  3. I heard it was cancelled, but I'm glad it's not.
  4. Typical of Naomi. Others do the work and she rides the coattails.
  5. I think this is theblongest running medical show.
  6. You didn't deserve what these animals did to you. They're terrible people and they don't represent the trans community.
  7. I watch AmberMera007's TikTok and I posted it in a few Facebook groups. Of the 65 responding in those groups, 37 wonder if she might have some prejudices she is trying to hide.
  8. I am sick to my stomach about this Squirrel woman! She's creepy. The last thing she said to you, read it again. Can you say "stalker"? She's stuck up. She looks down on people for stupid reasons. She looks for excuses to make it look like others are the problem. She acts like she is perfect. I think she hated anyone with a disability. See how she treated Miley (autism)? Major microaggressions in 2 videos. Both of which are conveniently gone.
  9. I am so tired!

    1. Norrie Calvert

      Norrie Calvert

      You work too much.

  10. I decided to leave Twitter. Mostly because I am so busy that I don't have much time for it and here. I like this place more. The people are a lot friendlier and those that run it truly care about those here. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simian Pathetica

      Simian Pathetica

      I recently left Gab. It's worse.

    3. Goldenforce772


      Correct. Because the guy in charge there is a fraud. 

    4. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      I just got automatically logged out of Twitter for no reason, and every time I try to log back in, there's an "error" in place. :/

  11. Why is Chad Busti just allowed to roam free considering his level of criminal stalking?
  12. Joey Camp has no case for defamation. He's grasping at straws.
  13. Joey has criminal acts of harassment committed on his behalf and he says he hasn't broken the law.
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