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Mandy Baby

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Mandy Baby last won the day on November 22 2023

Mandy Baby had the most liked content!


About Mandy Baby

  • Birthday 11/19/1996

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  1. I decided to leave Twitter. Mostly because I am so busy that I don't have much time for it and here. I like this place more. The people are a lot friendlier and those that run it truly care about those here. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simian Pathetica

      Simian Pathetica

      I recently left Gab. It's worse.

    3. Goldenforce772


      Correct. Because the guy in charge there is a fraud. 

    4. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      I just got automatically logged out of Twitter for no reason, and every time I try to log back in, there's an "error" in place. :/

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