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Cosmic Dimensions

Billie Jean

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Blog Comments posted by Billie Jean

  1. My opinion.


    Ralph Garramone: He needs to be brought up on charges of harassment, slander, defamation, and stalking for what he's done to ThatDaneshGuy. He should be sued.


    Jen Couture: She needs criminal charges brought against her for harassment, slander, defamation, and stalking for her involvement in what she and Ralph Garramone have done to ThatDaneshGuy.


    Patrick Trainor: He's about as ethical as an ambulance chaser. Instead of rehashing what Bullyville 's James McGibney has said about him, I'll say that I share his opinion 100%.


    Joey Camp: Criminal, scumbag, psychotic, and every other thing a person can say about a demented psychopath.


    James McGibney: Dedicated, moral, honorable, loyal, courageous. Fighting for others is a good quality in a person.  I hope he continues to expose the true colors of Ralph Garramone, Jen Couture, Joey Camp, and Patrick Trainor. 


    ThatDaneshGuy: I am so sorry he has to go through the harassment he is going through. I hope he sues and presses criminal charges against Ralph Garramone, Jen Couture, Joey Camp, and Patrick Trainor. 


    CredibleIntel: I hope this mysterious person continues to expose Joey Camp, Patrick Trainor, Jen Couture, and Ralph Garramone. The more the better. Criminal stalkers deserve to be exposed. 

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  2. On 3/31/2024 at 2:59 PM, Giddy Aunt said:

    I don't trust any of them, not one! They will all switch sides when it suits them. 

    Re: Bowser, he did do some pretty awful things. He was conspiring with others to frighten a DV survivor by sending lingerie to her home- just for fun! I saw the messages

    personally  have never seen or heard him being racist,  but that doesn't mean he hasn't. 

    I don't know Flossy- she's a friend of Squirrel right? I take it that dm is from her to you asking for information? Maybe she's looking for evidence because Squirrel has never substantiated her accusations toward Bowser. 

    Honestly,  i don't trust any of them, it could be a trap 🤷 


    I've seen some of Flossy's comments around TikTok and her videos. She's got an obsession problem with stirring drama.

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  3. 2 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

    Toots.Goods is an absolute nutcase. She was tone deaf from the start, then she comes out with the excuses. As I told Toots.Goods, ignorance of the facts is no excuse, and then when she realized she was wrong, she attacks Miley and hurls slurs towards me. That mississippi kween clown was another insane psycho. Seriously, how do they let toxic pricks like that on social media? It's just hideous!

    Why do you think NextDoor chooses such toxic mods?

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  4. 47 minutes ago, Angie said:


    A mutual friend of myself and @CEDAvsFan went above the local mods to report Cynthia B. She was reported via the website and this blog was linked. He made alot of good points. Apparently there was a decent person on the other end because I think Cynthia B was suspended. 


    When you look at a profile and it shows "no posts" when you know the person has made posts, that's a sign that action was taken on that account.

    These are the screenshots mine and @CEDAvsFan's friend sent. 




    Your and @CEDAvsFan's friend got lucky. 90% of the time they protect their moderators. 

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