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Black Lanterns
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Status Replies posted by Goldenforce772

  1. Just got the mother of all paydays today. What an early birthday present I got. 

  2. Just got the mother of all paydays today. What an early birthday present I got. 

  3. Just got the mother of all paydays today. What an early birthday present I got. 

  4. Now arriving on streaming services... the detestable Marvels movie. Ugh. 

  5. Hello fellow patriots and free thinkers. Its a shame that more and more good people have to hide from these lawless evil trolls whose hate is like a deadly virus.

  6. I got a lot of wrestling to watch tonight, courtesy of a company called TNA. 

  7. My dream of perfect TV: wait 10 years and then try the superhero genre again, because right now, it's a disaster. 

  8. Another one of my classic MMO's, Everquest 2, released a soundtrack on Itunes. Probably a signal to me to start playing that again. 

  9. Another one of my classic MMO's, Everquest 2, released a soundtrack on Itunes. Probably a signal to me to start playing that again. 

  10. My dream of perfect TV: wait 10 years and then try the superhero genre again, because right now, it's a disaster. 

  11. I just watched the animated Crisis on Infinite Earths. And I thought the live action version was bad. This was beyond terrible. 

  12. One of my favorite Deep Space Nine characters, Ezri Dax, is coming to STO. I am a very happy man right now. 

  13. NJ Devils Brendan Smith...YOU ARE MY HERO!

  14. Granted, I'm not much of a sports guy, but I know what lies ahead of me in the summer. PARIS 2024. I got roughly seven months to reconcile with a movement that I rejected because of where they last held the Games (Beijing). 

  15. Let me make one thing clear: when it comes to the issue of COVID, I do NOT trust the health industry with that issue. And anyone who spouts the company line on that is going to see the side of me they won't like. 

  16. GFU Maxima Update: In the midst of the two battles currently going on in the Land of Mckellar, it turns out that other heroes from my past also survived the transition to Erebonia. The heroes of FFIV, namely. The big five(Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia and Edge) are getting ready to intervene in the events of the Land of Mckellar. 

  17. There's a reason why I'm listening to the soundtrack to Star Trek: First Contact on this eve of 2024. 

  18. A reminder to myself: today is the birthday of Agent Zero. That's my cue to get back to work on my universe. 

  19. I'm on a Justice League Unlimited binge right now. The DCAU was a universe done correctly. 

  20. Just a few more days before the worst New Year's on record. Why do I say that? A presidential election and a threat of world war are among the reasons. 

  21. I'm about to go on an Itunes buying binge. 

  22. My focus these days is on pre-2010 entertainment since one evil blonde ruined post-2010 entertainment for me. 

  23. I'm about to go on an Itunes buying binge. 

  24. I just hate winter. It's freezing up here. 

  25. I refuse to watch anymore NHL games with the Blachawks. I am tired of the obsessive focus on one Connor Bedard.

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