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Everything posted by Goldenforce772

  1. My inspiration for today: the shows Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. Something about shows really gets me to want to create. 

    1. Angie


      In which order should I watch the shows?

    2. T Swift

      T Swift

      What's so special about them?

    3. Goldenforce772


      Stargate SG-1/Atlantis Viewing Order

      As for that second question, I'll only explain that to other sci-fi fans. 

  2. I wonder... should I begin watching the final season of Cobra Kai?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      That being said, I'll wait a bit before starting. 

    3. ND Refugee

      ND Refugee

      @Goldenforce772 Trust me when I say binge now. Pay close attention.

    4. Goldenforce772


      If I do so, it's only to help one of my story universes. 

  3. Having watched part 3 of the animated Crisis on Infinite Earths yesterday, it's safe to say I am done with universe-destroying events of that kind.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      It was painful. The Teen Titans, Superfriends and DCAU universes all got wiped out. Compare that to the live action version which ended the Smallville, Birds of Prey and Black Lightning universes and I am just damned sick of it. It's also a reminder to me why I have to maintain my own multiverse. 

    3. Angie


      Technically they still exist. Just as one.

    4. Goldenforce772


      Still done with that mess. 

  4. My favorite word of the week is "multiverse". For important reasons. 

    1. Amber Mera

      Amber Mera

      That could mean many things. Is it a fascination with the DC or Marvel multiverse?

    2. Goldenforce772


      Not exactly. It means I just relaunched one of my dormant Earths. Earth 2, to be exact. 

  5. My focus on watching only pre-2010 shows is helping me get my GFU Maxima universe back to where it should be before all the trouble started in 2020. All that awaits is a necessary dismantling of one of my teams. 

    1. Amber Mera

      Amber Mera

      Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl might serve as inspirations.

    2. Goldenforce772


      ABSOLUTELY NOT on both counts. GFU Maxima just got rid of that pest with blonde hair. As for Benoist, she's dead in my universe. 

  6. Not a fan of the Larusso family in general. I call Sam, for instance, the Wish.com Brec Bassinger.
  7. Alienware fixed!!! After two weeks of a technical nightmare, my machine is back up and running. 

  8. The unfortunate death of Shannen Doherty now has me wanting to watch the original 90210 again. Fortunately, Paramount+ has it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772
    3. Gwen


      I think they're missing some.

    4. Goldenforce772


      An episode synopsis would make that clear.

  9. I know of at least two of them, but until my computer issues are resolved, I can't deal with that just yet.
  10. She was a favorite of my late brother's. This world is truly turning into a dark place.
  11. What I just saw on the news just now is akin to 1865, and 1963. This country is now third world. 

    1. Simian Pathetica

      Simian Pathetica

      What happened? I've been working all day.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Unfortunately, I'm not going to say much here except for this: this country is screwed if things continue to go the way I saw yesterday. 

  12. Dell update: I checked their website and they have a different model called the XPS that may be suitable for my gaming needs. If my quest to save my Alienware fails, then this is the line I will be pursing. 

  13. Well, it's safe to assume I am done with Dell. And anyone who dares to praise that company in front of me will get ROASTED!!!

    1. Angie


      My biggest reason for going with Dell is if repairs are needed, one of their guys comes to you.  When I had an HP PC, I had to bring it in to BestBuy GeekSquad. Too costly. With other companies, you got to go through the trouble, and pay with your own money, to send it in if under warranty.  If you go with another company, do your research. Oh and never get an Alienware again.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Latest chapter of this drama: the clowns at Fed Ex lost the part needed to fix my machine. So the tech had to reorder it. More of this on Monday. As for a possible Plan B, the issue is going to be finding a possible replacement with the type of specs I need to keep playing at a top notch level. No less than 32 GB of RAM, no less. Also, I still never figured out if Dell has any other gaming machines other than Alienware, putting me between a rock and a hard place. 

  14. One continuous storyline, something that cannot be said about a certain other RPG series *coughs*Final Fantasy*coughs*. Also, a cast of characters that I have grown attached to, for very important reasons.
  15. I wonder... how good are HP(Hewitt Packard) machines when it comes to gaming comps? Because the situation I am now in has me seriously considering switching brands.

    1. Angie


      Dont you dare. Stay with Dell, but avoid Alienware.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Okay, then tell me this. Does Dell have any gaming machines that aren't Alienware? 

  16. I consider Trails to be my backyard. So with Daybreak II coming next year, my agenda is set.

    1. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      Why the sudden intense focus?

    2. Goldenforce772


      It's a matter of pride, basically. 

  17. My journey through Calvard has begun. And I can see this is going to benefit my universe greatly. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772



    3. Zenon


      From the previews, it looks great 

    4. Goldenforce772


      And so far, it's great for a new beginning after everything that's happened before.

  18. Trails Through Daybreak II: coming early 2025. I'll just leave that right here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      I only count American releases, so it'll only be less than a year after the one I just got released. 

    3. Zenon


      @Goldenforce772 On steam, on the English version, it claims 2023 for the English release.

    4. Goldenforce772


      I don't believe everything I read. 

  19. Another morning, another day of dealing with foolish, Legend of Tomorrow loving clowns on X. I had to block quite a few of them this morning. 

    1. Lucy Bradford

      Lucy Bradford

      How overboard did they go?

    2. Goldenforce772


      They sounded like cultists saying the same bullcrap over and over, telling me how that show was "peak television", when the truth is, it was garbage. 

  20. My faith in Dell computers has been shattered. My Alienware Aurora R15 just went belly up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      Update: thanks to a Dell rep, I know my comp has a motherboard problem. They have to send over a tech to my house to fix it.

    3. T Swift

      T Swift

      Well, @Goldenforce772 that's why you choose Dell. If you hadn't, you'd have to deal with scamming, thieving Geek Squad.

    4. Goldenforce772


      That bad, huh?

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