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Status Updates posted by Goldenforce772

  1. Trails Through Daybreak II: coming early 2025. I'll just leave that right here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      I only count American releases, so it'll only be less than a year after the one I just got released. 

    3. Zenon


      @Goldenforce772 On steam, on the English version, it claims 2023 for the English release.

    4. Goldenforce772


      I don't believe everything I read. 

  2. Another morning, another day of dealing with foolish, Legend of Tomorrow loving clowns on X. I had to block quite a few of them this morning. 

    1. Lucy Bradford

      Lucy Bradford

      How overboard did they go?

    2. Goldenforce772


      They sounded like cultists saying the same bullcrap over and over, telling me how that show was "peak television", when the truth is, it was garbage. 

  3. My faith in Dell computers has been shattered. My Alienware Aurora R15 just went belly up.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      Update: thanks to a Dell rep, I know my comp has a motherboard problem. They have to send over a tech to my house to fix it.

    3. T Swift

      T Swift

      Well, @Goldenforce772 that's why you choose Dell. If you hadn't, you'd have to deal with scamming, thieving Geek Squad.

    4. Goldenforce772


      That bad, huh?

  4. With the next chapter of the Legend of Heroes series launching on Friday, Trails Through Daybreak, I am going to brush up on all things Calvard. There's a reason this series permanently replaced Final Fantasy in my life. 

  5. The MeTV Toons channel has solved my problem of what to watch every night. Thank God. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      MeTV Toons rocks!

    3. Angie


      What kind of shows are on it?

    4. Goldenforce772


      All the Bugs Bunny, Woody Woodpecker and Scooby Doo cartoons I could ask for. 

  6. GFU Maxima Final Update: In one week, the Republic of Calvard opens up. This means a new land, new friends and new adventures. The heroes of Erebonia badly needs allies in a world plagued by evil. I, for one, need this new beginning, as it finally allows me to bury the past for good.

    1. Lucy Bradford

      Lucy Bradford

      Does this mean no more updates or the final one for an age to be put to pasture?

    2. Maira


      Are you ok?

    3. Goldenforce772


      It's a little bit of both. There's stuff going on in my life that has me taking things underground. Also, there are necessary changes going on in my universe that's going to make doing updates unfeasible for the time being. When I am done, however, my universe will be stronger for it, and Calvard(Trails Through Daybreak) is the key to everything.

  7. GFU Maxima Major Update: Amongst the forces of the Magitek Imperium that are just beginning to threaten my heroes, there is a special class of Sigma soldier to be especially wary of. They are known as the Seven Deadly Sins, lead by the ultra powerful Pride. Their function is to seek out and weed out those they see as unfit for society. And what's worse, they have one team in particular in their crosshairs: Golden Force Kiramager. For Gina and co., change is coming and for the worst reasons.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Erich W

      Erich W

      Chaos on a much grander scale?

    3. Goldenforce772


      That's an understatement. My dark side has come out to play. And a team of heroes will suffer for it. 

    4. Erich W

      Erich W

      I think I know what's going on.

  8. I'll keep this brief: Kingdom Hearts Trilogy has landed on Steam. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crusher


      I thought there was more.

    3. Erich W

      Erich W

      Mine now.

    4. Gwen


      It's about time!

  9. I see a growing cancer going on in here, so I'll be taking an indefinite hiatus. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      It's always important to put our well-being first.

    3. Goldenforce772


      And that's exactly what I'm doing, by focusing on my writing first. 

    4. Cheerleader Vicky

      Cheerleader Vicky

      I agree @Philip Gipson. I hope our @GMileyCollier78 is okay. I heard she lost a cat to cancer. 

  10. We are now living in a banana republic. And I will not welcome ANY counterpoints to this! 

    1. Angie


      Biden needs to be voted out. 

    2. Cheerleader Vicky

      Cheerleader Vicky

      What's a banana republic?

    3. Goldenforce772


      See Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea for the answer.

  11. Nothing gives me more pleasure than blocking Brie Larson simps who try to defend that failure at every turn.

    1. Claire Redfield

      Claire Redfield

      Mask cultist Gabby Douglas is worse.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Speaking of that idiot, she's out of the running for the Paris Olympics. 

  12. This just in: Kingdom Hearts Trilogy finally coming to Steam. Looks like I know what I'll be rebuying next month.

    1. Elektra


      I want them for my birthday.

    2. Goldenforce772


      This was a long time coming.

    3. Elektra


      Well @Goldenforce772 if I got those for my birthday (July), I'd make space on my PC.

  13. Just found me a Cobra Kai-themed show and ring for WWE 2k24, along with six CAWS of the major characters (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Lawrence, Terry Silver, John Kreese, Tory Nichols and Sam Larusso.) Time to spice up the Smackdown portion of my game. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      I intend to.

    3. Mandy Baby

      Mandy Baby

      Are you nuts? Kreese is a maniacal sadistic thing. Daniel Larusso is a d**che. 

    4. Goldenforce772


      Decision's been made on their use. It's out of everyone else's hands.

  14. GFU Maxima update: the Road to Chabert has begun. In New Tech City, the SPD and Mega Rangers are clashing with Lacey's Sigma soldiers. Back on the Zemurian continent, a longtime friend of Golden Force Kiramager gets assaulted by this same class of soldier. And these soldiers are also seen in the Nord Highlands, a place Golden Force Atlantis must go to retrieve an item necessary for the restoration of Earth. These are just some of the opening acts in Lacey's quest to be the next preeminent power on Erebonia. Make no mistake. As bad as Agent Zero was, this new menace is far worse, for it is said that Lacey's powers are unlike any that the heroes of Erebonia have dealt with before. It goes without saying that all of us have to roll up our sleeves for this one.

    1. PF Gym Rat

      PF Gym Rat

      So, when will the sh*t hit the fan?

    2. Goldenforce772


      Too early to tell. The buildup is just getting started.

  15. GFU Maxima updates: Neo-Shinra: gone. Agent Zero: neutralized. One would think that the world of Erebonia would be entering an era of peace after that mess. But nope. Here comes the Magitek Imperium, the evolution of the old Magitek Empire. Led by the ruthless Lacey Chabert, they have serious plans for both the cities of gold and the city of Atlantis. And the first heroes to catch wind of this are the heroes of Crossbell(Paladins of Zeo and Lloyd Banning's Mega Rangers). A tip given to them by Ciara's alternate reality doppelganger has the heroes sounding the alarm for another conflict. As they say in the business: here we go again.

    1. Shelley Awesome

      Shelley Awesome

      I'd like to see Agent Zero and Miss Voice Like Nails on a Chalkboard Lacey Chabert battle it out for who the biggest d**che is.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Unfortunately, that's not possible given that Agent Zero is now under the watchful eye of the Heimdallr Intelligence agency and Lacey Chabert is rumored to have powers equivalent to Marvel's Onslaught.

  16. So Lacey Chabert is another version of Agent Zero? Message received loud and clear. This is a job for my heroes of Crossbell(Paladins of Zeo, Mega Rangers). 

    1. Yas


      Her voice scares my dog. 

    2. Goldenforce772


      That bad, huh?

  17. Twitter idiocy strikes again: some clown decided to challenge me in regards to the fact that my RPG preference is the Trails series and not Final Fantasy. He then uses the following games to defend his so-called point: FF7 Remake/Rebirth, FF14 and FF16. Bad idea. Remake/Rebirth is no more than a good story hacked down into pieces for the sake of making money, FF14, being an MMO, attracts troublemakers, and FF16 is a reskinned God of War. Don't need any of that in my life when the Trails series does a much better job of entertaining me. 

    1. Gwen


      Forgive the louse. He suffers from extreme brain damage. 



    2. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      Final Fantasy has turned to sh*t. 

  18. GFU Maxima Update: The fight to find the first city of gold was a brutal one. The heroes involved managed to save the city from very evil hands. And for Danica Mckellar, maintainer of the Mountain of Wonder, she had a special responsibility on her hands. She gathered most of the Golden Force's Gang of 13 in order to form a community with them. They all agreed that Danica should be considered the organization's heart, just as Dakota was the official head of the organization. So as Golden Force Prime launched their new Solaris III, they had a proposition for Danica. To rejoin the team for one last shot at glory. Given the fact that Candace Cameron-Bure and Jeremy Miller were currently serving with Ciara's Golden Force Atlantis for the same reason, Danica naturally agreed. I, of course, was elated at this news. Danica was someone I could easily trust with my life, something that usually wasn't easily said of most people. If the crimefighting community on Erebonia was to move into the future, the newer heroes of the world needed reminders of the past, of a time when our lifestyle wasn't so dangerous. For Danica, a return to Golden Force meant coming home for her. 

    1. Angie


      I sense a huge battle being prepared for.

    2. Goldenforce772


      It's more like insurance to make sure no more Agent Zero types arise. 

  19. Since WWE 2k24's first DLC drops next week, I must decide who gets CM Punk's entrance and moveset. 

    1. Damien Darhk

      Damien Darhk

      I know this is off topic, but is Lazy Naomi in it?

    2. Goldenforce772


      We do not speak of that thing here. 

  20. GFU Maxima Update: Ciara and the members of Golden Force Atlantis have a monumental task ahead of them. They are trying to restore their homeworld of Earth using the terraforming technology found on Atlantis. However, the problem they have is that an incredibly potent power source is needed to use the technology at hand. That's when Ciara figures it out. They needed the Chrono Trigger, the time egg possessing immense temporal energy. Just as the Chrono Cross ended the threat of Agent Zero, the Chrono Trigger has the potential to restore whole worlds. But finding it won't be easy. It's clear Ciara is going to need extra help with this mission of vital importance. That's where her daughter Briana and Golden Force Maxima come in. In order to restore a world, help from family is needed and Briana and co. fits the bill.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      Well, its technology would be advanced by 500 years.

    3. Claire Redfield

      Claire Redfield

      Would there be time travel as if nothing happened?

    4. Goldenforce772


      I don't do time travel. After putting up with Agent Zero, you can understand why. 

  21. GFU Maxima Update: For the members of Golden Force Prime, their journey to Erebonia had been a rough one. First, they lost Sabin. Then Annasophia got separated from them. But ultimately, they reunited with her when they teamed up with Golden Force Maxima in time to discover the first city of gold. Golden Force Prime played a crucial role in the downfall of Agent Zero. Now, two years later, they were about to get richly rewarded with a new airship, the Solaris III. Based off of blueprints for the first two Solaris ships found in the first city of gold, this ship served as the mother ship for the original Golden Condor. Upon construction, the Solaris III became heavily armed and was ready to deal with any emerging threats. After the business with Neo Shinra, Dakota and Golden Force Prime knew they could no longer take any chances when it came to protecting the cities of gold. 

    1. RE Alice

      RE Alice

      I have a feeling that there is more to this.

  22. GFU Maxima Update: For the members of the Heimdallr Intelligence Agency (Juna Crawford, Ash Carbide, Kurt Vander, Millium Orion and Altina), their job was to protect the nation of Erebonia through means not publically announced. While the crimefighters of the world publically save people, these five gather intel vital to the security of Rufus Albarea's nation. They also handle tasks that normal folks would call crazy. Case in point: they are currently keeping watch over a certain someone who was now bereft of her memories and experiences, thanks to her losing the battle for the city of gold. That person was Agent Zero. Her allies were dead and she now found herself living life in a mental fog of sorts. Her current whereabouts were classified by the HIA. For the safety of all of Erebonia, Juna and co. had to make sure that Agent Zero never regained her memories, or the whole world would be put in great danger once again.

    1. Maira


      This Agent Zero sounds bad.  Too bad you can't splinter those evil memories and her evil off to something and destroy it. Then maybe Agent Zero will change personality. Maybe her looks too?

    2. Goldenforce772


      The temporal weapon she was struck with, the Chrono Cross, literally altered her very being. So she couldn't access her memories if she tried. They are sealed. And besides, she is a world destroying monster, so altering her looks wouldn't help. 

  23. STO update: I'll soon be getting the T6 Dyson ships. It's been ages since I've flown a Dyson ship. 

    1. Crusher


      They're worth it.

    2. Albedo


      What's so special about them?

    3. Goldenforce772


      Reason why I'm not answering that is because I hate explanations and those ships are best suited for my science captains. 

  24. People are saying today is National Superhero Day. Well, personally, I will only acknowledge the heroes in my own universe, as DC and Marvel both failed. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      Anytime someone tells me about the high moral standards of the DC heroes, for instance, I just laugh my head off. Look what we had to put up with for the last decade. 

    3. Naughty Santa

      Naughty Santa

      The quality of superheroes went down by a f**king whole lot during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Their bore the mask obsession. Oh and the acting since has been so f**king terrible.

    4. Goldenforce772
  25. GFU Maxima update: thoughout the last four crimefighting ages, many heroes have come and gone. And of the four major legacy teams that now exist on Erebonia, only Golden Force has some sense of where its past members are. Thunder Force's, the Falcon Club's and Powerforce's legacy members were either lost in the calamity that destroyed Earth, or they simply disappeared amongst the Erebonian population. For Danica Mckellar, who manages her Mountain of Wonder, she took it upon herself to track down and gather most of her old colleagues from 1990. Since the Golden Force founders were already in the Land of Mckellar when this new era began, Danica only needed to track down the others. Following the conflict for the city of gold, Danica had everyone except for myself, Candace, Jeremy Miller and Alyssa Milano(who's been dead since 2016), gathered in her mountain with an offer to live in the area and keep in touch with each other every now and then. The Golden Force veterans naturally all agreed, given the uncertain nature of the times they found themselves in. Therefore, the Land of Mckellar now had 10 of the old Golden Force members now living in the area. This would prove helpful for the next generation of heroes as they would have ample opportunity to learn from the past. 

    1. Alexa M

      Alexa M

      Where are The Testaments?

    2. Goldenforce772


      Golden Force Kiramager.

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