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Everything posted by Goldenforce772

  1. I say this for anyone who isn't paying attention: ignore the health industry. They are proven liars.
  2. I don't make resolutions, especially not this year.
  3. It is now 2024. For me, I got a lot of fights to fight this year. 

    1. Sam LaRusso
    2. Stay Puft

      Stay Puft

      Beware of Democrats.

    3. Philip Gipson

      Philip Gipson

      Happy New Year, Goldenforce!

  4. There's a reason why I'm listening to the soundtrack to Star Trek: First Contact on this eve of 2024. 

    1. Damien Darhk

      Damien Darhk

      What would that be?

    2. Goldenforce772


      Because I can see this is going to be a horrible year and therefore, I need something to give me hope. 

  5. A reminder to myself: today is the birthday of Agent Zero. That's my cue to get back to work on my universe. 

    1. Elektra


      I don't blame you.

    2. Goldenforce772


      It's days like this that really gets me focused. 

  6. I'm on a Justice League Unlimited binge right now. The DCAU was a universe done correctly. 

    1. Keri


      Where should I start?

    2. Goldenforce772


      You want a more complete history? Start with Batman the animated series first. 

  7. Exactly. And people are too blind to see it.
  8. I tend to be more fearful of this than the rest of you, given the city I live in, so I will say this. If any of you seen the TV show the 100, you can see the path we're going down here.
  9. Just a few more days before the worst New Year's on record. Why do I say that? A presidential election and a threat of world war are among the reasons. 

    1. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      World War 3 won't happen soon. We've come closer before and been fine. As for the presidential election, I wonder what disease they'll make us wear masks for this time.

    2. Goldenforce772


      You sound so sure about that first part. As for the second, 2020 set a bad precedent. Expect major shenanigans to happen again. 

  10. End of the year housecleaning is such a pain, but it must be done.

    1. Sam LaRusso

      Sam LaRusso

      Dusting can be such a pain!

    2. Simian Pathetica

      Simian Pathetica

      A gas mask can be your friend when cleaning a bathroom.

  11. My focus these days is on pre-2010 entertainment since one evil blonde ruined post-2010 entertainment for me. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zenon


      You need an 80s and 90s cartoon day.

    3. Goldenforce772


      She did come about in the mid-2010's, which is precisely the problem. Her presence basically trashed an entire decade's worth of TV. So, I have to go backwards for entertainment purposes.

    4. Ciara


      I think I should mention that December 30 is that evil one's birthday. Guard accordingly. 

  12. I'm about to go on an Itunes buying binge. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      Total amount of things I bought in the last week include: Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, Babylon 5, Farscape, Dawson's Creek and the OC. And now a whole bunch of Scooby Doo cartoons, including the new Scooby Doo and Krypto, Too, is included in that list.

    3. Zenon


      Someone must love you.

    4. Goldenforce772
  13. GFU Maxima Update: having not heard from Briana or Golden Force Maxima in quite some time, Rufus decided to send members of his intelligence division to the Neo Americas to find the heroes and help them out. Millium Orion, Altina, Ash Carbide, Juna Crawford and Kurt Vander will soon find themselves in a situation not of their making when they stumble onto the fight between my forces and Agent Zero's. 

  14. I just hate winter. It's freezing up here. 

    1. Zenon


      It's better than the hot summer. You can only take so much off before you can't do anything more. Atleast in the winter, you can keep adding layers of clothes and/or blankets.

    2. Goldenforce772


      But even that can only do so much. 

  15. Nothing like some anime to kill some time, in this case, My Hero Academia. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      I'm watching it from the Crunchyroll website. 

    3. Zenon



    4. Goldenforce772


      You might need to do research on it.


  16. I am now officially on vacation from my job. This means I have more time to write up a certain fight I'm having in my universe.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      You realize this is NOT up for debate, right? 

    3. Luis Virgil

      Luis Virgil

      A month is good. I know this is wishful thinking, but I hope it is with pay.

    4. Goldenforce772
  17. This should be good, as long as it sticks to the Afterlife formula and not 2016's.
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