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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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  1. Not doing business with Dell again after the month and a half nightmare I've endured with them.

    1. Elektra


      I just got an email from them, atleast I think it is them, telling me my warranty is up and telling me I have to renew. When I call and talk to them, they tell me I am not allowed to renew the hardware warranty because the computer is too old. They tried to guilt me into a $200 a year software warranty. What that includes is if I have a software issue I call them and they help troubleshoot by reading off a list and telling me to do stuff. That's it. ANYONE can use their phone or another pc to trouble shoot and get help for free. When I told them that, I was told my warranty was no longer valid despite it being good til October of this year.

    2. Goldenforce772


      What you just explained, I just went through for a MONTH AND A HALF. Now we're up to the absurd stage of a "system exchange", where my busted machine would be exchanged for a refurbished one. When I ask them for a proper label by which I can do the exchange, what do they do instead? Give me the runaround. That's why I am now looking at other companies for my next machine. 

    3. Caretaker


      @Goldenforce772 The only reason I ever considered Dell was repair guys come to your home. Otherwise for every tiny problem you're spending hundreds.

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