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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

Goldenforce772 had the most liked content!

About Goldenforce772

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See all updates by Goldenforce772

  1. GFU Maxima Special Report: From Kiramager to Daybreak: Golden Force Kiramager has fallen. The overwhelming power of the Seven Deadly Sins has sent them packing to the mystical village of Eryn. There, Arianrhod and Crimson Roselia offer them a solution. Because Samus and the Testaments were paralyzed in the fighting, they offer to bring in five new members for the team while joining themselves. The catch: Gina Carano had to step aside as leader in favor of Hunter Deno. Gina and Hunter accepted that condition and Hunter was now the sole leader of the team. As for the five new members, Aurelia Le Guin. Lechter Arundel, Prince Olivert, Duvalie and Musse Egret would prove to be reliable replacements for the paralyzed members as Team Kiramager evovles... into Golden Force Daybreak. Then the decision was made for them to relocate to Calvard's capital city of Edith. Once the team leaves for Calvard, however, a mysterious man named Terry Silver shows up and decides to take advantage of the situation by talking to Samus and the Testaments and tells them that it was Daybreak's incompetence that led to their getting paralyzed in the first place. He offers his own solution to the problem and proceeds to whisk them away to parts unknown. More on this as the situation develops...

    1. Angie


      Terry Silver is very methodical when pushed.

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