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Cosmic Dimensions


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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. I know I said I wouldn't do anymore updates of a certain universe due to certain circumstances, but in this case, the next one must be done. So here it is...

    GFU Maxima Special Report: Planet Earth has been restored. Using the powers of a terraforming device and the legendary Chrono Trigger, Ciara and Golden Force Atlantis just gave back to us what Agent Zero and the Azure Chevalier took away. Our homeworld. Now plans are being made to travel through the Stargate to examine the results of Ciara's team's actions. But what will they find when they get to Earth? The answer may shock them. 

    1. Yas


      I sense a The 100 vibe.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Not even close. 

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