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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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  1. Well, it's safe to assume I am done with Dell. And anyone who dares to praise that company in front of me will get ROASTED!!!

    1. Angie


      My biggest reason for going with Dell is if repairs are needed, one of their guys comes to you.  When I had an HP PC, I had to bring it in to BestBuy GeekSquad. Too costly. With other companies, you got to go through the trouble, and pay with your own money, to send it in if under warranty.  If you go with another company, do your research. Oh and never get an Alienware again.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Latest chapter of this drama: the clowns at Fed Ex lost the part needed to fix my machine. So the tech had to reorder it. More of this on Monday. As for a possible Plan B, the issue is going to be finding a possible replacement with the type of specs I need to keep playing at a top notch level. No less than 32 GB of RAM, no less. Also, I still never figured out if Dell has any other gaming machines other than Alienware, putting me between a rock and a hard place. 

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