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Cosmic Dimensions


Black Lanterns
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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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See all updates by Goldenforce772

  1. GFU Maxima Final Update: In one week, the Republic of Calvard opens up. This means a new land, new friends and new adventures. The heroes of Erebonia badly needs allies in a world plagued by evil. I, for one, need this new beginning, as it finally allows me to bury the past for good.

    1. Lucy Bradford

      Lucy Bradford

      Does this mean no more updates or the final one for an age to be put to pasture?

    2. Maira


      Are you ok?

    3. Goldenforce772


      It's a little bit of both. There's stuff going on in my life that has me taking things underground. Also, there are necessary changes going on in my universe that's going to make doing updates unfeasible for the time being. When I am done, however, my universe will be stronger for it, and Calvard(Trails Through Daybreak) is the key to everything.

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