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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. GFU Maxima Major Update: Amongst the forces of the Magitek Imperium that are just beginning to threaten my heroes, there is a special class of Sigma soldier to be especially wary of. They are known as the Seven Deadly Sins, lead by the ultra powerful Pride. Their function is to seek out and weed out those they see as unfit for society. And what's worse, they have one team in particular in their crosshairs: Golden Force Kiramager. For Gina and co., change is coming and for the worst reasons.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Erich W

      Erich W

      Chaos on a much grander scale?

    3. Goldenforce772


      That's an understatement. My dark side has come out to play. And a team of heroes will suffer for it. 

    4. Erich W

      Erich W

      I think I know what's going on.

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