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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. GFU Maxima update: the Road to Chabert has begun. In New Tech City, the SPD and Mega Rangers are clashing with Lacey's Sigma soldiers. Back on the Zemurian continent, a longtime friend of Golden Force Kiramager gets assaulted by this same class of soldier. And these soldiers are also seen in the Nord Highlands, a place Golden Force Atlantis must go to retrieve an item necessary for the restoration of Earth. These are just some of the opening acts in Lacey's quest to be the next preeminent power on Erebonia. Make no mistake. As bad as Agent Zero was, this new menace is far worse, for it is said that Lacey's powers are unlike any that the heroes of Erebonia have dealt with before. It goes without saying that all of us have to roll up our sleeves for this one.

    1. PF Gym Rat

      PF Gym Rat

      So, when will the sh*t hit the fan?

    2. Goldenforce772


      Too early to tell. The buildup is just getting started.

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