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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. GFU Maxima updates: Neo-Shinra: gone. Agent Zero: neutralized. One would think that the world of Erebonia would be entering an era of peace after that mess. But nope. Here comes the Magitek Imperium, the evolution of the old Magitek Empire. Led by the ruthless Lacey Chabert, they have serious plans for both the cities of gold and the city of Atlantis. And the first heroes to catch wind of this are the heroes of Crossbell(Paladins of Zeo and Lloyd Banning's Mega Rangers). A tip given to them by Ciara's alternate reality doppelganger has the heroes sounding the alarm for another conflict. As they say in the business: here we go again.

    1. Shelley Awesome

      Shelley Awesome

      I'd like to see Agent Zero and Miss Voice Like Nails on a Chalkboard Lacey Chabert battle it out for who the biggest d**che is.

    2. Goldenforce772


      Unfortunately, that's not possible given that Agent Zero is now under the watchful eye of the Heimdallr Intelligence agency and Lacey Chabert is rumored to have powers equivalent to Marvel's Onslaught.

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