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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. GFU Maxima Update: The fight to find the first city of gold was a brutal one. The heroes involved managed to save the city from very evil hands. And for Danica Mckellar, maintainer of the Mountain of Wonder, she had a special responsibility on her hands. She gathered most of the Golden Force's Gang of 13 in order to form a community with them. They all agreed that Danica should be considered the organization's heart, just as Dakota was the official head of the organization. So as Golden Force Prime launched their new Solaris III, they had a proposition for Danica. To rejoin the team for one last shot at glory. Given the fact that Candace Cameron-Bure and Jeremy Miller were currently serving with Ciara's Golden Force Atlantis for the same reason, Danica naturally agreed. I, of course, was elated at this news. Danica was someone I could easily trust with my life, something that usually wasn't easily said of most people. If the crimefighting community on Erebonia was to move into the future, the newer heroes of the world needed reminders of the past, of a time when our lifestyle wasn't so dangerous. For Danica, a return to Golden Force meant coming home for her. 

    1. Angie


      I sense a huge battle being prepared for.

    2. Goldenforce772


      It's more like insurance to make sure no more Agent Zero types arise. 

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