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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. GFU Maxima Update: Ciara and the members of Golden Force Atlantis have a monumental task ahead of them. They are trying to restore their homeworld of Earth using the terraforming technology found on Atlantis. However, the problem they have is that an incredibly potent power source is needed to use the technology at hand. That's when Ciara figures it out. They needed the Chrono Trigger, the time egg possessing immense temporal energy. Just as the Chrono Cross ended the threat of Agent Zero, the Chrono Trigger has the potential to restore whole worlds. But finding it won't be easy. It's clear Ciara is going to need extra help with this mission of vital importance. That's where her daughter Briana and Golden Force Maxima come in. In order to restore a world, help from family is needed and Briana and co. fits the bill.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goldenforce772


      Well, its technology would be advanced by 500 years.

    3. Claire Redfield

      Claire Redfield

      Would there be time travel as if nothing happened?

    4. Goldenforce772


      I don't do time travel. After putting up with Agent Zero, you can understand why. 

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