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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. GFU Maxima Update: For the members of Golden Force Prime, their journey to Erebonia had been a rough one. First, they lost Sabin. Then Annasophia got separated from them. But ultimately, they reunited with her when they teamed up with Golden Force Maxima in time to discover the first city of gold. Golden Force Prime played a crucial role in the downfall of Agent Zero. Now, two years later, they were about to get richly rewarded with a new airship, the Solaris III. Based off of blueprints for the first two Solaris ships found in the first city of gold, this ship served as the mother ship for the original Golden Condor. Upon construction, the Solaris III became heavily armed and was ready to deal with any emerging threats. After the business with Neo Shinra, Dakota and Golden Force Prime knew they could no longer take any chances when it came to protecting the cities of gold. 

    1. RE Alice

      RE Alice

      I have a feeling that there is more to this.

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