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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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  1. GFU Maxima Update: For the members of the Heimdallr Intelligence Agency (Juna Crawford, Ash Carbide, Kurt Vander, Millium Orion and Altina), their job was to protect the nation of Erebonia through means not publically announced. While the crimefighters of the world publically save people, these five gather intel vital to the security of Rufus Albarea's nation. They also handle tasks that normal folks would call crazy. Case in point: they are currently keeping watch over a certain someone who was now bereft of her memories and experiences, thanks to her losing the battle for the city of gold. That person was Agent Zero. Her allies were dead and she now found herself living life in a mental fog of sorts. Her current whereabouts were classified by the HIA. For the safety of all of Erebonia, Juna and co. had to make sure that Agent Zero never regained her memories, or the whole world would be put in great danger once again.

    1. Maira


      This Agent Zero sounds bad.  Too bad you can't splinter those evil memories and her evil off to something and destroy it. Then maybe Agent Zero will change personality. Maybe her looks too?

    2. Goldenforce772


      The temporal weapon she was struck with, the Chrono Cross, literally altered her very being. So she couldn't access her memories if she tried. They are sealed. And besides, she is a world destroying monster, so altering her looks wouldn't help. 

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