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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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  1. GFU Maxima update: thoughout the last four crimefighting ages, many heroes have come and gone. And of the four major legacy teams that now exist on Erebonia, only Golden Force has some sense of where its past members are. Thunder Force's, the Falcon Club's and Powerforce's legacy members were either lost in the calamity that destroyed Earth, or they simply disappeared amongst the Erebonian population. For Danica Mckellar, who manages her Mountain of Wonder, she took it upon herself to track down and gather most of her old colleagues from 1990. Since the Golden Force founders were already in the Land of Mckellar when this new era began, Danica only needed to track down the others. Following the conflict for the city of gold, Danica had everyone except for myself, Candace, Jeremy Miller and Alyssa Milano(who's been dead since 2016), gathered in her mountain with an offer to live in the area and keep in touch with each other every now and then. The Golden Force veterans naturally all agreed, given the uncertain nature of the times they found themselves in. Therefore, the Land of Mckellar now had 10 of the old Golden Force members now living in the area. This would prove helpful for the next generation of heroes as they would have ample opportunity to learn from the past. 

    1. Alexa M

      Alexa M

      Where are The Testaments?

    2. Goldenforce772


      Golden Force Kiramager.

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