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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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  1. Just saw a list of 32 DC TV shows that were ranked. Needless to say that six of the top ten on that list are flat out garbage in my eyes. The shows in question: 1. Superman and Lois. 2. Stargirl. 3. The Flash. 6. Legends of Tomorrow. 8. Arrow. 10. Supergirl. Anyone who knows me knows which one of the six shows stated royally sets me off. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Princess Meghan

      Princess Meghan

      The Flash is worse.

    3. Goldenforce772


      Not to me it isn't. For me this is VERY personal.

    4. Billie Jean

      Billie Jean

      Legends of Tomorrow is far worse 

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