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Goldenforce772 last won the day on September 7

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About Goldenforce772

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  1. GFU Maxima Update: While all the action was occuring in the Land of Mckellar, what was happening on the Zemurian/Taurus side of the world? Well, the Azure Chevalier, still sore after her loss to Golden Force Kiramager and the Paladins of Zeo, now planned to soften up the nation of Erebonia's defenses with an all out assault on Bareahard, the home of Golden Force Secondary. The idea was to buy Agents Zero and Irons time to complete their mission in the Neo Americas. The forces of evil are on the move on both sides of the world. 

    1. Elektra


      Put Azure Chevalier cage like the wild animal she is.

    2. Tamara


      Land of McKellar?

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