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  1. I despise bullies with a passion, but this one...oooh boy. So recently, I was at my friend Sara's place looking to watch sports because my cable was on the fritz. After the game ended, I watched a few movies, and then at a point, I saw Sara was trying to play FFXI and create a character on Fenrir. I warned Sara against it, but I wasn't one to push, so I spoke my piece and that's it. I went home, then I woke up to the news that my friend got kicked out of this linkshell she joined called GoatsInTrees, and I was livid when I learned that Velner was in it. I received a number of screenshots from my friend Sara, and here's the first screenshot showing Velner's bullsh*t (more on a theory I have later): And here's the archive: https://archive.is/t5vPZ What follows is more of Velner's bullsh*t, which also includes some gaslighting and playing innocent as well. Seriously, this guy is such a clown. The purple chat color is tells, which are private in game whispers in Final Fantasy XI. When there is ">>" in front of a name, that means it is something being said to that person. With nothing in front of it, it means it is that person speaking. Here's the evidence: And here are the archives: https://archive.is/L7t58 https://archive.is/Ev7WV And look at this! Velner's continuing his sh*t on Discord, and his fellow bully cohorts are joining in on the harassment as well. Here are the shots: Archives: https://archive.is/GgXqR https://archive.is/yFBhE https://archive.is/PEUw6 And it's not just on Discord. Thanks to Velner's delusions and flat out slander, the bullying and harassment from his like-minded cohorts actually struck Reddit as well: Here's the screenshot, from a conversation on Reddit: And here's the archive: https://archive.is/whybU This whole thing goes back a good bit to a character known as Shadowdragon, who bullied a user known as Hannahmontana in Quetzalcoatl server on Final Fantasy XI, whom is a friend of mine. The bullying was because Shadowdragon was a p**sy because she wouldn't delete her character so a friend of his could have that name. He bullied her off and on for many years, which is why she would delete and recreate alot. He gaslighted a lot of people against her with so many lies and rumors. All of this started back in 2006. More than a decade after the bullying started, Shadowdragon went to the Asura server and changed his name to Serpentdragon, and saw a different Hannahmontana featured and decided to bully that person, who was actually a 15-year-old girl. Spicyryan also joined in, and as for Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl, she was falsely accused of kicking people out of a linkshell, even though that account was dormant for a long time, but other people believed the claims. Also despite she only ever having a linkshell pearl to that linkshell and never a pearl sack, which gives the power to kick. In actuality, it was discovered that the person doing the kicking that Hannah from Quetz was falsely accused of committing was, in fact, Shadowdragon (aka Serpentdragon). He had created a new character on that server, and gained enough trust to do that. Now that I think about it, I recall hearing about some kickings from an LS from Asura, but it was a few years ago back when Shadowdragon first got there. I think he got on the Fenrir server and pulled this same crap. Or it could have been Velner capitalizing on a situation that Shadowdragon put HM from Quetz in, and Velner's doing the kickings and setting her up. Speaking of Velner, he joined in on the bullying because he's friends with Spicyryan. And here's the thing: Velner never reached out to either of the Hannahmontanas at all. He just took the bullying slander as gospel, and even continues to slander Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl over and over again on his Twitch live streams. He makes all sorts of wild claims against HM from Quetz with absolutely NOTHING TO BACK IT UP!! The most disturbing lie that Velner told was that HM from Quetz said that Velner's cat should be skinned. THAT'S A f**kING LIE!!! HM from Quetz loves cats, she has cats of her own that she treasures so much. I know it because I've seen it for myself on a daily basis. One cat she cared for was named Tiger; a beautiful cat she took in and took great care of for so long, up until the day that Tiger left this world. Tiger passed away due to nasal cancer. And again, HM from Quetz would NEVER make that horrible comment about ANY CAT, especially one that looks like her precious Tiger! HM from Quetz loves her cats. The same can't be said for Velner. The only time Velner features his cat is for attention. If they can't get him clout, he doesn't bother. Also, it often appear that is more annoyed with Velner than actually likes him. It's often said that cats can sense evil presences, you know; I think that cat knows Velner's a prick. Velner also calls himself a lawyer, yet he has a tendency to spend at least one-third of his day on Twitch live-streaming. Also, the so-called "lawyer" doesn't know that his actions--catfishing, cyberbullying, and stalking--are against the law! If Velner's a lawyer, then I'm Jordan Love. He has a sick obsession with Hannahmontana, and he believes that everyone who uses that name or comes to the defense of HM from Quetz is that same person. Velner also thinks anyone who uses a notable name is Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl. When I first watched Velner, he was harassing someone named AmberMera007 and was accusing her of being Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl, and he was using AmberMera007 defending herself to make those false claims, all so he wouldn't appear to be wrong...even though he's clearly wrong. Mind you, no proof of his crap his shown. Why? Because it's clear that Velner's lying through his teeth, and he's using his status to get HM from Quetz harassed. People use notable names so much, but by his logic, if a person uses say, Johnny Depp, Taylor Swift, or even Joe Biden, it's that same person. So by his logic, I clearly have to be a White woman, instead of what I actually am, a Black man. After all, his implied logic suggests anyone defending Hannahmontana of Quetz are the same person on top of anyone that uses a notable name. Velner has also claimed that HM from Quetz has kicked people from a linkshell on Fenrir. That's impossible. She doesn't even have a character on Fenrir. On a recent live stream (evening of 8/25/2024) sees him start up drama and obsess over HM from Quetz, literally voicing his hope that she's watching. Even worse, Velner's verbal garbage is believed by his viewers and followers, who drink the proverbial Kool-Aid and even resort to their own sick and twisted comments against HM from Quetz. Here's a small sample. Case in point: Archives: https://archive.is/QHWPt https://archive.is/DbPY5 And here's proof that Velner is highly likely not a lawyer. Look at this streaming schedule. Hours upon hours upon hours of live streaming. Being a lawyer is not a normal 9-to-5 job. You're basically working every second you're awake. 9:30PM to 3AM Eastern Time (6:30PM to Midnight Pacific Time) is five and a half hours! Five and a half hours of live streaming, and he tends to go over that amount. The average human supposedly spends eight hours sleeping, eight hours working, and the remaining eight hours for whatever. So really, we're supposed to be awake for 16 hours per day. As I stated, a lawyer is not a normal eight-hour job. Out of those 16 hours spent awake, I would think that a lawyer spends at least 12 of them working their profession, which only leaves four hours for whatever. Velner streams for at least five and a half hours, if not six, seven, or even eight! And he says he's a lawyer?! Child, please! Again, here's the proof that there's highly likely no way that Velner's a lawyer: Between 8/25/2024 stream and the Discord crap, Velner's gaslighting of his listeners has them drinking the koolaid on such a level that they are talking about coordinated attacks of downvotes and dislikes. While it is okay to have an opinion and dislike/downvote something, it is not okay to coordinate dislikes and downvotes just because. Massive disliking and downvoting ruins the stock of the user and damages their reputation on a massive level. It will give people the wrong idea about a person and subject them to being ostracized and bullied. And speaking of that stream, as you see, there's threats of doxxing in those comments. That's absolutely frightening. Velner has a depraved obsession with Hannahmontana and can't, to borrow from Will Smith, "keep her name out of his f**king mouth." The man is a depraved liar, gaslighter, and sociopath who has no business on any social media platform. Velner wants to portray HM from Quetz as being obsessed, but he's the one who is obsessed. HM from Quetz is enjoying her life with her cats and her friends, and hasn't given Velner a single thought at all, and honestly, I think Velner is butthurt and jealous of HM from Quetz's strength. He craves drama and loves starting sh*t because it's literally all he has in the massive void he calls his life. HM from Quetz moves on when she stands up to bullies like him, and it bruises his fragile little ego at an exponential rate, to the point where he has to make up every horrible lie in the book to say about her. That's why Velner does this sh*t: he's a small and petty man. There are so many ways that HM from Quetz is better than Velner. HM from Quetz cares for her cats and cares about others. Velner...not so much, unless he can benefit from it. HM from Quetz doesn't pretend to be something she isn't. Velner lies to others and himself on a public live forum. One lie he tells himself and others is that he thinks HM from Quetz is in love with him. If he believes that, then I have a bridge in Anaheim I can sell him cheap. Also, HM from Quetz doesn't slander people and take slander as gospel. Velner's been doing it for too long. Again, he's never once spoken to either of the Hannahmontanas at all; he's too busy obsessing and gaslighting instead of exploring the fact that he believed the wrong people and chose to judge based on heresay, lies. He's never tried to de-escalate. HM from Asura will be hard to find, but there is my friend from Quetz. If he was anything even remotely close to being a real man, he'd reach out to HM from Quetz and properly apologize to her for the sh*t he's pulled and done. As I said before, HM from Quetz is living her best life and enjoying things, and this blog below is all she has left to say about it. Knowing her like I do, when she speaks her piece about something, that's it, she moves on. And she doesn't go back to is unless it's absolutely necessary. Here is her blog below: So on the evening of 8/26/2024, Velner returned to Twitch for another live stream. The subject did turn to HM from Quetz's video calling his stupid a** out, because he can't go two seconds without mentioning her--it's the only thing that keeps him relevant. The following screenshots (and the archive links) show just a sliver of Velner's hideous harassment. First off, Velner doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on his lie about HM from Quetz; the aforementioned false accusation that she insulted his cat and said that his cat should be skinned. HM from Quetz NEVER SAID THAT, and the screenshot actually shows that it was Serpentdragon (formerly known as Shadowdragon) who made the horrible comments. He either transferred to Fenrir or created a version of himself there. It's right there--Serpentdragon, not HM from Quetz. However, what does Velner say about that? He said that it was HM from Quetz, even with that evidence countering his lie staring him right in the face. Besides HM from Quetz doesn't even talk like that. In Velner's mind, Shadowdragon aka Serpentdragon doesn't exist, and it's been HM from Quetz all this time. Even worse, his dickless followers buy that sh*t too. Here's the screenshot: Archive link: https://archive.is/qI2Pi And in this screenshot, one of Velner's lemming followers is accusing HM of Quetz of having "multiple personalities," a version of the whole "same person" bullsh*t lie that Velner himself spews, and continued to spew in that stream. f**king ridiculous that people would be so damn gullible and stupid. Even the boyfriends/husbands in Lifetime movies aren't this idiotic! Here's the screenshot: Archive link: https://archive.is/RyVYd In this screenshot, the sick defense of Velner continues. It was a wave of this--followers blindly eating up Velner's lies and bullsh*t in the same way that a rat eats cheese. One such follower, "snowbals" attacked HM from Quetz's video by using the "r" word. It's absolutely hideous conduct! Here's the screenshot: Archive link: https://archive.is/ZzJwj In this shot, a pair of bullying comments stand out. First, this dummy known as BigBuffaloChip is claiming that HM from Quetz has a crush on Velner, which is the same delusional claim that Velner made on 8/25/2024 (he would say it again in this stream as well). Second, "HandBananaBusta" saying "let me at her," which is an indication that the sicko wants to harm HM from Quetz. Here's the screenshot: Archive link: https://archive.is/q4BJ8 In these next two screenshots, these same pricks have blatantly admitted that they were stalking HM from Quetz's Twitter, and we see some victim-shaming and victim-blaming as well. "BigBuffaloChip" definitely goes into victim-blaming mode with the comment saying that HM from Quetz is to blame for not letting Shadowdragon's friend have the name. Funny how the only time they do acknowledge Shadowdragon's existence is use it to bully and shame HM from Quetz. And there's also the comment from this idiot called "Autkast" mockingly talking about being blocked from Twitter. Here are the screenshots: Archive links: https://archive.is/6iknH https://archive.is/0fMYB These next three screenshots show some very disgusting comments. One comment from "treacle_snow" makes the whole "same person" accusation, but what really burns me up is this dickless f**ker known as "chizel_whizel," who makes not one, but TWO comments mocking Tiger's death from Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (nasal cancer)! Seriously, there's a special place in hell reserved for people who laugh at the death of pets and for those who mock and make fun of cancer. Here are the screenshots: Archive links: https://archive.is/HhaWA https://archive.is/qms0I https://archive.is/PmzOg As I said, these screenshots are just part of harassment. All of this is Velner's handiwork. He's letting his followers use his cat and cat's name to mock and make fun of Tiger's death from Nasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (nasal cancer). They are lumping together anyone who defends HM from Quetz as the same person, just like Velner does. Velner actually told HM from Quetz, via his stream because he thought she was watching, that she shouldn't exist. So he was saying that she should be DEAD! And his sick, sychophantic f**khead followers are voicing that same sh*t! Velner's spent HOURS UPON HOURS UPON HOURS gaslighting his f**king sheep and slandering HM from Quetz, and his dumb f**k followers are DRINKING IT ALL UP because they are motherf**king MORONS!!!! Seriously, Velner and his bunch are nothing but a f**king cult; much worse than the ones from Lifetime movies, and worse than the real life ones! I wouldn't put it past Velner to clip out parts of some of his streams to play innocent. Velner's sick and twisted bullsh*t needs to stop. He not only needs to be held accountable for his horrendous bullying, he needs to be criminally charged for it! I did create a video calling out Velner's horrible nonsense, and it includes stuff that needed to be said regarding that massive, egregious tool! The video is on Tiktok and on YouTube, and here are the links. Check them out!
    13 points
  2. Just a short time ago I finished making a video addressing recent harassment that's occurred by, and because of VelnerXI of Twitch; aka Velner of the Fenrir Server in Final Fantasy XI. The screenshots below were shown in the above video. They show my first Instagram suspension, which occurred because Velner's buddies decided to mass report me. The system will automatically suspend anyone who gets enough reports in a short time. Screenshots below got shown in the above video. They show my SECOND Instagram suspension, which happened because Velner's buddies decided to mass report me. The system will automatically suspend anyone who gets enough reports in a short time. The Screenshots below show doxxing threats by Velner's Twitch friend "Autkast". That which were shown in the video linked at the start of this blog. I summed up everything pretty well in the above video. But I would like to emphasize one thing, which I can't emphasize enough. Velner needs to consider seeking psychological help to deal with his very unhealthy addiction to drama; stirring, starting, and egging it on at unhealthy levels. After the moment this blog is posted, I will not give Velner another thought. He needs to grow up and move on.
    12 points
  3. For the first time in this whole ordeal, I was happy to actually see something from Velner. While I was enjoying some good stuff on Netflix, I saw that Velner responded to my video calling his a** out. Here's the response: Archive link: https://archive.is/eyOGM You know why I was so happy to see that reply? Because Velner blew up his big lie with that reply! The lie that he's told over and over about Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl and Hannahmontana from Asura (prior to 8/28/2024) being the same person. The lie about anyone coming to HM from Quetz's defense being the same person as HM from Quetz. The lie about HM from Quetz and myself being the same person. All blown up. Velner now sees that I am not HM from Quetz. Velner now sees that HM from Quetz and I are two different people. She's a White woman and I'm a Black man. This realzation has blown Velner's mind and he can't handle the fact that he was dead wrong about his big lie. So what does he do? He deflects and unleashes his massive victim complex. Velner accuses HM from Quetz of having multiple accounts in his discord. She doesn't. He claimed that HM from Quetz has multiple characters on Fenrir to keep tabs on him. She doesn't. HM from Quetz has never given any thought to Velner at all. Not one bit. She is enjoying her life and all of the good things that come with it. Velner later follows this with saying, "I want you guys to GO AWAY." Let's look at that sentence. "You guys." That's an acknowledgment that he's wrong about the "same person" BS. But again, the statement shows Velner playing victim, and then he says "It was funny at first but now I'm legitimately creeped out." Velner has no right to say that. Velner's the one creeping HM from Quetz out. Velner's the one nauseating me with his bullsh*t. And now, his big lie has been totally blown up with his comment to my video. Oh, and by the way, people tend to use that "same person" lie to discredit their victims and to make their victim number look smaller so they'll be believed by the public and their buddies. All of the people that Velner's accusing of being HM from Quetz? They are all different and individual people, but he wants to say they're all the same so he'll be believed and he can lower his victim count. In addition, Velner's using that same lie to try to turn HM from Quetz's friends against her. He is trying to isolate HM from Quetz; it's a tactic that's been used many times by many bullies--they lie, gaslight, and manipulate people into turning against their main target. That's what this is, pure gaslighting and manipulation from Velner. Here's my video exposing Velner as a bold-faced liar, as well as exposing his victim complex: So on Velner's 8/29/2024 live stream on Twitch, Velner appeared to be apologetic regarding his actions against HM from Quetz. He appeared to admit his wrongdoings against HM from Quetz, including that his "same person" lie was just that: a lie. Yeah, so's the apology. Velner is not sorry one bit. Not one bit. For one, if Velner was really sorry, why not apologize directly to Hannahmontana from Quetz and reach out to her? He never did that. Why did Velner only "apologize" in front of his followers and to his followers? This was done to make himself look good in the eyes of his followers, so they can use his bullsh*t "apology" to defend Velner even more than they already do. Velner also never apologized for attacking Hannahmontana from Quetz and bullying her on a video she had up of being wrongly accused of kicking people from a linkshell, nor has he apologized to my friend Sara, whom tried to play as Taylorswift on Fenrir, for all of the horrible things he's done to her. Velner has also yet to apologize for falsely accusing HM of Quetz of having characters on Fenrir and kicking everyone from a linkshell known as "GoatsInTrees," and he also hasn't apologized for gaslighting his followers to the point that they felt that they need to harass HM of Quetz's social media by mass downvoting her Reddit posts and her Youtube videos. He also never asked his followers to apologize to HM of Quetz for the immense harassment, nor has he ever told them to stop doing it. Velner also never reached out to AmberMera007 to apologize to her for falsely labelling her as HM of Quetz, and come to think of it, Velner's never apologized to me for making that same accusation towards me. Velner's never admitted to believing the wrong people and choosing to roll with any and all slander against HM of Quetz, nor has he admitted to bullying HM from Quetz and others based on lies he told and told by others. Velner's never admitted to recent bullying, and he's never told his followers that HM from Quetz wasn't behind any kickings on Quetz, was never on Fenrir, and whenever admitted to any of his wrongdoings. And if Velner was really sorry for anything, he wouldn't have left the comment that he did, on my video prior to this one, after having watched my videos put out pointing out so much about Velner. Let's talk about the other offenders, shall we? Shadowdragon, now known as Serpentdragon. He was the one behind the bad comments about Danders, and he was once more popular than Velner--but not anymore, not after his BS was exposed. Same goes for Spicyryan, after his d**k behavior was exposed, he was on a downward path as well. Not by his choosing. Velner isn't as popular as either of them, yet he's pulling the same sh*t. And there's two more I have to mention: Ben From Alaksa (on YouTube, same name on Twitch) and Ninja Named Jesus (Twitch), two of Velner's followers who have BOLDLY admitted to repeatedly downvoting HM of Quetz's posts on YouTube and on Reddit, and you know what happens when a person's stuff gets mass downvoted? That person gets shadowbanned. It's still happening to HM of Quetz right now. And another deranged offender is Autkast (on Twitch), who believed Velner's despicable lie so much that he resorted to making doxxing threats towards HM of Quetz. Absolutely hideous. Part of me can't help but wonder if Velner's targeting HM from Quetz because she's autistic. For that matter, I have a feeling Velner picks on me because I'm Black. Can you say "HATE CRIME"?! Especially considering the level of harassment. So no, Velner isn't sorry. Velner isn't remorseful. Velner's not contrite. If Velner is all of those things, then I'm Nathan MacKinnon, and there's no Hart Trophy in my place. Check out my video where I call out Velner's fake apology: If Velner was truly sorry, he would tell his watchers on his stream that he was wrong and he would have them spread the word that he was wrong and he bullied HM from Quetz based on bad information, wrong information, and lies, and he would tell them to stop harassing HM of Quetz and to give her a fair chance--as well as to stop the mass downvoting. Velner needs to do the same on Fenrir and on Discord, and he needs to tag everyone on Discord and post a long, long apology admitting to his bullying and slander, basically admit to everything that I just called him out on. When it comes to Velner's live streams on Twitch, the attendance varies. The same people who show up one night, don't appear on the same night. Velner needs to admit he was wrong in front of everyone on the stream and in his linkshells on Fenrir, and he also needs to make that same admission to those who didn't attend any previous streams, especially since they were responsible for the harassment as well. It's not hard to do the right thing. Here's my first blog detailing Velner's hideous history of stalking and bullying, among other things: And here's my second blog calling out Velner's continued acts of harassment: And here's what HM from Quetz had to say about Velner and his BS: And here's HM from Quetz's blog saying that if she's going to be accused of being HM for Asura, she may as well do it:
    8 points
  4. I am so glad that you are standing up to such an odious weasel like Velner. Velner is the ultimate gaslighter and bully; he coerces people to pick on others just for the hell of it. He's another Samaire Armstrong, an actress who urged others to bully me just because I'm for the COVID protocols and I wear a mask. Velner should not be allowed on any form of social media at all.
    8 points
  5. It's a wonderful August day. The NFL season is a month away. A MONTH! I'm still planning my next few Fantasy Football drafts. The sun is shining, all is well... ...until MyCrownIsHeavy had to spread all over like the fungus he is. This whole thing started with a simple discussion about a Lifetime movie. The exact movie was "The Killer With No Name," which aired very recently on Lifetime Movie Network. One person, Casey, watched it and wasn't a fan of the film, and she stated that Lifetime movies that feature podcasts aren't good. I chimed in with polite disagreement; I mentioned The Podcast Murders, which came out in 2022, and added that I loved that movie because it cheered me up after having to watch the Yankees get eliminated by the--ugh--Asstros. Casey said she wasn't a fan of that movie either. This was a nice and good convo between Casey and myself, and then MyCrownIsHeavy had to ruin it by mocking Casey with that "Are you OK?" bullsh*t. The "Are you OK?" bullsh*t is a bullying tactic; MCIH sent that exact reply to Casey because he wanted to mock her for her stance on the Lifetime movie. People who use "Are you OK?" want to portray someone as having something wrong with them mentally just because they have a difference of opinion. That's what MCIH was doing to Casey; he was trying to claim that something was wrong with Casey, when all Casey did was say that she didn't like "The Killer With No Name." I know this tactic very well, I've had it done to me a lot of times by other bullies. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Casey. All she did was say that she wasn't thrilled with that movie. That's it. I called all of the bullsh*t involving MyCrownIsHeavy and "Sista_Loc" out on Tiktok: Of course, MCIH and Sista_loc have been pitching their hissy fit over being called out. This link has the screenshots of their disturbing tweets: https://imgur.com/a/5MxB7Cg And here are the archives: https://archive.is/RfBIy https://archive.is/I2NqD https://archive.is/qXiei https://archive.is/01eKA Casey called out their nonsense on her own blog after I posted my Tiktok: So what's MCIH doing now? Well, he's doing a lot of lying and deflecting, and I mean a lot of it. So MCIH had the gall to send Cosmic Dimensions a series of DMs demanding that the blog and the tweet with the blog be taken down. He later turned the subject to Casey. MCIH said that Casey accused him of being a groomer. She never made that accusation. MCIH said that Casey inferred that he might have children tied up in his basement. She never, ever inferred that. Casey simply said that a former friend of hers was like MCIH; meaning that they would both uses their LGBT orientation to get away with their stuff. it was Casey's former friend who had the children tied up in his basement; she never said it was MCIH who did that. All Casey did was call MCIH out for sending a d**k pic to Casey's 14-y.o. neighbor. MCIH said that Casey's comments had been removed because he reported them to TikTok and Twitter. That's another lie. When the same tweet is over reported, it becomes hidden to the person reporting it, which prevents said person from reporting the tweet over and over. That's the case. MCIH has been abusing that "report tweet" option. Gee, I wonder what that means. I think it means that Twitter knows full well that MCIH is the real problem and that he's repeatedly b***hing because he's butthurt over being rightfully called out. Hmmm. Also, MCIH is claiming to have proof of all of this, yet he's not showing it and not explaining why he's not showing it. So he's clearly lying about this "proof," because when someone says they have proof and they don't show it on the spot, and they give zero explanation as to why, they're clearly lying and trying to buy time to "create" some "proof." About MCIH's LGBT orientation, he's been conveniently revealing it after he's been called out for the stuff he's doing. MCIH never mentioned his orientation until that moment. It's only when he can benefit from it and try to get away with sending the lewd pic that he's a proud member of the community all of a sudden. Other than that, MyCrownIsHeavy doesn't care about the LGBT community. I had asked Cosmic Dimensions if they got anything or if they were harassed for linking the blog publicly. They told me they had received a DM from MCIH, and I asked if I could see the DMs that they were sent. After I was shown the DMs, I received permission to use the screenshots of MCIH's DMs for this blog. They are all featured in this link: https://imgur.com/a/9pR4rsj And here are the archive links. The first two archive links feature the DMs from MCIH. The third link features Casey's tweet, which explains that it was a former friend of hers who had kids locked in the basement. She never said it was MCIH who did that: https://archive.is/VzoCI https://archive.is/6VBRX https://archive.is/r5zab The bottom line: MyCrownIsHeavy needs to get a life, and get a clue, and stop lying. He went from bullying to flat out slander, and he's immensely threatened by proven facts. He needs to get the hell over it. Period.
    8 points
  6. Velner is a male version of Regina George. 1- Looks for/invents reasons to create hate for someone. 2- Makes stuff up to cause/stir drama. 3- Lies about people so there is drama and he can get attention. 4- Says the victim is in love with them to create a false sense of obsession and disturbing mentality. Do I need to continue?
    6 points
  7. This Velner is clearly very disturbed! The drunks where I worked aren't as depraved as he is.
    6 points
  8. Velner is worse. He thrives on making fun of others, bullying others, and coordinating harassment of others. Regarding masks. I am against them, but I believe in freedom of choice where that is concerned.
    6 points
  9. https://www.si.com/mlb/red-sox-of-jarren-duran-issues-apology-for-anti-lgbtq-slur-directed-at-fan-on-sunday Why am I not surprised that it's a Red Sux player who did this? That fan base is full of bigots and morons. And why am I not surprised that Red Sux fans are actually defending him and using the fact that the fan was heckling him as an excuse? There are other ways to respond to the fan if you're not going to ignore it. Using a bigoted slur is not one of them. Something tells me this isn't the first time he's used that slur. He needs to be suspended...big time.
    6 points
  10. https://tvline.com/casting-news/the-rookie-tru-valentino-exit-explained-season-7-statement-1235313666/ I'm still shocked and upset by this. I can't help but sense that something's up regarding Valentino's exit.
    6 points
  11. Stating the obvious. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/meta-ceo-admits-biden-harris-admin-pressured-company-censor-americans
    5 points
  12. Does Velner have nothing better to do than to spread insane slander on his way-too-long Twitch streams? We all know the answer is a big fat "no." So on 9/1/2024, Velner was at it yet again on Twitch, and so was one of his favorite mindless followers: "snowbals," who chimed in with this comment featured in this screenshot: Archive link: https://archive.is/fS6mu So yeah, along with "snowbals" making that comment, Velner delivered his latest blatant lie: he falsely accused Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl of posting a bunch of blogs about Spicyryan. We later hear Velner moan and groan about how he "should have listened to Spicyryan." He needs to shut up. This is the latest bit of evidence proving that Velner isn't the least bit apologetic over all of the bullsh*t he's pulled. Velner is a drama queen. He lives for drama. He loves creating drama. He loves it when others bring drama so he can add on to it. Velner's other obsession is slandering HM from Quetz with every lie he can think of, including his "same person" lie, and the false accusations of insulting Velner's cat Danders--who Velner basically neglects on his streams. It's all Velner has. Velner has nothing going for him other than obsessing over HM from Quetz, his live streams, and gaslighting his gullible, dumb f**k followers. He's a pathetic man-child with a sociopathic streak. Velner has trashed HM from Quetz so much that all he has to do is be vague on details and his b***hes know who he is talking about. Here's my video calling out Velner's latest act of nonsense. I have to make a slight correction. I do mention Velner falsely accusing HM from Quetz of posting "a bunch of blogs" about Spicyryan, and I said in the video that she never posted one. I did recall that HM from Quetz did have ONE blog out calling out Velner and Spicyryan's bullsh*t, but that's it. Last time I checked, ONE is not the same as "a bunch." Here's the video: Here are some past blogs on the subject:
    5 points
  13. I checked out Velner's stream from last night. It took me less than a minute to see how phony that apology was. Come to think of it, All Velner apologized for was assuming you, @Amber Mera, and your friend Sara were Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl. That's it. I'm sure he'd like his followers to think that was good for all he has done. It isn't. He needs to apologize for all he has done; bullying, stalking, harassment, etc.
    5 points
  14. Throughout history, there have been some horrible and fiendish cults; groups such as the Peoples Temple, NXIVM, and worst of all, the Minnesota Vikings fanbase. In recent days, a new hideous cult has reared it's ugly head, and it's led by a nutcase named Velner. Velner spends every one of his many, many hours on Twitch as he slanders "Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl"; telling so many lies that his followers drink it up like cheap beer. Lies such as saying that HM from Quetz and "Hannahmontana from Asura" are one in the same, lying about HM from Quetz and I being the same person, a vicious and disgusting lie that HM from Quetz insulted Velner's cat, Danders, and said that the cat should be skinned. All lies from Velner, and they should not be believed, but his idiot sheep followers take them as gospel. Check out this blog where HM from Quetz decides to finally play as HM from Asura. After all, if she's going to be accused of being HM from Asura, she may as well do it: So Velner gets rightfully called out by HM from Quetz, and by myself as well. And what's the fallout? Harassment from Velner's followers on all sorts of platforms. Here's a look. First off, this screenshot from Reddit featuring a reply from a clown named "Feisty_Mulberry1873" saying, "Nice sock account reply." I had never heard of that phrase, so I did some digging. A sock account, also known as a sock puppet or research account, is a fake online identity that someone creates to hide their true identity. So Mr. Mulberry Bush is saying that the account they replied to is HM from Quetz. It's not. It's mine. CEDJunior is me. So Mr. Mulberry Bush was responding to me and assuming that I'm HM from Quetz. So to him, I must be a White woman. Seriously, if they can't tell the difference between a Black man and a White woman, then they are really beyond any form of saving. Here's the screenshot: Archive: https://archive.is/4ENKz Next up, this idiot named "Poofenplotz" decided to bully HM from Quetz with their dumb f**k reply. I'll have to divide it into segments. First off, the moron says, "You and both your alts need to be banned for bullying." Listen, Poof the Magic Dragon, standing up to bullying is not bullying. I recognize sh*t comments like this because I've been on the receiving end of them; I call out racism, yet I get accused of being "anti-White" when I do it. f**king clowns. Also, he's saying I'm an "alt." I'm no alt. I'm a completely different person who is not HM from Quetz. Poof also says that "your name doesn't cross Velner's mind until you do weird sh*t like this." That's a lie. All Velner does is mention HM from Quetz. It's his life's blood. He has to do it to remain relevant. Here's the screenshot: Archive: https://archive.is/xolIU Finally, we have this bit from Velner's stream, and it features two of his followers showing that they still believe that lie Velner told about HM from Quetz insulting his cat. "BenInAlaska" saying "I would never hurt a cat" was that idiot mocking HM from Quetz calling out that lie against her. Another clown, "Vaeyaden" had the gall to say, "When people make up things to garner sympathy, it flippin' sucks." Ummm, Vaeyaden? You're describing Velner. Velner's the one making sh*t up to sympathy. Plain and sympathy. Here's the screenshot: Archive: https://archive.is/MF0SL Other than being a deranged gaslighter, Velner is not a good pet owner. That's another thing HM from Quetz does much better than Velner. Velner pays very little attention to Danders, and only does so when Danders walks up to him. Even then, Velner shows off his cat just enough to satisfy his followers. In short, he uses Danders for clout. HM from Quetz gives her cats full attention while she plays, because she actually cares about her cats. The same can't be said about Velner regarding Danders. And speaking of his gaslighting, I recently watched an episode of My Crazy Ex, titled "Exposed, De-clothed & Seriously Hosed," which was the fourth episode of the show's second season. The first segment featured a woman, Valerie, who made her ex-boyfriend's life hell by slandering him to her group of followers for clout. In fact, Valerie used her boyfriend for clout throughout their relationship, and when she was dumped, she gaslit her followers into believing that he was mistreating her. Gee, that sounds familiar! Where have I seen gaslighting like this before? Oh yeah! From Velner. He's just like that nutty woman featured in that episode. Two peas in a deranged pod. Check out my video where I call out Velner and his cult:
    5 points
  15. As proven in the video in the blog linked below, I've been accused of being Hannahmontana of Asura. Since I am going to be accused of being Hannahmontana on Asura, I may as well start playing as Hannahmontana of Asura. (ENJOY THE VIDEO)
    5 points
  16. Yeah, Velner is an absolute nutcase and a psychopath, and his followers are every bit as deranged as he is! Good for you for standing up against Velner's bullsh*t!
    5 points
  17. Ah! I remember. That is how I met you. I watched Velner's stream because I was genuinely interested in his content. I was considering playing Final Fantasy XI. I tried asking him a few questions. One of of them was how the population was and if extreme trolling was an issue. That was when he began to accuse me of being this Hannahmontana. I told him I wasn't. He persisted in trying to convince me I was this Hannahmontana. He wouldn't shut up, so I defended myself. I called him a drama king. That's when you came in. I saw as you asked Velner why he was targeting your friend. You explained that just because someone played a character on one server that it did not mean if a character of the same name existed elsewhere that it was here. He came up with a whole host of excuses as he accused you of being her.
    5 points
  18. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/kate-middleton-set-strict-life-rules-royals-while-expanding-family-prince-william-author What the hell? So, Kate got to dictate rules and participation to the queen for a few reasons. The royal family kissed her a**. But Meghan Markle gets bullied and treated like her mental health was a joke. SHUT UP KATE!
    5 points
  19. https://tvline.com/news/911-lone-star-cancelled-season-6-fox-1235282793/ Yeah, we all saw this coming. It is such a mess the way it's bowing out. And we can't blame the strike for this. We can blame Rob Lowe, though.
    4 points
  20. 9-1-1 Faces Deadly ‘Bee-nado’ in First Teaser for Season 8 Premiere A "bee-nado"! WOW! That should be very epic! Bring on Season 8!!!
    4 points
  21. https://tvline.com/news/disney-directv-carriage-dispute-abc-espn-1235325492/ What, AGAIN?! Seriously, what the f**k is up with Disney? And this comes EXACTLY one year after Disney and Spectrum were butting heads, and as someone who has Spectrum, I remember this so well. It had me scared to death, especially because, much like this year's dispute, it came just DAYS before the NFL season started. ESPN airs Monday Night Football, and has since 2006, while ABC has pretty much returned to the MNF spotlight in the last couple of years (MNF had aired on ABC from 1970 until the end of the 2005 season). The first Monday Night Football game will air on September 9. If this dispute is anything like the one with Spectrum last year, watch Disney and DirecTV conveniently come to an agreement next Monday morning--HOURS before that first game starts, because they want that NFL money. That's how the whole sh*t between Disney and Spectrum ended. Though, again, if it's anything like last year, those of you with DirecTV: prepare to lose some channels. We Spectrum people did. One of them was Freeform. Yeah, I don't have Freeform any more because of that drama last year, though to be honest, once Cruel Summer got canceled, I wasn't sweating it. I will miss the Halloween and Christmas stuff on that channel, though I think a lot of that can be found on Disney+. Even so, this drama is just crazy
    4 points
  22. Vermont urges everyone to replace ‘son' and 'daughter' with 'gender-neutral' terms in schools Now it's wrong to say SON or DAUGHTER? WTF! This is going overboard.
    4 points
  23. All Velner is doing is humiliating himself further. He's just damaged goods.
    4 points
  24. So of course, Velner blew up his big "same person" lie very recently, and here's my blog about that: Velner continued his disgusting conduct in his latest stream (8/30/2024), which saw him continue to do nothing when one of his followers, known as "snowbals," claimed that someone coming to Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl's defense was HM from Quetz. So that proves that Velner's not the least bit remorseful as he claimed, and he still believes that lie. Here's my video calling him out for that: In addition, Velner actually banned AmberMera007 simply for asking a question. AmberMera007 wanted to know why Velner was laughing when someone called someone the N word in a chat. So I was right. Velner is a racist. That explains why he targets me so much. Here's the tweet: Archive link: https://archive.is/Q3Maq Velner also fat shamed his own cat, Danders, saying, "I have one cat, but he's really, really big," and even saying that Danders is actually TWO cats. That's basically the same as calling Danders fat. That shows that he doesn't care about Danders, because if you care about and love your pet, you don't make fun of your pet's weight. HM from Quetz would never do that. If HM from Quetz had a cat like Danders, she would never call him fat. She would say that a cat like Danders has a weight issue, but would make such loving and wonderful comments about a cat like Danders. HM from Quetz loves her cats. Velner doesn't seem to care about Danders unless he can use him to get attention from his viewers during his streams. And again, Velner's definitely not sorry one bit. Velner is classless, remorseless, and sociopathic. Here are some past blogs on the subject:
    4 points
  25. His tone, when he apologized was very insincere. I hope he never takes up acting.
    4 points
  26. You make a great point. I believe that Velner only apologized for the wrongful same person assumptions in order to manipulate the situation in his favor. Think about it. Look at the comment Velner left to his YouTube Video. He tries very hard to convince him that he's the victim and Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl is psychotic. Then he apologized for the same person accusations. I firmly believe Velner is hoping me, @CEDAvsFan, and his friend Sara will believe him and then view HM as the problem.
    4 points
  27. Velner wasn't sincere. That apology was just for show. The comment he left you, after he watched your video, is proof enough.
    4 points
  28. You're a black man. HM from Quetz is a white female. How can Velner and co get you both mixed up?
    4 points
  29. Velner needs to be sentenced to life in prison without any chance of parole!
    4 points
  30. Simone Biles: Packers Colors To a Chicago Bears Game?! WTF was Simone Biles thinking?
    4 points
  31. https://tvline.com/news/john-slattery-the-rainmaker-cast-usa-network-john-grisham-1235318325/ This is a hell of a gig for John Slattery; should be absolutely entertaining!
    4 points
  32. Magician David Copperfield sued by NYC condo board for trashing, neglecting $7M Manhattan penthouse Copperfield's a piece of work; holy f**k what a clown SMH.
    4 points
  33. https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/1824973-disney-plus-hulu-espn-streaming-price-hikes Supply and demand strikes again, and those three apps are in big time demand. I do love the Disney Bundle, though.
    4 points
  34. Paris 2024 is about to end. After the controversial opening ceremony and an egomaniacal gymnast who ruined the experience, I am definitely saying no to LA 2028. Instead, Milano/Cortina 2026 is in my sights next.
    4 points
  35. YES!!! YES!!! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!! A first look at the teaser trailer and a first look at Gal Gadot as the GOAT of villainesses, the Evil Queen! This film. as a whole, will be epic as f**k! I can't wait to check this bad boy out!!!
    4 points
  36. MyCrownIsHeavy is full of all kinds of stupid.
    4 points
  37. The victim complex is strong with MyCrownIsHeavy.
    4 points
  38. https://tvline.com/casting-news/law-and-order-organized-crime-dean-norris-promoted-season-5-cast-randall-peacock-1235324795/ Very excellent casting news! Dean Norris is always in demand and now he'll have this along with his upcoming appearance on Ghosts.
    3 points
  39. Velner is a piece of work. I feel awful for what your friend Hannahmontana of Quetzalcoatl is going through. I was once a victim of Velner too. It's been a long time though. One of his followers doxxed me. It got ugly. I lost my job. I lost my place to live. I had to move in with my parents. The way Velner behaved last night is just how he is when he wants to have more of an impact. Right now he's working on the victim angle while trying to appear as if he is the bigger person.
    3 points
  40. https://nypost.com/2024/08/29/sports/jacoby-brissett-named-patriots-starting-qb-after-battle-with-rookie-drake-maye/ Should be interesting to see how the Patriors fare in their first year with Jerod Mayo as head coach.
    3 points
  41. He sucks at apologizing. My 11 year old cousin could see how phony he is.
    3 points
  42. He spent a majority of his near 6 hour stream, last night, doing just that.
    3 points
  43. Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy Poster Previews Renée Zellweger’s Return Very interesting return here; I've been a fan of Renée Zellweger for a long time, and she is phenomenal!
    3 points
  44. https://dailycaller.com/2024/08/15/squatter-hunter-warning-california/ I've heard about the squatter problem out here in California; it's just wild and crazy!
    3 points
  45. https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/1829321-freaky-friday-2-title-logo Freakier Friday sounds good.
    3 points
  46. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13728555/Release-date-Bridget-Jones-4-revealed.html I never knew a 4th was happening.
    3 points
  47. It's that spoiled elitist White privilege. Kate's a bully, a racist, and a tone-deaf c**t. It's a prime example of a double standard we see all the time. White person bullies their way to everything: passionate. POC politely asks for something: "crybaby, ungrateful, etc." Kate needs to just go f**k herself.
    3 points
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