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Brian Joel Kemp: Gaslighter, misogynist, and more!



The Brian Joel Kemp that is harassing my friends Miley and Clyde, is now targeting me.


Some background info (via blogs by Clyde and Miley)




It's become obvious that Brian Kemp is stalking Miley and Clyde's social media. I never tagged him.








Now Brian is referring to Clyde as butthurt because Clyde blocked him. Last I checked, blocking someone because of harassment isn't butthurt. Clyde blocked him because he's a complete d**che canoe, a bully, a narcissist, and a whole host of unpleasant things. Brian also attempts to intimidate me to shutting up. There's one things wrong with his baseless libel and slander claim. I gave my opinion. Clyde and Miley have proven everything they've said. Anything that was purely opinion, was stated so.



Brian Kemp also has anger issues. He tags those that run Threads in a level 10 toddler tantrum. The post he shows that got removed, I can see why it was removed. I need not say why.



It is never a good idea to tag those that run the site you're posting on while having a tantrum in a post.



Brian Kemp has shown himself to be very unstable, narcissistic, borderline sociopathic, with stalker and abuser potential. To the right people, he puts across the right image. The fake image of an honest hardworking man.

Do good honest men stalk and harass women for speaking up?

Do good honest men have big tantrums over rightful removals of posts?

Do good honest men attack women online for standing up for themselves?

Do good honest men threaten women?

Do good honest men act like race baiters?

Do good honest men try to falsely make themselves appear to be victims when they're not?

Do good honest men try to falsely portray someone as racist?

Do good honest men try to gaslight others against those speaking the honest truth?



Do I really need to go on?

Do, I don't. I've made my point about the a** clown.

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Recommended Comments

13 hours ago, Vanessa Redlynn said:

I've watched this matter closely. I think Brian Kemp is an abusive type.

It took me half a minute to see that. 

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Even if Brian is truly 100% a victim of Carissa Shaw, does he not realize that his actions here can cause doubt to be raised?


Personally I think Brian did some of what Carissa is accusing him of. I am in no way on her side. She's guilty of far worse.

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