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Brian Joel Kemp: Harassment, Veiled Threats, And Intimidation



Brian Joel Kemp has now taken it upon himself to harass me on the Threads app. But before I get into that, check out my past blog regarding Brian Joel Kemp to get caught up.



Here's a video I made about harassment and threats from Brian Joel Kemp.

(same video is on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok)





Screenshots that were in the video.


ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/GewzY




ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/YguP7




ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/LS2vq




ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/d7QFA




ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/YU8na




ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/htTvd




ARCHIVED: https://archive.is/IKSyP





There's 2 particular comments by Brian Joel Kemp that I want to go into detail about.



COMMENT#1 of 2.


Brian Joel Kemp is being awfully vague when saying "You don't know what I did to keep her happy.". That speaks VOLUMES! Also he's making a veiled threat to intimidate me into making everything I've said about my encounter with him...disappear. Not a chance. Not happening.



COMMENT#2 of 2.


What Brian Joel Kemp is saying is I have no right to speak up about his bad behavior towards and about me. AND... that he has every right to come after me for speaking up. He also refers to me as a "psycho" for speaking up. When he says "...about issues you know nothing.", I guess he is speaking about how some of his behavior is warning signs of an abusive type. Well I do know something because there's this thing called the internet, google, and looking up signs of an abuser. Oh and I've lived through abuse.

This is a very typical pattern of the one who's guilty of being the aggressor. Play the victim as they justify their behavior. Call the victim a psycho while trying to falsely portray them as the aggressor.



To think, all this started with Brian Joel Kemp coming after me for stating obvious facts.


After this I rightfully called out the weak excuse. He's the one that chose to give out his passcodes. So he is liable for whatever happens because of it. The way that thread of comments continued, he kept coming at me and others who responded to me. The way he responded to me and the other women was very different than how he responded to the one man.



Originally here, I thought it was a dumb move for him to be the type to give out his passcodes to Carissa Shaw.  But via 2 Instagram stories, he revealed himself to believe that if someone you are with asks to search your stuff, you have to let them.


In the first Instagram story of Brian Joel Kemp's that I show, he shows one of the top warning signs of an abuser. That which I went into detail in my prior blog, which is linked up at the beginning of this one.

In the 2nd Instagram story he shows only part of the comment thread and spins it how he wants onlookers to see it.



I honestly  thought I had blocked Brian Joel Kemp already, but this time I made sure I blocked him on Instagram and Threads.


If Brian Joel Kemp tries to bother me elsewhere, he will be blocked there too.



Those who know me, know that after I speak my peace on a matter, I move on and don't speak about it again unless absolutely necessary.



Lastly about Brian Joel Kemp...

1) He needs to quit acting like I came at him first when evidence shows he came at me first.

2) He exhibits warning signs of an abuser.

3) He's currently trying to intimidate me into making my speaking up about him...disappear.

4) And finally he... (see below)



What Brian Joel Kemp needs to do is grow up and move on.

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I'll sum up your blog in 5 sentences or less.


Brian is angry you spoke out and is trying to silence you. He is harassing you because he's trying to beat you down. He obviously hates strong woman. 

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What the f**k is wrong with that narcissistic idiot? He started going after you. Now he wants to be some helpless victim. He sucks at it.

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