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A Deep Dive into "bstylin62" and Her Wave of Deception, Delusion, and Manipulation



 You know, these insane and deranged Instacart shoppers are like cockroaches, they're everywhere! 

So sometime ago, I discovered tweets from someone known as "bstylin62," who works as an Instacart shopper and was ranting about being tip baited by a customer. Here's the thing. "bstylin62" (whose real name is Bethany Marie Stiles) was lying about being tip baited. Even her tweet revealed that she made the whole thing up. Her tweet said that the customer took back items from the order. Common sense clearly states that you can't change the tip after you place the order, until order is marked as delivered. So yeah, she was making that up big time.




This whole thing was called out in this video, seen below:



And here's the tweet that started it all. Bethany tagged my friend in her initial tweet reply towards myself. She then responded to it and then deleted the tweet in which she tagged my friend. And she did so to make it look like my friend was the one who tweeted and deleted. Later on, Bethany Marie Stiles would go on to change her story about the mentioned customer.

Here's the screenshot and archive link:



The video above, I posted that on September 23, 2024. When I woke up on the morning of September 24, 2024, I went to Twitter and discovered that while I was asleep, Bethany totally doubled on her delusional bullsh*t with several condescending tweets. She resorted to all sorts of tricks and desperate acts to prove her severe lack of a point. It was pathetic. Here's what she did, bit by bit. First off, Bethany Marie Stiles tries to change her story and claim that the customer placed an order with two items, added more, and then took off the items and the tip. You can't remove a tip given at the placing of an order until after it's delivered. Bethany keeps on lying. At one point she stated no tip was involved, yet now there is. Which is it, Bethany Marie Stiles?


Here's the screenshot and the archive link:




Next up, Bethany goes into "chest-pounding" mode; boasting about being soooooo good at her job. "I always double back, never stolen." And she goes on to even claim that she helps disabled people. Why the need to go that route if you're such a good person? It really sounds like Bethany is reaching, and doing a hell of a job of doing so. I mean, just look at this. The boasting, the arrogance, it's ridiculous! She's expecting us to literally bow down to her just because she's so "good" at her job. It's f**king pathetic!

Here's the screenshot and archive link:




What followed is a string of tweets from Bethany where she lies, deflects, and manipulates. Let's look at the first one. She says "I deleted no tweets." Yes she did. When this whole thing started, Bethany tagged my friend in her initial tweet reply towards myself. She then responded to it and then deleted the tweet in which she tagged my friend. And she did so to make it look like my friend was the one who tweeted and deleted. Also, she lashed out over a literal video posted about her, yet she had no problem sharing all sorts of information about her customers. The second tweet shown is short, but also damning, trying to tell me that I'm on the "wrong side on this one." Yeah, Bethany is trying to drive a wedge between myself and my friends, and it's so obvious. And the third tweet is more chest pounding; boasting about having a "five star rating" and how many orders she's done. Blah, blah, blah. 

Here's the screenshot and the archive link:




Next is this tweet, again trying to convince me that I'm "mad at the wrong person." I guess these Instacart shoppers gotta stick together. When one customer speaks up, gotta come together and swoop in for the attack. Again, Bethany is trying to cause a divide between myself and my friend; she's trying to get me to turn against a friend I've had for a number of years, in favor of some no-name who I have known for a cup of coffee. Bethany is absolutely pathetic.

Here's the archive link and the screenshot:




And here's Bethany boasting yet again, and now she's playing the victim, claiming that my friend and I are "threatening" her. Bethany also voices her outrage over her personal info being looked up, which it wasn't. Various things she's posted in public view reveal her name. Yet she had no problem publicizing her customers' personal info and basically endangering them. I wonder how much of it she's deleted now just to cover her a**. The hypocrisy from Bethany is absolutely outrageous, and her victim complex could fill up Chicago's Soldier Field 10 times over.

Here's the archive link and the screenshot:




Finally, Bethany tweets, "I'm reporting this." Oh boy. She pulls this sh*t, trolls us with her nonsense, lies through her teeth, tries to manipulate me into turning against my friend, and when all of that fails and she's rightfully called out, she plays victim and makes idle threats. Bethany is a Karen with a capital "K," and she is just reaching with her bullsh*t and her deception.

Here's the archive link and the screenshot:



So to recap, this all started when Bethany tagged my friend in a reply and then deleted it to make it look like my friend did the tweeting and deleting. Then she claimed that the customer made an order with two items, then more, and then took off with the items and tip. And she originally said there was no tip, but then said there was. Also, in one story, Bethany said all items were removed, but in another story, the claim was all but two were removed. Which is it? Bethany follows it up with a barrage of tweets boasting about how "good" of a job she does, followed by her hypocritical "outrage" over a video being posted about her, and then it's her sick plot to drive a wedge between me and my friend. And then, after realizing that I'm not drinking her Kool-Aid, she says "I'm reporting this." Wow.

In closing, Bethany Marie Stiles is nothing more than a liar, a manipulator, and a deranged Karen. She's nothing more than a petulant child who desperately wants things her way, and when she can't make that happen, she stamps her feet, throws her temper tantrum, and makes idle threats. The woman is delusional. She needs help...big time.


I called out all of Bethany's lies and attempted manipulation in this video:



Bethany Marie Stiles is an insane and delusional liar and manipulator. She is not to be believed or taken seriously. The woman needs professional help. Though I fear she may be beyond help at this point.

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That woman appears to be very unstable. I highly doubt she is a good shopper like she says. 

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11 minutes ago, Zenon said:

That woman appears to be very unstable. I highly doubt she is a good shopper like she says. 

She isn't. She's over embelishing.

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OH WOW! That shopper is very disturbed. What kind of person messes with their customers over petty things?

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