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"NancyKarenBrian" and Her Vast Wave of Bullying and HATEFUL Anti-LGBT Posts



Evil comes in many forms, folks. We are taught this many times in our lives. In this case, evil comes in the form of a so-called college professor who goes by "nancykarenbrian" on Twitter. So to start it off, Nancy horned in on my friend's tweet about that Instacart shopper, Brittany, stealing her order and shouting that slur at her. Instantly, Nancy victim shamed my friend in one tweet, asking "How do you know this person is telling the truth?" and all that garbage. She then falsely claimed that she apologized to my friend, claiming that she didn't understand that my friend was stolen from, and that she didn't see my friend's name. She was lying; she saw my friend's name and she knew what happened; she just wanted to shame and bully my friend. Nancy later referred to her bullying tweets as "fine and informative," while making that false rant about Biden and Harris raising prices (they didn't). '

Nancy then turned her hatred towards me, as she couldn't handle the fact that I called her "explanation" what it really was:  a rant. She then tried to White-splain economics to me, acting like I didn't know anything--even saying "I know economics, you don't," and accused me of "piling on." Nancy told me, a Black man, that I was "piling on." She's accusing me of being a thug; she thinks all Black people have some sort of "posse" that gangs up on people like her. Seriously, where does this b***h get the nerve to act the way she does. Oh, and to the surprise of no one, she's a Trump supporter. That explains why she has the brain the size of an atom.



Here's the tweet where Nancy accuses me of "piling on":





All of this was called out on Tiktok, and I took that video to YouTube:




The video ended with a tweet from Nancy where she reveals her MAGAdom, and she also accuses Democrats of "not knowing what a woman is." Yep, she's transphobic. She's a horrendous anti-LGBT bigot. And here's the thing. That's not her only transphobic tweet. In the immortal words of the late, great Jimmy Durante, "She's got a million of 'em!" Here they are, in all of their HIDEOUS display.


First off, this "gem," which starts out with the whole "I have trans friends" bullsh*t, which is the equivalent of "Some my friends are (insert marginalized community here)." However, she refers to trans people as "having mental issues," and will "never have kids." And this woman is a professor. Clearly her White privilege got her hired, because Nancy's a f**king idiot. Here's the archive link and the screenshot:




Here's Nancy's tweet where she misgenders a trans man:





Nancy supporting Trump's anti-LGBT policy and misgendering trans women:





Nancy encouraging people to boo and harass a trans woman just for being a trans woman:





Nancy's hateful rhetoric against Transgender Visibility Day, claiming that those who support the trans community "hate Christians." What a f**king c**t.





Nancy having a hair up her a** over Trans Visbility Day falling on Easter; more hateful rhetoric:





And here's Nancy voicing her desire to not see POCs or LGBT people with jobs:





More misgendering from dumb bigot Nancy:





Another hateful post where Nancy states that trans people aren't normal:





Here's Nancy wanting to be Candace c**t Bure so badly, more hateful crap against LGBT:





Nancy doing her world's worst Helen Lovejoy impression in her anti-trans bigoted tweet:





Nancy spewing transphobic hate towards Lia Thomas:





The transphobic psycho strikes again:





Nancy not only defending her transphobia, but basically threatening a trans woman:





And lookie here! Nancy being a transphobic b***h yet again. It must be a day with a "Y" in it:





And now this b***h is trying to say trans people are all autistic. Good grief. Reminds me of Jenny McCarthy's stupid sh*t where she said vaccines cause autism.


Archive:  https://archive.is/SLLuN






And to no surprise, Nancy's one of those "there are only two genders" type morons:





I have to talk about this. So Nancy thinks Pride Month "excludes" all heterosexuals. OMG. This reminds me of the racists who b***h about Black History Month and whine, "WAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAH!! How come there's no White History Month?!" Much like White people, heterosexuals have the rest of the calendar. Nancy needs to get the f**k over herself.





Oh, look! More misgendering!!!





And even more misgendering! Yikes. 





And here's Nancy thinking that heterosexuals are "oppressed." God, she's dumb.





And the insanity continues. Turns out that--surprise, surprise--Nancy believes that racist lie about Jamaican and Haitian immigrants. You know, the lie that Trump and JD Vance had been spreading? The one that Vance ADMITTED was a lie?! Yeah, that one






All of this should tell you all you need to know about Nancy Karen Brian! She is a hideously evil racist and bigot, spewing hateful rhetoric against marginalized communities for such a long time!!! And she's a professor of interior design in Fresno, California?! A person that awful shouldn't be teaching anything; Lord knows how many innocent minds she's warped with her deranged views and bigotry!

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I think that this woman has far too much prejudice in her heart to be considered someone that should be listened to.

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