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FOLLOW UP TO: (PLEASE READ and WATCH everything in the blog below to be caught up)

Now you're all caught up, proceed to continue to read everything below.




I've done a video about the matter.


But regardless if you watch it or not, I will touch base on what I've said (and more) below.




The latest email from Instacart's "Trust&Safety" team.

(Received at: 6:29pm ET on Friday September 20, 2024.)


LOLx1000! When I saw this, I couldn't stop laughing because just 2 days prior (on 9/18/2024) I had put in for ACCOUNT DELETION. I did so about 2 hours after I received the email from Instacart's "Trust & Safety" (9/18/2024 at 2:17am ET) telling me to remove everything I post regarding the matter in which their shopper "Brittany of Jacksonville, FL" stole my entire $200 order. So they're "deactivating" the account in which I put in for deletion? LOL. Okay, go ahead Instacart I won't miss you.




The emails I got regarding requesting account deletion.


When a person requests account deletion of their Instacart account, the above here is what they get. It looks like I've only put in for a private information request, but this is what I got when I put in for deletion around close to 4am on Wednesday September 18, 2024; barely 2 hours after I received that email from Instacart's "Trust&Safety" team. Oh and it can clearly be seen what I changed my name to in my Instacart account before I requested deletion. I felt it perfectly reflected Instacart's true values that they've shown.




As a refresher, here's the email I received at 2:17am ET on 9/18/2024 from Instacart's "Trust&Safety" team trying to intimidate me into keeping quiet about their shopper "Brittany of Jacksonville FL" stealing my $200 order.


No. I'm definitely NOT removing anything and I won't keep quiet. If I do, then it makes me as bad as them because I'd be enabling and endorsing their poor treatment of others.




REMINDER: The Instacart shopper that started all this by stealing my entire $200 order on 9/13/2024.


This (above) is the woman Instacart is trying to protect by trying (and failing miserably) to silence, censor, and punish me.




Now that I've given some core basics, it's time to touch base on the contents of that email I was sent LATE yesterday on Friday 9/20/2024.


"We’re deactivating your Instacart account due to sharing private information related to a shopper on 9/19."

LOL! Like I care. I requested deletion. So how is this punishing me like they think? It's not. Especially since it is obvious I never intend to use their services again.


"You agree that you are responsible for all conduct and transactions that take place on or using your account and that you will take precautions to keep your password and other account information secure."

Okay so it's wrong to share anything within my Instacart account. Got it. So if I want to share my own info, I guess that's violating Instacart policy. That's what this implies. I guess this means anyone and everyone that's shared information from their account is in violation. Their logic is flawed.


"You agree that you will comply with all applicable laws when accessing or using Instacart’s Services, you will adhere to the Instacart Community Guidelines for Customers, and you will respect those who you encounter in your use of the Services, including personal shoppers, Instacart personnel, and individuals who support Instacart’s Help Center."

So I guess that by speaking up and speaking out about "Brittany of Jacksonville FL" stealing my $200 order it is "disrespectful". Ummm, no it's not. I have a right to speak up about  what happened. I am not posting private information. A pic and first name is not posting/sharing private information. If it was then Instacart themselves is in violation of this policy just by attaching every shopper's pic and first name to each order. Oh wait! So would everyone on the internet that's ever shared a pic with a name.


"Instacart reserves the right to decline orders, refuse partial or full delivery, terminate or restrict access to accounts or Services, and/or cancel orders at any time in its sole discretion."

By Instacart throwing this in my face, considering what has happened, this is VERY HEAVILY IMPLYING that it's okay and they condone "Brittany of Jacksonville FL" stealing my entire $200 order. This is also saying that Instacart has a right to just take a customer's money without delivering their order for whatever reason AND get away with it.


"Please also see the Instacart Community Guidelines for Customers, which prohibit unsafe, disrespectful, and dishonest behavior. Instacart may take appropriate action, including termination of customer accounts, for any violation of the Guidelines."

Tried to take a look, but I get a "Sorry, this page doesn't exist". Hmmm. But  to comment on the rest... According to Instacart I am unsafe, disrespectful, and dishonest. Well, I guess anyone speaking up about their atrocities is considered those 3 things.


"If you believe this was done in error, please contact us by replying directly to this email."

Oh. I plan to respond and that response will be below a bit.

Instacart logic is very flawed in so many ways.




And now here is the email I just sent in response to the latest from Instacart's "Trust&Safety" team.


Just telling it like it is.



Instacart obviously doesn't like that I've spoken up about my experience with them and their shopper "Brittany of Jacksonville FL" for stealing my $200 order. If they would have done something and not tried to short change me, victim blame, victim shame me... then I wouldn't have had a reason to speak up except to say a shopper stole from me and praise to Instacart for taking care of it. But, of course, things didn't happen that way.

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Instacart continues to be delusional as all hell! You had already put in for deletion of the account on 9/18, and then on 9/20, they go, "We're deactivating your account for blah blah blah." So I did some homework and found out that a person applying for deletion has 30 days to change their mind on that. Basically, that's 30 days for you to gain more evidence against them. Now, Instacart can't allow the truth about them to get in the way of their own bullsh*t, so they act all big and say "we're deactivating," to cover their a**.

Also, the account was put in for deletion barely over two hours after they made their sh*tty intimidation attempt. They claimed that "confidential info" was shared on 9/19, yet their original email b***hing about it was sent on 9/18. Instacart continues to change sh*t to fit their delusional crap! They are full of sh*t. Are we sure that Trump and JD Vance aren't running Instacart? This sh*t sounds like crap that those two morons would pull.

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26 minutes ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Instacart continues to be delusional as all hell! You had already put in for deletion of the account on 9/18, and then on 9/20, they go, "We're deactivating your account for blah blah blah." So I did some homework and found out that a person applying for deletion has 30 days to change their mind on that. Basically, that's 30 days for you to gain more evidence against them. Now, Instacart can't allow the truth about them to get in the way of their own bullsh*t, so they act all big and say "we're deactivating," to cover their a**.

Also, the account was put in for deletion barely over two hours after they made their sh*tty intimidation attempt. They claimed that "confidential info" was shared on 9/19, yet their original email b***hing about it was sent on 9/18. Instacart continues to change sh*t to fit their delusional crap! They are full of sh*t. Are we sure that Trump and JD Vance aren't running Instacart? This sh*t sounds like crap that those two morons would pull.

I was about to point all that out myself. I am curious about something. Why is the Instacart Trust and Safety putting so much focus on her? Is it because she brought up that Brittany said she was acting like a n**g*r and that she (@Elektra) is offended that Brittany thinks she is okay with that word?

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Is Trust and Safety trying to gaslight you into begging for your account back?

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5 hours ago, CEDAvsFan said:

Instacart continues to be delusional as all hell! You had already put in for deletion of the account on 9/18, and then on 9/20, they go, "We're deactivating your account for blah blah blah." So I did some homework and found out that a person applying for deletion has 30 days to change their mind on that. Basically, that's 30 days for you to gain more evidence against them. Now, Instacart can't allow the truth about them to get in the way of their own bullsh*t, so they act all big and say "we're deactivating," to cover their a**.

Also, the account was put in for deletion barely over two hours after they made their sh*tty intimidation attempt. They claimed that "confidential info" was shared on 9/19, yet their original email b***hing about it was sent on 9/18. Instacart continues to change sh*t to fit their delusional crap! They are full of sh*t. Are we sure that Trump and JD Vance aren't running Instacart? This sh*t sounds like crap that those two morons would pull.

Instacart is shady as sh*t. Do those f**kers not realize that the more they pull their sh*t, the worse they look. 

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2 hours ago, Philip Gipson said:

I'm so happy that Instacart's getting called out constantly for their nonsense. They deserve it.

Instacart = InstaDipsh*ts

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