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Instacart: A Tale of Bullying, Thievery, and Greed



 I've never had the experience of having groceries delivered to me, but if I ever decide to order groceries, I know this:  I will not be using Instacart. Here's why:


Archive:  https://archive.ph/cqfoB

On September 13, 2024, my friend placed an order on Instacart--an order that cost $200. The woman in the photo above is Brittany, an Instacart shopper in Jacksonville, Florida who was supposed to deliver the order. Sadly, there were problems from the get-go. For one, there was no communication from Brittany's side; my friend attempted to speak with Brittany, but never heard back. The biggest problem came later; as Brittany drove up with the order, she actually screamed at my friend, "If you tipped better, you would get your order," and then told my friend (who is White), "Don't act like an N-word." Regarding the first half of that statement, my friend gave a 35% tip to Brittany. THIRTY-FIVE PERCENT! That wasn't enough for Brittany?! And then there's Brittany's use of the N-word. Methinks that Brittany hurled that slur thinking that because my friend is White like Brittany, she would think in the same way as Brittany. Nope. My friend does not share Brittany's mindset. Not one bit.



So of course, my friend reported this to Instacart, and here's the email response they sent:


Archive:  https://archive.is/DhysL




Archive:  https://archive.is/L2hXc

Now take a look at that one key sentence:  "We have removed the shopper in question from your account, so you won't be paired with them in the future." You know what they're saying? They're saying, "We won't fire Brittany, we'll just keep her away from you and have other customers deal with her, so she can do the same sh*t to other customers like they did to my friend! In addition, Instacart attempted to shortchange my friend by only offering to refund $8.50!! The order was $200. When they did provide a refund, it was only $188.51! Where's the remaining $11.49?! They are that damn petty that they'll do anything to keep my friend from getting everything she's owed. It's sickening. Also, Instacart is acting like my friend never sent them any evidence; telling her to send a DM to them like that. She did send evidence, yet they are pulling this sh*t and acting like she didn't. Seriously, Instacart will just lie, lie, lie to keep their delusions alive.



Here's the screenshot of the statement showing that $188.51 refund:


Archive:  https://archive.is/q905L



On September 14, 2024, my friend called out Instacart's hideous conduct on Instagram:


Archive:  https://archive.ph/kCp4s




Archive:  https://archive.is/yhJx0



And on September 15, 2024, Instacart gave the following response:


Archive:  https://archive.ph/JmZbZ

So after all the sh*t that Instacart has done to my friend--enabling Brittany's thievery, the attempts to shortchange her multiple times, the gaslighting, and the BS statements--they have the nerve to deliver that cookie cutter, generic reply?! Instacart is absolutely clueless and out of touch with reality. Part of that order had good food for my friend's cats, but because of Brittany's thievery, they didn't get their food, and honestly, Instacart and Brittany are directly responsible for that.



But just when we thought that was the end of it, Instacart decided to lose what was left of their minds. On September 18, 2024, Instacart sent this email to my friend:


I've heard of reaching, but this is just a scary level of delusion. First off, my friend was accused of "sharing confidential information from the Instacart app." She didn't. She did no such thing. If they are talking about their email address, that's not confidential information. It's public information! And then there's that "for the safety of all the members of the Instacart community" jazz. They can't be serious. This is a clear case of attempted intimidation; they are trying to scare my friend, and myself, into being quiet about this, because they can't handle the truth about how f**king shady they are. And to think, they are resorting to all of this to protect Brittany. That's who they are doing this for. And I can't help but wonder:  would Instacart defend Brittany like this if she were a woman of color? Somehow, I doubt they would.



Here are a few videos calling out Instacart's bullsh*t. First off, my video calling out their defense of Brittany:





Next up, my video calling out Instacart's attempt to threaten me and my friend:






Check out my good friend's video about her ordeal with Instacart:






And here's my friend's blog about her ordeal with Instacart:






And here's my friend calling out Instacart's attempts to intimidate and silence her:




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This is how Instacart operates.

I had an account 2 years ago. One of their shoppers was drunk when he delivered and hit on me. He put his hands on my chest and slapped me twice when I told him to stop. I had to shove him away from me. He was arrested. Instacart did nothing about it despite evidence proving every word. They even suspended my account. Their reason was they said I assaulted their driver and made false allegations. I showed them video proof. That wasn't enough.

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What Instacart has done is so twisted and sick! I emailed their trust and safety team to give them a piece of my mind.

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13 hours ago, Maxie D said:

This is how Instacart operates.

I had an account 2 years ago. One of their shoppers was drunk when he delivered and hit on me. He put his hands on my chest and slapped me twice when I told him to stop. I had to shove him away from me. He was arrested. Instacart did nothing about it despite evidence proving every word. They even suspended my account. Their reason was they said I assaulted their driver and made false allegations. I showed them video proof. That wasn't enough.

WTF OMG! Don't bother fighting to unsuspend your account. It's not worth it.

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