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Even More Hideous Conduct from Velner



So of course, Velner blew up his big "same person" lie very recently, and here's my blog about that:



Velner continued his disgusting conduct in his latest stream (8/30/2024), which saw him continue to do nothing when one of his followers, known as "snowbals," claimed that someone coming to Hannahmontana from Quetzalcoatl's defense was HM from Quetz. So that proves that Velner's not the least bit remorseful as he claimed, and he still believes that lie. Here's my video calling him out for that:



In addition, Velner actually banned AmberMera007 simply for asking a question. AmberMera007 wanted to know why Velner was laughing when someone called someone the N word in a chat. So I was right. Velner is a racist. That explains why he targets me so much. Here's the tweet:

Archive link:  https://archive.is/Q3Maq


Velner also fat shamed his own cat, Danders, saying, "I have one cat, but he's really, really big," and even saying that Danders is actually TWO cats. That's basically the same as calling Danders fat. That shows that he doesn't care about Danders, because if you care about and love your pet, you don't make fun of your pet's weight. HM from Quetz would never do that. If HM from Quetz had a cat like Danders, she would never call him fat. She would say that a cat like Danders has a weight issue, but would make such loving and wonderful comments about a cat like Danders. HM from Quetz loves her cats. Velner doesn't seem to care about Danders unless he can use him to get attention from his viewers during his streams. And again, Velner's definitely not sorry one bit. Velner is classless, remorseless, and sociopathic. 



Here are some past blogs on the subject:



First up, my blog about Velner's history of stalking and harassment, among other things:


Next up, my blog calling out Velner and his sheep of followers being bullies:


And my blog that calls out Velner's fake "apology":


Here's HM from Quetz's blog calling out Velner's BS:


And here's HM from Quetz's blog saying that if she's going to be accused of being HM for Asura, she may as well do it:



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I knew that apology was just for show. I tried to speak up during his live stream Friday night. I asked if he meant that apology. He could have said yes or no or that he didn't want to talk about it. But he banned me from his channel. That doesn't sound like someone thats sorry. 


Even if he said he wanted to be left alone, I'd understand. But saying nothing and banning says alot.

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